Understanding the Suit of Pentacles Tarot Cards, Symbolism and Theme

Symbolism of Suit of Pentacles

Stars, Pentacles, circles, rings. The suit is sometimes symbolized by the five-pointed star within a circle, known as a pentagram or pentacle.

Element Pentacles

Earth. Earth represents stability, material concerns, practicality, and the tangible aspects of life. The Pentacles cards often deal with issues related to finances, work, health, and the physical world.

Understanding the Suit of Pentacles

Pentacles often signify material well-being, financial stability, and success. They may suggest a period of growth and abundance, both in the financial and practical aspects of life.


The suit is sometimes symbolized by the five-pointed star within a circle, known as a pentagram or pentacle. Each point of the star can represent one of the five elements (earth, water, air, fire, and spirit), with the pentacle emphasizing earthly and practical aspects.


The overall theme of the suit of Pentacles in Tarot revolves around the material and practical aspects of life. Pentacles often signify financial stability, abundance, and success in material endeavors. The cards may suggest a focus on building and maintaining wealth.