"Amidst the shadows of adversity, the glow of perseverance illuminates the path."

5. Five of Pentacles

Survival mode, poverty, lack mindset, financial struggles and hardship.
Pulling yourself out of poverty, financial recovery, paying back debts.


Survival mode, poverty, lack mindset, financial struggles and hardship.

The Five of Pentacles represents financial struggles and hardship, being in survival mode, having a lack mindset, being trapped or limited by your poverty. This can be a period of lack, adversity, and struggle to keep yourself afloat financially.

The Five of Pentacles suggests that something has occurred that has affected your finances, perhaps you have lost a source of income, or an asset that you were banking on fell through, perhaps your finances aren't as resilient as your thought they were. When we lose our financial security it's not only a massive blow to our ego, it can create imbalances and stress in our lives. Money and security helps us solve problems quicker and more effectively, it helps us create what we want to create, have what we desire to a certain extend. Money is a safety net for many people, and for good reason. Although the Five of Pentacles can bruise our egos and hinder our lives, it can help create a better relationship with our finances, a relationship built on resilience and safety. We can learn the implications of risk and rewards and how to create a more stable and secure relationship with money. Just remember that this poverty is temporary, and you have the resources and power within you to lift yourself out of this poverty.

The Five of Pentacles can be an indication that you are so focused on what's lacking, so focused on what you don't have, that you are missing opportunities in-front of you. This card often depicts a man or a woman homeless, out in the cold, limited by their poverty, there's no home or protection, however this is a church with it's lights on giving off a warm glow. These people are so focused on what they're lacking that this miss opportunities that are right in-front of them. Sometimes we wait to be rescued, we want someone who has all the remedies and answers to show up at our doorstep. It's important to be proactive, ask for help, ask for support where you need it, let go of your pride and look for an opportunity to pull yourself out of this situation.

- Financial hardships and struggle.
- Survival mode.
- Lost a source of income.
- Lack mindset.
- Bad relationship with your finances.
- Focusing on what you don't have.
- Missing opportunities.

Love and Relationships

The Five of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships indicates a period of challenges and hardships within your romantic life:

Financial Strain: This card often suggests financial difficulties impacting your relationship. You or your partner may be experiencing financial stress, which can put a strain on your love life.

Emotional Isolation: The Five of Pentacles also signifies emotional isolation or feelings of being left out in the cold. You or your partner might feel neglected or unsupported, leading to emotional distance.

Health and Spirituality

The Five of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of physical and spiritual challenges:

Health Struggles: This card suggests that you may be facing health challenges or physical discomfort. It's essential to address these issues promptly and seek appropriate medical care if necessary.

Spiritual Isolation: On the spiritual front, the Five of Pentacles signifies a sense of isolation or disconnection from your spiritual practices. You might be feeling spiritually adrift or lacking a sense of purpose.

Material Concerns: It can also indicate that material concerns or financial worries are affecting your overall well-being and spirituality. Financial stress may be distracting you from your spiritual journey.

Money and Career

The Five of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a challenging period in your financial and professional life:

Financial Hardship: This card often points to financial difficulties or setbacks in your career. You may be experiencing financial strain, such as debts, job loss, or unexpected expenses.

Career Struggles: It can also represent challenges in your professional life, such as difficulties at work, a lack of job satisfaction, or feeling undervalued in your current position.

Material Concerns: The Five of Pentacles suggests that material concerns are taking center stage, potentially overshadowing your career goals. Financial stress can impact your job performance and overall well-being.

Reversed General

Pulling yourself out of poverty, financial recovery, paying back debts.

The Five of Pentacles reversed represents pulling yourself out of financial hardship and poverty, it is a positive sign that you are on your way to bringing stability back into your life. The Five of Pentacles reversed can also suggest the end to a difficult period. This may mean that you are coming into new jobs or opportunities that will bring more stability into your life.

The Five of Pentacles reversed can indicate changes within your financial sphere. You have just gone through significant hardship, you understand the burden and limitation of poverty. You are humbled and letting go of past mistakes that lead you to that poverty. With your experience and knowledge you are working on methodically creating abundance in your life. Working towards stabilizing your assets, creating better more efficient streams of income, creating additional streams of income, budgeting better and more efficiently. This is leading you to become more financially robust and secure.

The Five of Pentacles reversed can be an indication of paying back debts, working hard to get your life back to a point of wealth, stability and prosperity. You may have gone through a period of struggle, and during that time you had to borrow money, or look to friends and family for handouts. Remind yourself that it is totally okay that you reached out for support, and a great way to show you gratitude is to repay the people that supported you through your difficult time. Pay back debts you owe, show your supporters love and affection through action. This is a great time to repay and acknowledge those that helped you out of your hole.

You are working to create a wealth and abundance mindset for yourself, looking out for opportunities and experiences that can enrich your life in different ways. You are working towards creating a healthier relationship with money and finance, knowing that this all starts with your mindset.  Changing your mindset from lack to abundance. This is a fantastic time to do abundance meditations, gratitude journaling and financial visualization sessions. You're becoming aware that wealth is a state of mind, focusing on opportunity in-front of your rather than focusing on what you don't have. It is a complete shift in awareness and understanding that has amazing positive affects.

- Pulling yourself out of poverty.
- Paying back debts.
- Financial recovery.
- Moving into an abundance mindset.
- Wealth is a state of mind.
- Healthier relationship with money.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Five of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a positive shift in your romantic life:

Overcoming Hardships: This card suggests that you and your partner, or a potential partner, are moving past difficult times in your relationship. The hardships that once strained your connection are beginning to ease.

Reconnection: In the realm of love, the reversal indicates a rekindling of emotional intimacy and improved communication. You and your partner may be more open and supportive of each other's needs.

Financial Relief: It can also represent a sense of financial relief within the relationship. You may have overcome financial struggles that were previously affecting your love life, leading to a more harmonious partnership.

Mutual Support: The reversed Five of Pentacles encourages mutual support and a willingness to work together through challenges. This can strengthen your bond and help you grow as a couple.

Renewed Hope: Overall, this card brings renewed hope for your love life. It's a reminder that, even in the face of difficulties, you and your partner have the capacity to overcome obstacles and build a stronger, more resilient relationship. If you're single, it suggests that you're ready to leave past relationship challenges behind and open yourself up to new, more positive romantic possibilities.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Five of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a positive turn in your physical and spiritual well-being:

Improved Health: This card indicates that you are experiencing improvement in your physical health. Health issues or discomfort may be subsiding, and you're on the path to recovery and wellness.

Spiritual Reconnection: On the spiritual front, the reversal signifies a reconnection to your spiritual path. You might be finding your way back to your spiritual practices, experiencing a sense of purpose, or feeling more connected to your beliefs.

Financial Stability: It can also imply better financial stability, with fewer material concerns affecting your overall well-being and spirituality.

Seeking Balance: The reversed Five of Pentacles encourages you to continue seeking a balance between your physical and spiritual needs. This balance will support your overall sense of well-being and personal growth.

Optimism: Overall, this card brings optimism and hope for both your health and spiritual journey. It's a reminder that challenges are not insurmountable, and with perseverance, you can experience healing, growth, and spiritual reconnection.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Five of Pentacles typically suggests a negative outcome or a "no" answer. This card represents hardship, financial difficulties, and feeling left out in the cold. It indicates a period of struggle or lack, where one may be feeling abandoned or overlooked. Therefore, if the Five of Pentacles appears in a "yes or no" spread, it often signifies that the answer is negative, urging caution and resilience in navigating through challenging circumstances.