"In the garden of patience, seeds of success take root.

7. Seven of Pentacles

Investment, progress, planning, hard work and patience.
Scattered goals and direction, limited rewards, inadequate compensation.


Investment, progress, planning, hard work and patience.

The Seven of Pentacles represents planning, investing, long-term progress and expansion, you are sowing the seeds now so you can reap the rewards later on. Often the card depicts a man taking a break from his labor to admire the work he's achieved. He can look at the work that he's put into this endeavor, however he is not ready to reap the rewards just yet. He is patiently waiting for his long-term goals to come to fruition, knowing he has worked hard to place the seeds.

The Seven of Pentacles is about planning for the future. It follows after of the the Five of Pentacles, which is about financial poverty and hardship, and the Six of Pentacles which is about charity, debt and the notion of giving to those that need it. It can be an indication that you've gone through financial hardship and managed to get back on your feet. You are now in a position to start building something for yourself. The Seven of Pentacles suggests that you now have the means to put time and energy into what you want to achieve. Perhaps you have a financial goal you want to reach, or a new career path or investment opportunity. This is a time for working hard, gathering information, putting in the effort to network or accustom yourself. The Seven of Pentacles can often suggest that if you're putting in the hard yards now, there's a good chance that this project is going to come to fruition.

The Seven of Pentacles can indicate you're not looking for quick wins. You are not wanting to gamble your way to success or abundance. You are planning on working methodically and consistently on the goals you want to achieve, you are aiming for long-term sustainable results. You have you goal in mind and you're putting your time and energy into making sure you get to where you wanna be. You are focusing each day on what you can do to get a little close to where you wanna be. You may also be tired and fatigued from this endeavor but you can rest with pride, knowing that you've put you 100% into this.

- Long-term vision.
- Planning for the future.
- Sowing the seeds.
- Patience.
- Investment.
- Goals and vision.

Love and Relationships

The Seven of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of assessment and investment in your romantic life:

Relationship Growth: The Seven of Pentacles represents growth within the relationship itself. You and your partner may be experiencing improved communication, increased emotional intimacy, and a stronger bond.

Future Planning: It advises you to continue nurturing your relationship and setting goals for its future. This is an excellent time to discuss your aspirations as a couple and work together to achieve them.

Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of growth, and improvement in your physical and spiritual well-being:

Patience Rewarded: It signifies that your patience and dedication to your health and spiritual growth are starting to yield positive results. Your efforts in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and deepening your spiritual connection are paying off.

Physical and Spiritual Investment: The Seven of Pentacles represents growth on both the physical and spiritual fronts. You may be devoting yourself to experiencing improved physical health, greater vitality, and a deeper sense of spiritual fulfillment.

Future Planning: It advises you to continue nurturing both your physical health and spiritual practices. Set new goals for personal growth in both areas and work toward them diligently.

Spiritual development: Overall, this card suggests investing in your spiritual journey, you are making progress towards greater spiritual mastery. You are on the right path, and your efforts are leading to positive outcomes. Keep tending to your physical and spiritual well-being, and you'll likely continue to experience growth and a deeper sense of fulfillment.

Money and Career

The Seven of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of assessment and growth in your financial and professional life:

Assessment: This card suggests that you are taking a moment to assess your career and financial progress. You are examining the results of your hard work and considering whether your current path aligns with your long-term goals.

Patience Rewarded: It indicates that your patience and diligence are paying off. You have been investing time and effort into your career, and now you're starting to see the fruits of your labor.

Financial Growth: The Seven of Pentacles signifies financial growth and stability. You may be experiencing an increase in income, seeing your investments grow, or reaping the rewards of a well-executed financial plan.

Future Planning: It advises you to continue planning for the future and making strategic decisions regarding your finances and career. This is an excellent time to set new goals and work toward them.

Contentment: Overall, the Seven of Pentacles suggests a sense of contentment and satisfaction in your financial and professional life. You are on the right track, and your efforts are leading to positive outcomes. Keep nurturing your career and financial endeavors, and you'll likely continue to see growth and success.

Reversed General

Scattered goals and direction, limited rewards, inadequate compensation.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed often represents scattered goals or direction, working towards goals that are not serving your highest purpose, or working towards goals that will not deliver the outcome you think it will. This is a time to reflect on whether what you're working towards will give you what you desire, or whether the compensation is going to be worth the investment.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed calls your to question whether you're investing in something that's worth it. You may be pouring time and energy into something that will not deliver what you think it will. Sometimes when we invest lot's of time and energy into something we choose to ignore red flags because we are scared to come to turns with how much time and energy we've wasted on it. This can be in reference to a financial endeavor, a job, a relationship or a friendship, anything that takes up our precious time and energy. This is known as sunk cost fallacy, where we don't want to give up on our investment, we want it to succeed so badly that we ignore all the warning signs.

The Seven of Pentacles reversed can suggest that something you thought would bring you happiness is causing you more stress or fatigue than expected. This is a time to access where you are investing your time and energy, in regards to finances, work, relationships and aspects of yourself.  Analyze which parts of your life should take priority over others. Our time and energy is precious, we need to take the time to objectively see what is working for us, giving us energy and value and what is not. Ask yourself, are you feeling valued in your job? Are you feeling needed and wanted in your relationships? What in your life gives your energy and what drains your energy? Answering this questions is crucial to figuring out where your should prioritize your time and energy.

- Investing in something that may not be worth it.
- Scattered goals and direction.
- Inadequate compensation.
- Undervalued.
- Limited reward.
- Over investment.
- Chasing losses.
- Giving away too much of your time and energy.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Seven of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a need for reevaluation and potential impatience within your romantic life:

Impatience: In its reversed position, this card may indicate impatience regarding the progress of your relationship. You might be eager for results or expecting changes to happen more quickly than they are.

Reevaluating Commitment: It can also imply that you or your partner are reconsidering the level of commitment in the relationship. There might be doubts about the long-term viability or goals of the partnership.

Lack of Progress: The reversal can signify a sense of stagnation in your romantic life. You may feel like you're putting in effort but not seeing the desired growth or improvement.

Communication Issues: This card advises open communication about your relationship's direction and goals. Address any concerns or impatience with your partner to ensure you're on the same page.

Patience and Reflection: Overall, the Seven of Pentacles reversed suggests the need for patience and reflection in your love life. Take the time to assess your relationship, communicate openly, and set realistic expectations. With effort and understanding, you can work together to achieve your desired outcomes and strengthen your bond.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a need for reevaluation and potential impatience in your journey toward physical and spiritual well-being:

Impatience with Progress: In its reversed position, this card may suggest impatience when it comes to your health and spiritual growth. You might be eager for quick results or feeling frustrated by the slow pace of improvement.

Lack of Progress: The reversal can indicate a sense of stagnation or a feeling that your efforts in pursuing a healthier lifestyle or deeper spiritual connection are not yielding the expected results.

Need for Reevaluation: It advises you to reevaluate your health and spiritual practices. Consider whether your current approach is effective and aligned with your goals.

Seeking Guidance: Don't hesitate to seek guidance or support, whether it's from a healthcare professional for your physical health or a spiritual mentor for your spiritual journey.

Patience and Adaptation: Overall, the Seven of Pentacles reversed encourages patience and adaptability. Understand that progress in health and spirituality can be gradual, and it's okay to make adjustments to your approach. With persistence and a willingness to adapt, you can achieve your desired well-being and spiritual growth.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Seven of Pentacles often suggests a neutral or uncertain outcome. This card represents assessment, patience, and reevaluation of progress. It indicates a period of waiting or reflecting on investments and efforts made thus far. Therefore, if the Seven of Pentacles appears in a "yes or no" spread, it suggests that the situation may require further evaluation or patience before a definitive "yes" or "no" answer can be given.