"Grasp tightly to what you value, but do not let your grip strangle the very treasures you wish to protect."

4. Four of Pentacles

Savings, investing, financial protection and security, frugality, conservation.
Negative relationship with money, financial insecurity, hoarding wealth.


Savings, investing, financial protection and security, frugality, conservation.

The Four of Pentacles represents savings, investment, protecting yourself financially, being frugal and conservative with your money. The Four of Pentacles often has both positive and negative outlooks. Saving and investing your money can be amazing for long-term protection, security and personal goals. However, it can also be viewed as obsession and scarcity mindset which can lead to an over value of money and possessions, which can lead to obsessively cutting costs, hoarding money and possessions, missing out on fun activities or amazing things because you don't want to spend. While it's amazing to reach your financial goals and maintain that sense of financial security, it's important to not become greedy, overly conservative or materialistic in the pursuit of these goals.

The Four of Pentacles can suggests that your are working towards creating wealth and abundance for yourself, keeping yourself focused, your spending conservatively and looking for ways to grow your income. You may be working towards a savings plan, writing down savings goals, putting a certain amount of money away each week, investing your money all with prospects of future financial abundance. You maybe working through a budget, perhaps you're saving for a holiday, saving for a house or a car, putting money towards a big purchase.

The Four of Pentacles can suggest that you are putting your savings plan into action. Perhaps instead of spending your money on certain things, instead you're putting your money in a high interest savings account or investment fund. You have your eye on the prize, perhaps you have the goal of financial freedom, or you want more financial security so you can lead a more lavish lifestyle. It's okay to put your money away now so that you can reap the bigger rewards in the future. Maintaining a temporary scarcity mindset with future goals in mind can be beneficial when wanting to reach those goals sooner rather than later. It's important to maintain awareness of your relationship with money, how you see it, how you spend it, what goals you want your money to reach. When we understand what we want from our money, we can align ourselves with our financial goals better.

The Four of Pentacles can often represent a scarcity mindset. When we're in savings mode we can often become really protective over our finances. The card often depicts a character holding onto his coins a little too tightly, representing the fact that this person doesn't want to lose control of their finances. When we are holding onto our finances obsessively we can become to rigid with our lives, constantly putting finances before other important aspects such as friendship, experiences, ourselves and our relationships. Money often works best when it's in flow, money is energy that wants to be put to work to create the reality you desire. You may feel like deep down your are missing out on amazing things because you are too hyper-focused on saving. If you are hyper focused on saving, that's okay as long as it's a temporary mindset to help us reach our goal faster. We don't want to perpetually be in a scarcity mindset because we feel deep down that we are foregoing experiences and things that would attribute to our happiness.

- Savings and investment.
- Scarcity mindset.
- Budgets.
- Financial goals.
- Putting a savings plan into action.
- Protective over our finances.
- Conservatism.

Love and Relationships

In a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, the Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes various aspects that can influence your romantic life:

Possessiveness: The Four of Pentacles often suggests a need for security and control in a relationship. It can indicate a partner or both individuals clinging to material possessions or emotional security.

Stability: On a positive note, this card represents the desire for stability and security in your romantic relationship. You and your partner may value financial or emotional security, and this can be a strong foundation for a lasting relationship.

Generosity: While this card can imply a degree of possessiveness, it also reminds you to be generous and open-hearted with your partner. Love isn't just about holding on to what you have but also about giving and sharing.

Long-Term Perspective: This card often reflects a focus on the long-term prospects of the relationship. It's about building a solid foundation and ensuring that your romantic connection is grounded in reality.

In summary, the Four of Pentacles in an upright position highlights the need for security, stability, and a sense of control in your romantic relationship. While it's essential to protect your interests and maintain stability, it's equally important to be open and generous with your partner. Communicate your needs, and work together to create a balanced and lasting love connection.

Health and Spirituality

In a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, the upright Four of Pentacles signifies the themes of savings, financial protection, and security, but when applied to these aspects of your life, it carries a broader, metaphorical interpretation. Here's what it might represent:

Financial Security and Inner Peace: Just as this card often represents financial security, it also pertains to your inner world. Through your spiritual practices, you find emotional and mental stability. You've built a strong foundation for your spiritual journey, allowing you to navigate life's challenges with resilience.

Conservation of Energy: In the realm of spirituality, conserving your energy is essential. You understand the importance of balanced self-care and the preservation of vital spiritual energy. This enables you to progress steadily on your path, avoiding burnout.

Frugality in Spiritual Choices: The card encourages a mindful approach to your spiritual choices. You don't waste your resources (time, energy, attention) on practices that don't align with your values. You are discerning, making efficient choices on your spiritual journey.

Protection from Negativity: The Four of Pentacles, with its protective symbolism, can signify your ability to shield yourself from negativity or distractions on your spiritual path. You keep your focus on what truly matters and protect your inner peace.

Overall, the Four of Pentacles in a health and spirituality context embodies the principles of prudent spiritual investments and disciplined inner resource management. It emphasizes the importance of safeguarding your inner well-being and staying committed to your spiritual growth. Just as you protect your finances for a secure future, you guard your inner self for a harmonious spiritual journey.

Money and Career

When the Four of Pentacles appears in a tarot spread related to money and career, it signifies several key themes that can provide valuable insights:

Financial Security and Stability: The Four of Pentacles suggests a strong focus on achieving and maintaining financial security in your career. You may be conservative in your approach, valuing stability and the accumulation of wealth. This card emphasizes the importance of having a secure financial foundation.

Frugality and Budgeting: You are likely diligent about managing your finances and practicing frugality in your career. This card encourages you to be mindful of your spending, budgeting effectively, and avoiding unnecessary expenses. It's a reminder to make the most of your resources.

Investing Wisely: In your career, this card indicates a thoughtful approach to investments. You understand the value of making calculated decisions to yield long-term benefits. You may be considering investments in your professional development or business ventures.

Conservative Risk Management: You tend to approach career risks with caution, focusing on minimizing potential losses. While this is a sensible strategy, it also encourages you to explore new opportunities within your comfort zone.

Savings for Future Goals: The Four of Pentacles underscores the importance of saving and planning for your long-term financial goals. It encourages you to build a strong financial foundation that can support your career aspirations.

Material Success: This card may indicate a period of material success and achievement in your career. You are likely to enjoy the fruits of your labor and experience a sense of accomplishment.

Overall, the Four of Pentacles in a money and career context emphasizes the importance of financial stability, careful financial management, and the value of frugality. It encourages you to protect and grow your financial resources wisely to support your career ambitions and long-term goals. While prudence is essential, it also suggests considering calculated risks to expand your career horizons.

Reversed General

Negative relationship with money, financial insecurity, hoarding wealth.

The Four of Pentacles reversed represents a negative relationship with money, finances, saving or spending usually bought on by greed and insecurity. When the Four of Pentacles reversed appears in a reading it's time to assess your relationship with money, perhaps you are becoming to greedy, overspending, under-saving, perhaps you're obsessed with your finances or you're acting careless. Whatever it may be. the Four of Pentacles reversed indicates that it's time to align you relationship with your values and goals in a positive and sustainable way.

The Four of Pentacles can suggest greed. You are potentially putting lots of your time and energy into earning more money, but at the cost of what? You're hyper-focused on creating more wealth for yourself but it's at your own detriment. What are you working towards? Are you making money to reach a goal, or are you making money just for the sake of making more money? The Four of Pentacles reversed can indicate that we are in protection mode, we are chasing more stability and more security, trying to create a barrier of safety or power. Wealth can provide a security blanket for most people, it helps you feel protected, often like a safety net. However, we need to make sure that our wealth doesn't become a barrier shielding us from the real gems and priceless treasures that life has to offer us.

The Four of Pentacles reversed can also indicate over spending, perhaps we aren't being frugal enough with our money. It's important to spend on things we love that make us happy. However, spending shouldn't be to our own detriment or to prove anything to ourselves or to others. When the Four of Pentacles reversed appears it's time to ask if we are spending on things that make us happy, or whether we are trying to prove our self -worth to others by showcasing how much superficial bullshit we own? You may be spending heaps of money thinking it will bring your happiness, or believing that it will prove your worth to others. It's time to make a reassessment of your relationship with your spending and what makes your spend unconsciously? What is to your own detriment? And how can your improve your relationship with money and saving?

- Toxic relationship with saving.
- Protective over finances.
- Hoarding wealth.
- Attempting to prove ourselves with money.
- Making money for the sake of making money.
- Greed.
- Hoarding wealth.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, the Four of Pentacles reversed suggests that issues related to money, financial insecurity, or a negative attitude towards wealth may be impacting your romantic life. Here's what this card might signify:

Financial Insecurity's Influence: The reversed Four of Pentacles implies that concerns about financial stability, debt, or a lack of resources are affecting your relationship. These worries can lead to tension, arguments, or emotional distance between you and your partner.

Hoarding Emotions: In the context of love, this card can represent emotional withholding. You or your partner may be holding back feelings, fearing vulnerability. This emotional guardedness can hinder intimacy and lead to misunderstandings.

Material Focus: There might be an overemphasis on material possessions, status, or financial success in your relationship. This can lead to a lack of emotional connection as you or your partner prioritize material gains over the bond you share.

Need for Generosity: The card encourages both partners to address their financial concerns openly and honestly. Rather than hoarding emotions or resources, it suggests that finding ways to share and support each other during times of financial difficulty can strengthen your relationship.

Letting Go of Financial Baggage: To improve your relationship, it's crucial to release any financial baggage and cultivate a sense of trust and partnership. Working together to address financial issues can lead to a healthier and more balanced connection.

Overall, the reversed Four of Pentacles in a love spread highlights the impact of financial insecurities and materialism on your relationship. It serves as a reminder to address these concerns openly, prioritize emotional connection, and work together to build a more stable and loving partnership.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, the reversed Four of Pentacles signals the presence of financial insecurities and a potentially negative relationship with money that may be affecting your overall well-being. Here's what this card might signify in this context:

Financial Stress and Health: The reversed Four of Pentacles suggests that financial worries and insecurity can take a toll on your health. Stress related to money matters can lead to physical and emotional health challenges, like anxiety, sleep disturbances, or even physical ailments.

Material Obsession: This card may point to an overemphasis on material possessions or financial success in your spiritual journey. You might be too focused on accumulating wealth, which can hinder your spiritual growth and connection with higher purposes.

Resistance to Change: Spirituality often involves a journey of personal growth and transformation. The reversed Four of Pentacles can indicate resistance to change or an attachment to the past, which may be holding you back from evolving spiritually.

Hoarding Resources: In a spiritual context, this card can signify an unwillingness to share knowledge or spiritual insights with others. Hoarding these resources might hinder your own growth and the growth of your spiritual community.

The reversed Four of Pentacles encourages you to evaluate your relationship with money and its impact on your spiritual well-being. It underscores the importance of releasing financial stress, finding a balanced perspective on material possessions, and embracing change as part of your spiritual growth journey. By addressing these aspects, you can enhance your overall health and spiritual development.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Four of Pentacles generally suggests a "yes," but it comes with caution. The card emphasizes stability and security, indicating that sticking to known paths or maintaining the status quo might be necessary to preserve what you currently have. It advises frugality and careful management of resources, suggesting that now may not be the best time for risky moves or substantial changes​.