"In the currency of kindness, wealth is measured by generosity."

6. Six of Pentacles

Support, redistributing wealth, generosity, sharing and recieving.
Toxic generosity, one sided charity, power dynamics, debt.


Support, redistributing wealth, generosity, sharing and recieving.

The Six of Pentacles represents support through giving, redistributing your wealth, community, generosity, the process of giving and receiving. The Six of Pentacles is the inverse of the Five of Pentacles where you are on the other side of the spectrum. The Five of Pentacles being that you are in need of financial support and the Six of Pentacles being that you have enough abundance  to help those around you. In life, sometimes we are on the giving end, and sometimes we are on the receiving end, it's important to be humbled by both. Take note of those who helped you at your lowest and remember to help those who need it, you never know if one day you'll require their help in the future.

The Six of Pentacles can represent the dynamic of community support, where you give what you have plenty of, it can be an indication of creating social welfare, where there is a healthy redistribution of wealth. Communities thrive when there is healthy dynamics of giving and receiving, when those that need help can easily have access to it. This can take the form of charity, donations, and it doesn't necessarily mean money, it can also me donating your time or your skills to a worthy cause, helping a friend or family member out, caring for a person or animal. It is a healthy expression of kindness and empathy, the understanding that everyone at some point needs help and support.

The Six of Pentacles can indicate that you have accumulated wealth and abundance and you're in a position to offer financial support. Perhaps you are looking to donate generously to a charity of your choice, or perhaps you're looking to begin a non-for-profit charity that supports a certain cause you're passionate about. You're looking to expand your life through giving and helping others, offering your time, money, energy to those that need it.

The Six of Pentacles can suggest you're loaning money to someone, perhaps a friend or family member, You're giving money in good faith that they will pay you back. It's important to help those that need our support but also remember that throwing money at a situation doesn't always remedy it. Sometimes donating our time and energy into helping someone towards self-sufficiency is also just as charitable.

- Financial support.
- Giving and receiving.
- Donating your time and energy.
- Donating to charity.
- Supporting your community.
- Giving what you can.
- Helping others get on their feet.
- Loaning money.
- Generosity.

Love and Relationships

The Six of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a balanced and generous approach to your romantic life:

Equality in Giving: This card suggests a relationship where both partners give and receive equally. It signifies a harmonious balance of love, care, and support shared between you and your partner.

Mutual Generosity: In terms of emotions, the Six of Pentacles indicates that you and your partner are both generous with your affection and attention. You willingly support and uplift each other.

Material and Emotional Support: This card can also represent financial and material support within the relationship. You and your partner may share resources or provide for each other in practical ways.

Health and Spirituality

The Six of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a harmonious and balanced approach to your physical well-being and spiritual journey:

Balanced Health: This card suggests that you are maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle. You are likely taking care of your physical health through proper nutrition, exercise, and self-care routines.

Generosity of Spirit: In terms of spirituality, the Six of Pentacles indicates a generous and compassionate spirit. You may be actively involved in acts of kindness, charity, or service that align with your spiritual beliefs.

Sharing Knowledge: This card may also signify your willingness to share your spiritual knowledge and experiences with others. You are open to teaching and learning from others on your spiritual path.

Holistic Well-Being: It suggests a holistic approach to well-being, where your physical health and spiritual growth complement each other. You understand that a healthy body and a fulfilled spirit go hand in hand.

Abundance and Fulfillment: Overall, the Six of Pentacles encourages you to continue on this path of balance and generosity. By nurturing both your physical health and spiritual connection, you can experience a sense of abundance, fulfillment, and a deeper connection to yourself and others.

Money and Career

The Six of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about career and money represents a balanced and generous approach to wealth and work:

Financial Balance: This card signifies financial equilibrium. You are likely managing your finances wisely, neither overspending nor hoarding wealth excessively.

Charitable Giving: The Six of Pentacles also suggests a willingness to share your resources. In your career, you may be in a position to help others financially or through mentorship, which can lead to positive connections and opportunities.

Fair Compensation: In terms of work, it indicates that you are being fairly compensated for your efforts. You may have found a job or financial situation where your contributions are acknowledged and rewarded adequately.

Prosperity: Financially, this card can indicate a period of stability and moderate prosperity. You have enough to meet your needs and some extra to help others or invest in further financial growth.

Positive Karma: Overall, the Six of Pentacles advises you to maintain a balanced and generous attitude towards money and work. Your willingness to give back and share your resources can lead to both financial and personal fulfillment, fostering positive karma and abundance in your life.

Reversed General

Toxic generosity, one sided charity, power dynamics, debt.

The Six of Pentacles reversed represents toxic generosity, one sided charity, sometimes it can represent unfair power dynamics that use financial support as manipulation, it can also indicate debt or unpaid debts and sometimes can indicate that you're are being too generous and giving away more than you can afford. When you receive the Six of Pentacles reversed it asks us to assess our relationship with charity and giving to others, it's important to ask what's behind this gesture of giving? Sometimes if we look under the surface of a transaction there may be underlying toxic aspects to this charity.

The Six of Pentacles reversed can suggest you may be loaning money that you can't afford to give out right now. Often we give money because we want to be perceived as charitable or wealthy. Giving can be a sign that we are successful and abundant. However, this kind of charity is coming from a toxic place, it's coming from a place of seeking approval. Sometimes people run charities or donate large amounts of money to give off the impression that they are good people. It's important to ask yourself whether your charity is coming from a self-centered place? Do you feel the need to look like a good person in-front of your peers? If so, maybe it's time to come to terms with this aspect of yourself. Be mindful of your spending at this time and also keep in mind not to gloat about how much wealth you have.

The Six of Pentacles reversed can also warn us of getting into debt, or loaning money from somewhere that could be a further detriment to us. Be mindful of how much you could actually afford to pay back. Debt can be a dangerous thing that can lead to financial consequences so be careful of signing into anything without knowing all the details and having awareness of your ability to pay everything back.

The Six of Pentacles reversed can represent financial power dynamics, where one party may use their wealth and power to give generously to others but their generosity comes at a price, or there is conditions or implications of accepting their gifts. Often it can be a manipulation technique use by wealthy people, to give their money away so others around them are in debt to them, that way they can obtain control and power over them. Be mindful of accepting charitable donations, make sure these donations are coming from an authentic place.

- Toxic generosity.
- One sided charity.
- Unpaid debts.
- Caution for entering into debt.
- Unfair financial power dynamics.
- Loaning money you can afford to give out.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Six of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests potential issues related to giving and receiving within your romantic life:

Unequal Exchange: In its reversed position, this card may indicate an uneven exchange of love and affection in your relationship. You or your partner might feel that one is giving more than the other, causing tension or resentment.

Materialism Over Love: The reversal can signify that material concerns or financial issues are taking precedence over emotional connection and love. This could strain the relationship as the focus shifts away from genuine affection.

Generosity Concerns: You might question the authenticity of your partner's generosity or your own. There may be doubts about whether acts of kindness and giving come from a place of love or obligation.

Reevaluate Relationship Dynamics: This card advises you to reevaluate the dynamics of your relationship, particularly when it comes to sharing and giving. Open and honest communication is essential to address any disparities and ensure a more balanced and fulfilling partnership.

Balance Love and Materialism: Overall, the reversed Six of Pentacles suggests the need to find a balance between material concerns and emotional intimacy. By fostering a loving, giving, and mutually supportive atmosphere, you can strengthen your relationship and resolve any issues related to unequal exchanges of affection or resources.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Six of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a need to reevaluate your approach to both physical well-being and your spiritual journey:

Imbalanced Health: In its reversed position, this card suggests an imbalance in your physical health. You might be neglecting self-care or overindulging in unhealthy habits, potentially affecting your overall well-being.

Spiritual Disconnect: The reversal may signify a disconnection from your spiritual path. You could be feeling spiritually adrift or struggling to find meaning and purpose in your practices.

Materialistic Focus: It might suggest that you're placing too much emphasis on material possessions or external validation, rather than focusing on your inner health and spiritual growth.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Six of Pentacles suggests a positive outcome or a "yes" answer. This card represents generosity, charity, and balance in giving and receiving. It indicates a willingness to share resources and support others, as well as the potential for receiving help when needed. Therefore, if the Six of Pentacles appears in a "yes or no" spread, it typically signifies that the answer is affirmative, encouraging you to embrace the spirit of generosity and reciprocity in your actions.