"In the craftsmanship of dedication, mastery finds its home."

8. Eight of Pentacles

Mastery and skills development, work, apprenticeship, repetition.
Bored, unmotivated, lack of inspiration/commitment, need to rest.


Mastery and skills development, work, apprenticeship, repetition.

The Eight of Pentacles represents mastery and skill development, working methodically towards a goal or vision, work, apprenticeship, development and dedication. The card often shows a man who is tending to a project, working on his coins. There is a small town or community in the background, but he is far away from the hustle and bustle and distractions that come with everyday life, he is focused on what's in-front of him.

The Eight of Pentacles is about applying yourself, working hard on improving you skills to become a master of something. This can signify change in career, lifestyle, education or financial endeavors. You are working towards something big, with your eye on the prize you work towards it methodically and diligently. This can signal doing repetitive tasks, working day after day, staying focused on what's in-front of you, you may go through a period of isolation from your day to day life, from social circles or distractions. You are planning on staying concentrated on your goals.

The Eight of Pentacles can represent repetition, working on a task over and over until you become master of what you're learning. This takes dedication and lot's of work and effort. Perhaps you are working on becoming a master of whatever you are passionate about, you don't just want to be good, you want to be great. This card can suggest working towards a goal, an assignment at university, a target at work, a fitness goal, a health or lifestyle change, perhaps you have a savings or investment goal. Whatever it may be, this task is not something that can be achieved in a small period of time, this goal takes time and steady commitment, working day after day to get to where you want to be.

If you receive the Eight of Pentacles in a reading and you're currently in a slump where you're not focusing on your goals, this can signify that it's maybe time to put time and attention to working on something bigger. Ask yourself, what am I most passionate about? What goals have I been putting off for a long time? What is holding me back from working towards my dreams and desires? If you are thinking about taking on a new financial, educational, personal or career endeavor, the Eight of Pentacles can be a green light signal to get started.

- Skills and development.
- Working methodically towards a goal.
- Daily practice and learning.
- Repetition.
- Taking time away to focus on your goals.
- Investment.
- Mastery.

Love and Relationships

The Eight of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a focus on dedication, craftsmanship, and growth within your romantic life:

Commitment to Improvement: This card suggests that you and your partner, or a potential partner, are committed to improving and investing in your relationship. Both of you are willing to put in the effort to make it stronger.

Relationship Mastery: It represents a sense of mastery in your love life. You and your partner may be honing your communication skills, deepening your emotional connection, or working on resolving any issues that have arisen.

Building a Strong Foundation: The Eight of Pentacles signifies the construction of a solid foundation for your relationship. You are both dedicated to creating a long-lasting and harmonious partnership.

Mutual Growth: It advises you to continue growing together as a couple. This may involve setting goals, learning from each other, and supporting each other's personal development.

Contentment and Satisfaction: Overall, this card suggests a sense of contentment and satisfaction in your love life. You are putting in the necessary effort to build a meaningful and enduring relationship. Keep up the dedication, and you'll likely continue to see your love connection flourish and thrive.

Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of dedicated effort and personal growth in both your physical and spiritual well-being:

Commitment to Health: This card suggests that you are fully committed to improving your physical health. You may be engaging in regular exercise, adopting a balanced diet, or seeking medical advice to enhance your well-being.

Spiritual Mastery: It represents a deep commitment to your spiritual journey. You are diligently working on your spiritual practices, whether it's meditation, prayer, or self-reflection, and experiencing significant growth.

Continuous Growth: It advises you to continue this journey of growth and self-improvement in both areas. Keep refining your health practices and deepening your spiritual connection to achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Money and Career

The Eight of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of dedicated effort and skillful craftsmanship in your financial and professional life:

Work Ethic: This card suggests that you are deeply committed to your career and financial goals. You're willing to put in the hard work and effort required for success.

Skill Development: It represents a focus on skill development and mastery within your profession. You may be honing your talents, expanding your knowledge, or seeking opportunities for growth.

Career Advancement: The Eight of Pentacles signifies progress and advancement in your career. Your dedication is paying off, and you may receive recognition or promotions for your expertise.

Reversed General

Bored, unmotivated, lack of inspiration/commitment, need to rest.

The Eight of Pentacles reversed represents a lack of motivation, inspiration, commitment and diligence towards a goal or aspiration. It can often represent poor concentration, scattered energy and lack of focus towards a task in-front of you. Sometimes the Eight of Pentacles reversed can also represent that you're working too hard and haven't given yourself adequate time to rest and reflect. It's important to take the time to rest, take space for introspection and replenishment. Receiving this card in a reading is an indication that your method of working towards your goals is having some negative implications and needs some assessment.

The Eight of Pentacles reversed can indicate idleness, lack of motivation, scattered energy and commitment. This can signal a time where you are struggling to stay focused on your goals, perhaps you're getting easily distracted or perhaps you keep falling into procrastination. You may be focusing your attention on certain areas and ignoring others, or perhaps you're placing too much energy into things that are not serving you. The Eight of Pentacles reversed can sometimes signal laziness or lack of inspiration. When we don't feel connected and aligned with our goals it can become disheartening. We may feel tired or distracted from what we want to achieve, or perhaps we are lack the time or energy to get the ball rolling. This can be a great time to reflect on why you have the goals that you have, what are your long term visions and what do you want to achieve and why? Often when we work long and tiresomely towards something we can lose focus on why we are doing what we're doing in the first place. It's time to take a break, meditate, and introspect, find out what your goals are and why. It's time rediscover the things the desires that set fire to your soul, energize and inspire you to attain them.

Sometimes when we are tiresomely working towards a goal, we can become disheartened, things can become more work than we expected, we can grow tired, lack energy and motivation, or forget why we are working so much for this in the first place. Don't be hard on yourself for not achieving enough, this can be counterproductive. Give yourself the time and space to see how far you've come, often we forget how much time and energy has actually taken to get to where we are, instead we focus on what we haven't achieved. Sometimes we may feel disheartened when we have worked so hard and we don't see any reward for what we've put in, be patient, and make sure you adequately assess the risk and reward of what you're putting time and energy into. It's okay to fail, it's okay to feel tired and it's okay to let go for a day or too and rest and replenish from your hard work. If you are feeling tired or unmotivated, or you're struggling to see adequate reward or improvement, take a step back from what you're doing, begin a journal that tracks your progression, whether it's savings, fitness goals, work goals or whatever it may be, when you feel unmotivated and scattered take a glimpse into your past self to see how far you've come.

The Eight of Pentacles reversed can often represent a lack or rest an replenishment, perhaps we are working towards our goals, but we don't seem to be getting far. Perhaps we have set unrealistic expectations of ourselves, or greatly misjudged the the level of work this endeavor would take. It's time to take a rest, take a break, go out and do something completely unrelated, attend a social event, go for a walk, bake something delicious, it's time to let go for a moment. Often when we take time out for ourselves we can return with greater energy, better ideas and more motivation.

- Lack of motivation.
- Lack of energy.
- Scattered working style.
- Lack of adequate rest.
- Laziness.
- Procrastination.
- Disconnected values from goals.
- Need to reevaluate working style.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of boredom, lack of motivation, or dissatisfaction in your romantic life:

Lack of Interest: This card suggests that you or your partner may be experiencing a lack of interest or enthusiasm within the relationship. The spark that once ignited your connection may be fading.

Monotony: You could be stuck in a routine that feels monotonous or uninspiring, leading to a sense of apathy towards the relationship.

Communication Breakdown: The reversal may indicate communication issues or a reluctance to address relationship concerns. You might be avoiding important discussions out of boredom or discomfort.

Reevaluation Needed: It advises you to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship. Consider whether the current state of affairs aligns with your long-term goals and whether adjustments are necessary.

Seeking Renewed Passion: Overall, this card encourages you to seek renewed passion and motivation in your romantic life. It's crucial to invest time and effort into revitalizing the connection with your partner, whether through open communication, trying new activities together, or exploring ways to rekindle the spark. Don't let boredom or apathy overshadow the potential for growth and fulfillment in your relationship.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of boredom, lack of motivation, or dissatisfaction in your journey toward physical and spiritual well-being:

Lack of Focus: This card indicates that you may be struggling with a lack of focus or interest in your health and spiritual practices. Your routines may feel mundane, and you might be losing motivation.

Spiritual Disconnect: It could signify a disconnection from your spiritual path. You may be feeling spiritually uninspired or distant from your usual practices.

Physical Apathy: On the physical side, you might be experiencing a lack of motivation to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including exercise and diet.

Reevaluation Needed: The reversal suggests that it's time to reevaluate your health and spiritual practices. Consider whether your current routines align with your long-term goals and whether adjustments are necessary.

Seeking Renewed Inspiration: Overall, this card encourages you to seek renewed inspiration and motivation in your health and spiritual journey. Explore new practices, engage in activities that reignite your passion, and remember why you started this journey in the first place. Sometimes a fresh perspective or a change in routine can make a significant difference in revitalizing your path to well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Eight of Pentacles typically suggests a positive outcome or a "yes" answer. This card represents dedication, skill-building, and hard work paying off. It indicates that you are committed to honing your craft or skills and putting in the necessary effort to achieve your goals. Therefore, if the Eight of Pentacles appears in a "yes or no" spread, it usually signifies that the answer is affirmative, encouraging you to continue your focused efforts with diligence and perseverance.