"The wheel of life turns, bringing cycles of change; each spin, a chance for new beginnings and unforeseen paths."

Wheel of Fortune

Moving through cycles, chance, karma.
Repetitive cycles, repeating patterns, recurring life-lessons.


Moving through cycles, chance, karma.

The Wheel of Fortune represents the cycles of life, the good, the bad and everything in between. There are figures on the wheel that illustrate these cycles of life. The center of the wheel represents yourself, setting at the center while life's cycles move you through their every changing circumstances. There are forces at work, moving you through different states. The Wheel of Fortune is a sign of karma, this means good karma just as much as bad karma. Remember that things may look good for you from the top but be nice to the people around you because you never know who you'll be meeting on the way down.
- Karma.
- Cycles of life.
- What comes up must come down.
- What is down eventually moves up.
Fate and destiny.
- Greater forces.

Love and Relationships

The Wheel of Fortune in a relationship reading indicates a movement of the relationship into a new stage or position. Relationships go through stages, when they begin people usually have the honeymoon stage the initial, sweeping romance that often consumes a couple when they first get together. Then the you move through the assessment stage in which we finally start to actually notice the differences between us and our partners. There are stages of engagement or marriage, buying a house or getting a dog. There are also negative stages such as experiencing shared trauma together for the first time, or dealing with a partner cheating. Regardless the Wheel of Fortune is suggesting that there is a cycle finishing and a new cycle beginning in this relationship.

If you are single and looking for love, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate that you are moving into a new stage of life. Perhaps you have been single and experiencing the same kind of relationships for a long time and now you're ready to purse a more meaningful relationship based on different qualities or different activities. Perhaps you're tired of having flings and you want a soul connection, or perhaps you're ready to take relationships more seriously in general.

Health and Spirituality

The Wheel of Fortune suggests moving through spiritual cycles. Many gurus and people within the spiritual community speak of the beginning of your spiritual journey as euphoric, feeling that everything is connected. Then moving into a state of shadow work, which can be confronting and painful. There are a number of cycles one move through to reach full enlightenment. The wheel of fortune is suggesting that you're moving into a new spiritual cycle.

In a health and wellbeing spread, the Wheel of Fortune is about moving into a new cycle with your body. Perhaps your body is going through changes, such as your first mensuration, beginning a sexual journey, menopause or aging. Sometimes the Wheel of Fortune can suggest that you get what you put in. If you have been good to your body and you are now being rewarded with better health and more energy, or perhaps you have been drinking excessively or binging on unhealthy food and are not moving into an unhealthy cycle. Take note of what cycle you are in and what you can do to get where you want to be.

Money and Career

In a career spread, the Wheel of Fortune can suggest that you are entering a new phase of your career, for example, perhaps you are going from part time to full time, or perhaps you are going from full time mum or dad to working part time parent, or perhaps you are going from employee to CEO. This can also mean stepping down from a position, or moving from one division to another. The theme is that you're now moving onto a new work cycle.

In a finance reading, the Wheel of Fortune can suggest moving into a new cycle financially. Such as buying a new investment, such as a business, a house or some assets. Perhaps also the opposite, such as selling your house or assets. You are changing the direction of your finances and moving into a new phase.

Reversed General

Repetitive cycles, repeating patterns, recurring life-lessons.

The Wheel of Fortune reversed generally means you are repeating the same life lessons, patterns or cycles. This can mean you are not learning the important lesson and breaking through to the next cycle. It's common for people to experience this repetitive cycle or pattern in their life. Perhaps you're constantly been faced with the same kind of situation over and over and it feels frustrating, but make sure you look at what lessons you're not taking into yourself. Once you take responsibility, learn what you can from the repetitive cycle, the wheel can keep moving you through to the next cycle. Sometimes it can feel scary to progress to the next cycle, as it is filled with unfamiliar and even negative aspects, but this is all for your growth and development. There is wisdom to be gained in each cycle. Embrace it.
- Repeating patterns and cycles.
- Refusal to move forwards.
- Refusal to learn the lesson.
- Immaturity.
- Avoidance of new cycle.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a love and relationships reading, the Wheel of Fortune reversed can indicate that this relationship is experiencing stagnancy and is not progressing to the next level. Sometimes in relationships we can become bored, complacent or too comfortable and we repeat the same cycles in a relationship with no growth of further development. Take the time to ask yourself, what level of the relationship are you at? Do you feel complacent of stagnant in your relationship? Is there growth and development occurring? If not, why is that? For example, moving on from falling in love to contemplating long-term exclusivity can be daunting, but it doesn't mean you shouldn't progress.

If you are single and looking for love, the Wheel of Fortune reversed can be a strong indication that you are stuck in repetitive cycles of dating the same kinds of people. Perhaps you seem to be attracting the same kind of men or women and these relationships always end up leading to the same place. This can be tiring at frustrating, but it's time to look at yourself, your actions, your attitudes and take some responsibility as to why you keep on experiencing the same kind of relationships outcomes in your life.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Wheel of Fortune reversed can indicate bad karma, or negative cycles, you may even feel like everything is against you. This can be an indication that you are repeating the same cycles in your life and it's affecting your spiritual development. Use this time to connect more with yourself, meditate, and practice journaling or writing to you can better access why these outcomes seem to be playing out. Also, this can be an indication to stop resisting spiritual development and growth, and if you are, ask yourself why this is. What are you afraid of?

In a health reading, the Wheel of Fortune can indicate that you are repeating the same behaviors and actions while expecting different results. Things don't just automatically get better by themselves, they take actions, building better habits and further understanding of yourself to fully implement growth and change. Wheel of Fortune reversed is suggesting that you are stuck in a negative health cycle and while there are option available for you, you are not progressing forward or making those necessary changes. Check yourself, and see what actions and behaviors you can take to progress out of this repetitive cycle.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Wheel of Fortune generally indicates a "yes." This card symbolizes changes, cycles, and unexpected events, often pointing to positive shifts or turns of fate. It reflects the dynamic nature of life and the possibility of new directions that may lead to favorable outcomes. Thus, when the Wheel of Fortune appears, it suggests that the answer to your question is positive, but it also reminds you to be prepared for any shifts and to adapt to new circumstances as they arise​.