"At the crossroads of destiny, the heart becomes the compass."

2. Two of Wands

Decisions, planning, strategy, choice, evaluating options
Fear of change, procrastination, holding back, avoiding risks


Decisions, planning, strategy, choice, evaluating options

The Two of Wands is about planning and decision making. You have dreamt up ideas from the Ace of Wands but now you are in the process of implementing these ideas into reality.
It's time to think about how your idea can be implemented in reality, and what are the steps you'd need to take to get your idea off the ground. We may have the greatest idea wrapped in passion and purpose, but in order for our ideas to come to fruition, we need to plan and implement them into our reality. Where do you want to be? What do you want to be doing? How can you get to where you want to be in the most efficient way?
The Two of Wands is seen as a decision between two options, but it can also be about the decision making process in general.  Often when we get sparks of creative purpose this can lead us to take on new paths which may be exciting but also can pose more risk. This is why the Two of Wands is the card of choice, but it can also be about choosing the path less traveled. We are choosing what path we want to create for ourselves, which means preparing for the risks and consequences. Take the time to strategize, brainstorm, write things down and map things out, think about each decision thoroughly and walk yourself through the potential outcomes or consequences of each. The more you evaluate and plan the better you chance is for actually succeeding in this venture.
- Options.
- Decision making.
Choosing to create your own path.
- Implementing ideas in reality.
- Efficiency.
- Strategy.
- Planning.

Love and Relationships

The Two of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships indicates a phase of exploration, partnership, and the potential for expansion in your romantic life:

Exploration and Adventure: This card suggests that you and your partner are in a phase of exploring new horizons together. You're open to new experiences, adventures, and possibilities in your relationship.

Partnership and Collaboration: The Two of Wands signifies a strong partnership where both individuals are working together towards common goals. You and your partner may be collaborating on shared dreams and aspirations.

Long-Distance or Future Planning: In some cases, this card can represent a long-distance relationship or a relationship that involves travel. It may also indicate making plans for the future, such as moving in together or considering a long-term commitment.

Ambition and Vision: You and your partner may be driven by ambition and a shared vision for your relationship. This card encourages you to align your goals and work together to achieve them.

Health and Spirituality

The Two of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of personal exploration, ambition, and a strong sense of purpose in your well-being and spiritual journey:

Personal Growth: This card suggests that you are actively seeking personal growth and development in both your physical health and spiritual well-being. You are motivated to make positive changes in your life.

Ambitious Goals: The Two of Wands represents ambitious goals related to health and spirituality. You have a clear vision of your path to wellness and a strong desire to achieve your spiritual aspirations.

Exploration: You are open to exploring new spiritual practices, wellness routines, or holistic approaches to improve your overall health. This could involve yoga, meditation, mindfulness, or other practices.

Long-Term Planning: This card also signifies long-term planning for your health and spiritual growth. You are thinking about how your current choices will impact your well-being and spiritual evolution in the future.

Alignment: The Two of Wands suggests that you are in alignment with your higher self and spiritual purpose. Your commitment to self-improvement and spiritual exploration will likely lead to a greater sense of balance and fulfillment in both areas of your life.

Overall, this card encourages you to continue your journey of self-discovery, set ambitious health and spiritual goals, and stay committed to your well-being and spiritual path. Your efforts are likely to bring about positive and transformative changes in your life.

Money and Career

The Two of Wands upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of planning, ambition, and potential for success in your professional and financial endeavors:

Strategic Planning: This card indicates that you are in a phase of strategic planning and preparation for your career and financial goals. You have a clear vision of your objectives and are ready to take action.

Ambition: The Two of Wands represents ambition and a desire for growth. You are motivated to advance in your career and achieve financial success, and you have the determination to make it happen.

Exploration of Opportunities: You are actively exploring opportunities for expansion in your professional life. This could involve considering new job prospects, investments, or business ventures.

Global Perspective: The figure in the card holds a globe, suggesting that you may be considering international or global opportunities in your career or financial investments.

Partnerships and Collaboration: In some cases, this card can also symbolize partnerships or collaborations that hold the potential for financial growth. You may be working closely with someone who shares your ambitions.

Overall, the Two of Wands encourages you to pursue your career and financial aspirations with confidence and determination. Your careful planning and willingness to explore new horizons will likely lead to success and prosperity in your chosen path.

Reversed General

Fear of change, procrastination, holding back, avoiding risks

The Two of Wands bring the message that an idea without any plans or strategy, is just an idea.
This card suggests procrastination, fear of change and avoiding risks and stalling on ideas and creations. Without any strategy or structure, you ideas will struggle to gain momentum or find footing in reality. Once you feel that creative spark and want to pursue an idea, it's essential to start thinking about how you can implement your passion through planning, choice and action. Sometimes we think we have a good plan, but sometimes our plans are not as quantifiable or clear cut as then need to be to actually get results. Take the time to access your plans, what needs to be more thought through and what lack clarity?
Sometimes we procrastinate on our ideas and plans because we fear change, we want to stick with what's familiar and safe. Sometimes self doubt creeps in and we believe choosing the safe option is what's right because society, people in our lives or even ourselves believe that it is. Lot's of people do this and it's completely normal to procrastinate in life sometimes, but we should always try and be aware of it. Without bringing it into our awareness it can hold us back from creating change and creating success on our own creations.
- Procrastination.
- Lack of planning.
- Lack of strategy.
- Plan is not clear cut.
- Avoiding risks.
- Fearing change.
- Avoiding decision making.
- Sticking to the safe option.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Two of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of hesitation, inner conflict, and potential stagnation in your romantic life:

Hesitation: This card suggests that you or your partner may be feeling hesitant or uncertain about the direction of your relationship. There could be doubts about taking the next step or making a commitment.

Inner Conflict: The reversal can indicate inner conflicts or differences in desires and goals within the relationship. You and your partner may have divergent paths or conflicting visions for your future together.

Stagnation: In some cases, the Two of Wands reversed may symbolize a sense of stagnation in the relationship. It's possible that you're feeling stuck or unable to move forward due to unresolved issues.

Lack of Exploration: This card may suggest a reluctance to explore new opportunities or expand your horizons together. You or your partner may be holding back from taking risks or trying new experiences.

Communication Needed: Overall, the Two of Wands reversed advises open and honest communication within the relationship. It's essential to address any doubts or conflicts and work together to find common ground and a shared vision for your romantic future.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Two of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of uncertainty, lack of direction, and inner conflict in your spiritual and well-being journey:

Uncertainty: This card suggests that you may be feeling unsure about your spiritual path and overall well-being. You could be experiencing doubts about your beliefs or practices.

Lack of Direction: The reversal can signify a lack of clear direction in your spiritual journey. You might feel lost or disconnected from your spiritual goals and purpose.

Inner Conflict: It may also point to inner conflicts or struggles related to your health and spirituality. You could be grappling with conflicting priorities or beliefs that are impacting your overall sense of balance.

Stagnation: In some cases, the Two of Wands reversed may symbolize a sense of stagnation in your spiritual and health-related pursuits. You may be hesitant to explore new paths or make necessary changes.

Reevaluation Needed: Overall, this card encourages you to take a step back and reassess your spiritual and well-being goals. It's a time to address any doubts or conflicts, seek clarity in your spiritual practices, and make necessary adjustments to regain a sense of purpose and direction in both areas of your life. Open-mindedness and introspection are key to finding your way forward.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Two of Wands suggests a neutral or uncertain outcome. This card represents choices, potential, and planning for the future. It indicates that there are decisions to be made or paths to explore before a clear answer can be determined. Therefore, if the Two of Wands appears in a "yes or no" spread, it suggests that the situation may require further consideration or action before a definitive "yes" or "no" response can be given.