"In the vast expanse of possibility, vision becomes destiny."

3. Three of Wands

Expansion, growth, travel & global opportunities, outcomes
Wasted opportunity, playing small, delays and setbacks


Expansion, growth, travel & global opportunities, outcomes

The Three of Wands is the card best knows for movement, expansion and often overseas or interstate opportunities or travel. The Two of Wands is a card of decision, for example "should I stay or should I go". The Three of Wands is an indication that you chose go and you're not looking back. There is a strong sense of adventure with the Three of Wands, new growth and developments are at your fingertips, bringing a flood of new experiences, people, situations and overall developments. After the plans and preparation of the Two of Wands, you are now building momentum. This is an exciting and thrilling time full of fast paced activity and expansion. Where plans have truly begun to take off, leading us potentially into new destinations, new relationships or new opportunities. Take time to soak in this momentous time, appreciate and let yourself seize the moment. The Three of Wands is an indication that your hard work and meticulous planning are paying off. Your ideas and desires are taking flight!
- Expansion.
- Overseas opportunities.
- Developments.
- Hard work paying off.
- Ideas and desires taking flight.
- Moving overseas.
- New Experiences.
- Momentum.
- Adventure.

Love and Relationships

The Three of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of expansion, collaboration, and looking toward the future in your romantic life:

Expanding Horizons: This card represents a phase where you and your partner are expanding your horizons and considering the potential for growth within the relationship. You're open to new experiences and possibilities.

Collaboration: The Three of Wands suggests collaboration and partnership in your love life. You and your partner are likely working together toward shared goals and dreams, strengthening your connection.

Future Planning: This card often indicates making plans for the future within the relationship. You may be discussing long-term commitment, cohabitation, or even starting a family together.

Adventure and Exploration: In the context of love, it encourages you to embrace adventure and explore new aspects of your relationship. This could involve travel, trying new activities together, or simply deepening your emotional connection.

Overall, the Three of Wands represents optimism and a positive outlook on your romantic future. You're excited about the possibilities that lie ahead, and you and your partner are committed to growing and evolving together. It's a time to celebrate your partnership and look forward to the adventures that await you both.

Health and Spirituality

The Three of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of expansion, exploration, and positive growth in your journey toward well-being and spiritual development:

Expanding Horizons: This card suggests that you are broadening your horizons in both your health and spiritual practices. You're open to new experiences and approaches that can enhance your overall well-being.

Exploration: The Three of Wands signifies a willingness to explore different health and spiritual avenues. You're not limited by tradition but are willing to seek out practices and beliefs that resonate with your unique journey.

Planning and Commitment: It also highlights the importance of planning and commitment in your health and spiritual pursuits. You have a clear vision of your goals and are dedicated to achieving them.

Positive Growth: This card represents positive growth in both areas of your life. Your health practices may be leading to improved physical well-being, and your spiritual journey may be deepening your sense of purpose and inner peace.

Overall, the Three of Wands reflects optimism and a sense of empowerment. You are on the right path in your quest for greater well-being and spiritual enlightenment. It's a time to celebrate your progress, continue your exploration, and remain open to the transformative possibilities that lie ahead.

Money and Career

The Three of Wands upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of growth, expansion, and the fulfillment of your ambitions in your professional and financial life:

Expansion and Growth: This card represents a phase where your career and financial endeavors are expanding. You've worked hard, and now you're seeing the results of your efforts.

Exploration of Opportunities: The Three of Wands suggests that you're exploring new opportunities for career advancement or financial growth. You're open to taking calculated risks that can lead to success.

Planning and Strategy: It also indicates careful planning and strategy in your career and financial pursuits. You have a clear vision of your goals and a well-thought-out plan to achieve them.

Partnerships and Collaboration: In some cases, this card can symbolize beneficial partnerships or collaborations that contribute to your career and financial success. You may be working closely with others who share your ambitions.

Overall, the Three of Wands represents optimism and a positive outlook on your career and financial future. You have confidence in your abilities and believe that your hard work will continue to pay off. It's a time to celebrate your achievements and keep moving forward with determination, knowing that even greater opportunities await you.

Reversed General

Wasted opportunity, playing small, delays and setbacks

The Three of Wands reversed can suggest that we've made a choice, but that choice has not led to the desired outcome we thought it would. Perhaps we painted a picture of what it would be in our mind and that picture was not set in reality, or perhaps we didn't plan ahead or think a decision through.

For example, perhaps you made a decision to move overseas or interstate for a relationship and now that relationship has fallen apart. Or, perhaps you said no to an overseas opportunity because you like to play safe and fear change, and now you feel like you've wasted potential. Whatever it may be, you are now dealing with the repercussions of your decision and it can be frustrating and tedious to work you way out of it. Perhaps you realize retrospectively that you didn't put enough time and energy into this plan. You've lacked foresight and preparation and now regret is beginning to set in.
Sometimes we put time and energy into careers, relationships and into ourselves and the outcomes we expected don't always pan out, and that's okay. It can be so frustrating and disappointing as we placed out excitement, time and energy into those things or people, but don't let this get you down. Perhaps there is another opportunity around the corner, or perhaps this is all part of your journey to something more.
- Unwelcomed outcome.
- Wasted opportunities.
- Delays and frustration.
- Plans that haven't worked out.
- Relationships that haven't worked out.
- Delayed and frustration.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Three of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a period of delay, unfulfilled expectations, and possible impatience in your romantic life:

Delays and Frustration: This card implies that there may be delays or obstacles in your love life. You and your partner could be facing challenges or setbacks that are hindering the progress of your relationship.

Unfulfilled Expectations: The reversal often signifies unmet expectations or unfulfilled plans within the relationship. You might have hoped for certain developments that haven't materialized as quickly as you'd like.

Impatience: You or your partner may be growing impatient with the pace of your relationship's growth. There might be a sense of restlessness or frustration regarding the direction the relationship is taking.

Lack of Collaboration: In some cases, this card can indicate a lack of collaboration and shared vision within the relationship. You and your partner may not be on the same page regarding your future together.

Reevaluation Needed: Overall, the Three of Wands reversed suggests that it's essential to reevaluate your relationship goals and communication. Address any frustrations or delays with patience and open dialogue. It may be a time to adjust your expectations and work together to overcome any obstacles, ensuring that you're both aligned in your vision for the future.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Three of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of stagnation, uncertainty, and potential lack of direction in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth:

Stagnation: This card suggests that you may be feeling stuck or experiencing a lack of progress in your health and spiritual pursuits. Your well-being and spiritual path may have hit a plateau.

Uncertainty: The reversal can indicate uncertainty or doubts about your current health practices or spiritual beliefs. You might be questioning your path and seeking clarity.

Lack of Vision: It may also point to a lack of a clear vision or long-term plan for your well-being and spiritual development. You might be unsure about your goals or where you're headed.

Delayed Progress: In some cases, the Three of Wands reversed may symbolize delays in achieving your health and spiritual goals. It's possible that you're encountering obstacles or setbacks.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Three of Wands suggests a favorable outcome or a "yes" answer. This card represents foresight, expansion, and progress. It signifies that your plans are on the right track and that you have the potential to achieve your goals. Therefore, if the Three of Wands appears in a "yes or no" spread, it typically indicates that the answer is affirmative, encouraging you to move forward with confidence and optimism.