"Pain carves the soul, but just as the storm cleanses the air, so can sorrow clear the heart."

3. Three of Swords

Heartbreak, emotional pain, loneliness, grief, depression
Releasing emotional pain, forgiveness, emotional recovery, transcendence


Heartbreak, emotional pain, loneliness, grief, depression

The Three of Swords is about emotional pain, heartbreak and the cleansing process of sadness. There may be feelings of loss, separation, isolation, depression and other types of emotional distress. The Three of Swords feels like someone took three blades and put them straight through your heart. You're hurting and that's okay.

The Three of Swords suggests a time of emotional pain and suffering, it is important to be extremely gentle with yourself, breathe, nurture yourself and rest. Emotional traumas can take just as long to heal as physical traumas, so be patient, don't get angry or frustrated with yourself for feeling sad or not feeling better straight away. This is also a time to express, let out your feelings, journal, take long ass baths, talk to friends, scream into a pillow, and cry as much as you like. It's okay to feel and acknowledge your emotional pain, this is part of the healing process and the cleansing process of sadness.

Often the most painful experiences teach us the most about who we are and how strong we can be. Pain is necessary, pain is our biggest teacher. Learn from this experience, grow from this experience, take time to forgive and give yourself space to feel and let express.

One of the best ways to process emotional pain is to transcend you pain into something extraordinary. Some artists transcend their pain into music and art, other people run marathons or find ways to challenge their physical abilities. What ways can you transcend your pain? What ways can you conquer your fears? You don't need to feel defeated by your pain, you can use your pain to fuel you into becoming your greatest version. Often our greatest pain can lead us to purpose.

If you are experiencing grief, don't hesitate to reach out to those around you, talk to people who may be going through the same things as you. It's okay to reach out for help if you need it, whether it's a friend or a counselor. Reaching out to people can often provide comfort and perspective.

- Emotional pain.
- Break-ups.
- Grief.
- Loss.
- Heartbreak.
- Depression.

Love and Relationships

When the Three of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it carries a heavy and challenging message:

Heartbreak and Pain: The Three of Swords is often associated with emotional pain, heartbreak, and sorrow in matters of the heart. It can indicate that you or your partner may be experiencing a period of intense sadness, grief, or loss.

Conflict and Discord: This card can represent conflicts, arguments, or misunderstandings that have caused emotional distress within the relationship. It suggests that communication breakdowns or hurtful actions have led to this painful situation.

Betrayal or Disappointment: In some cases, the Three of Swords signifies feelings of betrayal or disappointment in a relationship. It can indicate that trust has been broken, and you or your partner may be grappling with the aftermath of a difficult revelation.

Facing the Truth: While this card brings pain, it also encourages facing the truth and acknowledging the emotional wounds. It suggests that it may be necessary to confront difficult issues in the relationship, even if it's painful to do so.

In summary, the Three of Swords upright in a love and relationships tarot spread indicates a period of emotional pain, conflict, or betrayal within the relationship. It's a challenging card to receive, but it serves as a reminder to address these issues honestly and seek opportunities for healing and resolution. It's essential to communicate openly and seek support during this difficult time, as it may be a stepping stone toward a healthier, more resilient partnership in the future.

Health and Spirituality

When the Three of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it carries a profound message:

Emotional Turmoil: The Three of Swords often signifies emotional turmoil and distress. In the context of health and spirituality, it suggests that unresolved emotional issues or grief may be affecting your overall well-being and spiritual journey.

Physical Health Impact: This card can also indicate a connection between emotional pain and physical health. Stress, grief, or heartache may manifest as physical symptoms, highlighting the mind-body-spirit connection.

Spiritual Crisis: In the realm of spirituality, the Three of Swords can symbolize a spiritual crisis or a period of questioning and doubt. You may be grappling with deep spiritual questions or feeling disconnected from your spiritual path due to emotional struggles.

Healing and Release: While this card represents pain, it also emphasizes the need for healing and release. It's a reminder that addressing and processing emotional wounds is crucial for spiritual growth and overall well-being.

In summary, the Three of Swords upright in a health and spirituality tarot spread suggests a period of emotional distress that may be impacting both your physical health and spiritual journey. It encourages you to address these emotional wounds, seek support, and view this challenging time as an opportunity for healing and spiritual growth. Remember that through pain, there is the potential for profound transformation and greater spiritual understanding.

Money and Career

The Three of Swords appearing upright in a tarot spread focused on money and career carries a message of difficulty, challenges, and emotional turmoil in these areas:

Financial Heartbreak: In the context of money, this card indicates financial setbacks, losses, or hardships that you may be experiencing or have experienced recently. It suggests that you might be dealing with financial stress, debts, or unexpected expenses that are causing emotional distress.

Career Conflict: In terms of your career, the Three of Swords suggests conflicts, disagreements, or challenges at your workplace. It could point to a difficult working environment, conflicts with colleagues or superiors, or dissatisfaction with your current job.

Emotional Impact: The presence of this card highlights the emotional toll that financial or career difficulties can have on you. It may be causing feelings of sadness, anxiety, or even betrayal. You might be struggling to separate your emotions from your financial and professional decisions.

Need for Healing: The Three of Swords reminds you that it's essential to address and heal these emotional wounds. Seek support from friends, family, or a counselor to help you navigate these challenges and process your feelings.

Making Tough Choices: In the realm of money and career, this card suggests that you may need to make difficult decisions or sacrifices to overcome your current challenges. Consider your options carefully and be prepared to take action to improve your situation.

In summary, the Three of Swords upright in a money and career tarot spread signifies a period of hardship, emotional turmoil, and potential conflicts in these areas. It's essential to acknowledge and address these challenges while seeking emotional healing and making tough decisions to improve your financial and career prospects. Remember that difficult times can lead to personal growth and resilience.

Reversed General

Releasing emotional pain, forgiveness, emotional recovery, transcendence

The Three of Swords reversed represents healing, coming out of emotional pain, recovery and forgiveness. This often appears when you have gone through some significant emotional pain, and are in the process of releasing and healing yourself from the trauma that's occurred.

You are in the process of recovering from your heartbreak, taking one step at a time and moving closer towards happiness. Pulling yourself out of depression can be a difficult challenge, but you are working towards it with courage. Sometimes regaining our happiness takes courage, strength and determination. It's much easier to lay around and self-loath or throw yourself a pity party all day. To pull yourself out of sadness takes strength, forgiveness and acceptance. This is a time which really showcases your internal strength, it's from these moments that we realize our capability.

The Three of Cups reversed can signal a time where you are in the process of forgiveness. Perhaps you're forgiving someone that hurt you, or perhaps you are forgiving yourself for your action in the past. Forgiveness is the conscious decision to release feelings of hate, resentment or sadness towards someone or something that has hurt you. This is a powerful step in the healing process. The purpose of forgiveness is to break free from your emotional pain, let go of vengeance and grudges and regain your power by focusing your energy on you and what you love and desire.

- Forgiveness.
- Releasing emotional pain.
- Beginning the healing process.
- Releasing resentment.
- Emotional recovery.

Reversed Love and Relationships

When the Three of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it offers a glimmer of hope and potential healing in matters of the heart:

Healing from Past Pain: The Three of Swords reversed indicates that you or your partner are gradually healing from past emotional wounds or heartbreaks. This card suggests that the process of recovery is underway, and you may be moving toward a more positive emotional state.

Forgiveness and Reconciliation: This reversal often signifies forgiveness and reconciliation in relationships. It's a sign that you and your partner are open to letting go of grudges and working together to mend any rifts that may have developed.

Release of Pain: The reversed Three of Swords suggests that you are finding healthier ways to cope with emotional pain and sorrow. You might be seeking support, therapy, or self-care activities that help you release pent-up emotions.

Improved Communication: In love relationships, this card can indicate that communication is becoming more open and constructive. You and your partner may be discussing your feelings and concerns more openly, leading to greater understanding.

Moving Forward: This card encourages you to leave behind the pain of the past and look toward a brighter future. While the wounds may not be fully healed, there's a sense of progress and optimism returning to your love life.

Rebuilding Trust: If trust has been damaged in your relationship, the reversed Three of Swords suggests that trust can slowly be rebuilt. It may require time and effort, but the process is underway.

In summary, the Three of Swords reversed in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies a period of healing, forgiveness, and the gradual release of emotional pain. It's a positive sign that you and your partner are working together to mend any fractures in your relationship and move towards a brighter, more harmonious future. Be patient with the healing process and continue nurturing the bonds of love and understanding.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

When the Three of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it carries a message of healing and renewal:

Emotional Healing: The reversal of the Three of Swords suggests that you are on the path to emotional healing. You may have recently gone through a period of emotional turmoil or heartbreak, but now you are beginning to find ways to mend those wounds.

Improved Health: In the context of health, this card reversal indicates that your emotional well-being is improving, which can have a positive impact on your physical health. Stress and emotional pain may have taken a toll on your body, but now you're moving toward a state of greater balance and wellness.

Spiritual Renewal: Spiritually, this card reversal signifies a renewal of faith and hope. You may have experienced doubt or spiritual crisis in the past, but you're now emerging from that period with a fresh perspective and a deeper connection to your spiritual path.

Forgiveness and Release: The reversed Three of Swords encourages you to let go of past grievances and forgive, both yourself and others. This act of forgiveness is not only emotionally liberating but also spiritually empowering.

Positive Transformation: As you heal emotionally and spiritually, you'll likely undergo a positive transformation. You may discover new spiritual practices or insights that lead to personal growth and a more profound sense of purpose.

In summary, the Three of Swords reversed in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a period of healing and renewal. Emotional wounds are being mended, leading to improved physical health and a revitalized spiritual connection. It's a time to release past pain, embrace forgiveness, and welcome positive transformation into your life.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Three of Swords generally suggests a "no." This card is typically associated with pain, loss, and heartbreak, indicating negative outcomes or emotional challenges related to your question. It advises caution and suggests that the current path may lead to disappointment or difficulties​.