"Friendship is the wine of life; pour generously, savor deeply, and celebrate every drop."

3. Three of Cups

Friendship, socializing, connections with others, events, celebration
Disconnection, lack of social harmony, cancelled celebrations.


Friendship, socializing, connections with others, events, celebration

The Three of Cups represents friendships, coming together and overall your connections with others. This is a time of getting together with the people you love most, talking, laughing and sharing moments with each other. Friendship is such an essential part of life, some may argue they are more important than our romantic relationships, and deserve just as much attention. When you respect and love another person you gain joy from spending quality time with them. Friendships blossom out of mutual trust, admiration and laughter, they bring with them some of the most joyful moments in life.

When the Three of Cups appears in a reading you are encouraged to spend time with your friends and family. Connect with like minded people and let go and be yourself. When we are with those that love and accept us for who we are it can be one of the most liberating and joyful experiences. The Three of Cups can often represent your friendship circle, the group of people that you love being around and confide in regularly. The vibe of the Three of Cups is much like the tv show 'Friends', 'Seinfeld' or even 'Sex and the City'. Where a group of connected people regularly confide in one another, share precious moments and maintain their connections with each other.

The Three of Cups can often suggest an event, birthday, wedding, holiday or festival with friends or family. This is a period where you can get a little crazy, have fun and deepen your connections.

- Friendship and coming together.
- Talking, laughing with those you love.
- Sharing moments.
- Deepening connections.
- People that love and accept you.
- Events and celebrations.
- Reunions.

Love and Relationships

The Three of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread is a card of celebration, joy, and positive social connections within your romantic life:

Celebration of Love: This card signifies a period of celebration and happiness in your love life. It could represent milestones such as weddings, engagements, anniversaries, or simply joyful moments shared with your partner.

Strong Social Connections: It highlights the importance of your social circle and the positive impact it has on your relationships. You and your partner may enjoy spending time with friends and family, which can enhance the quality of your romantic bond.

Emotional Fulfillment: The Three of Cups suggests emotional fulfillment within your relationship. You and your partner likely experience a deep sense of connection, trust, and camaraderie.

Rekindling Friendships: In some cases, this card may indicate the rekindling of a friendship that evolves into a romantic relationship. It emphasizes the significance of shared interests and emotional connections in love.

Joy and Abundance: Overall, this card is a testament to the joy and abundance you find in your romantic partnerships. It encourages you to celebrate your love, appreciate the positive people around you, and continue nurturing the emotional bonds that bring happiness and fulfillment to your relationship.

Health and Spirituality

The Three of Cups upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a harmonious and uplifting connection between your physical well-being and your spiritual journey:

Social Support: In terms of spirituality, the Three of Cups highlights the importance of a supportive and like-minded social circle. You may find that sharing your spiritual journey with friends or joining a spiritual community enhances your sense of belonging and growth.

Spiritual Celebrations: This card may indicate spiritual celebrations or gatherings where you come together with others who share your spiritual beliefs. These events can be a source of inspiration and motivation on your spiritual path.

Emotional Well-being: The emotional contentment depicted in this card can lead to a sense of spiritual fulfillment. Your positive emotions and social connections contribute to your spiritual health and growth.

Overall, the Three of Cups in a health and spirituality spread suggests that your social connections, emotional health, and physical well-being are all aligned with your spiritual journey. It encourages you to continue nurturing these connections and embracing the positive energy that surrounds you, as it can greatly enhance your spiritual growth and overall vitality.

Money and Career

The Three of Cups upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies positive social connections and celebrations related to your financial and professional life:

Networking Success: This card suggests that your social and professional networks are playing a significant role in your career and financial success. Networking events or connections you've made may lead to opportunities, collaborations, or partnerships.

Teamwork and Collaboration: In your career, the Three of Cups indicates a harmonious work environment where collaboration and teamwork are thriving. You may be part of a successful project or team that's achieving financial milestones together.

Financial Celebrations: This card represents financial achievements and celebrations. It could signify a bonus, promotion, successful investment, or any other form of monetary reward for your efforts.

Balancing Work and Social Life: The Three of Cups encourages you to strike a balance between your work and social life. While celebrating achievements is important, remember to maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout.

Overall, the Three of Cups in a money and career spread suggests that your social connections, teamwork, and joyful celebrations play a pivotal role in your financial and professional achievements. It's a card of positivity, camaraderie, and recognizing the value of collaboration in your career endeavors.

Reversed General

Disconnection, lack of social harmony, cancelled celebrations.

The Three of Cups reversed represents a lack of social harmony and disconnection with some of your friends and family. It may feel like you are growing apart from your friends, or perhaps you're feeling a pull further away from a certain social group or person. Friends do come and go, sometimes we build friendships on the basis of activities or shared interest, sometimes we build friendships based on work or lifestyles. When we change sometimes we grow apart of the friendships that were built on who we once were. This is perfectly natural.

One of the best ways to build friendship is through shared values and virtues. When we solidify our friendship based on values, logic and mutual vulnerability it becomes harder to grow apart from those kinds of friendships.

The Three of Cups reversed can also indicate backstabbing and bitchiness. This can suggest a time of feeling left out from our social group. Perhaps distance or circumstances are creating disconnection and you may be feeling more alone than usual. Before you ever cut friendships off, take the time to reach out to your friends, try to find mutual understanding, approach from a place of love and care. If you don't feel like you love and care is reciprocated and the relationship doesn't feel mutual or beneficial, then it's okay to let the friendship go.

The Three of Cups reversed can also suggest cancelled social plans, cancelled celebrations. Perhaps a social event of even that was supposed to take place has now come to a halt. This can be any plan within a social setting that is not longer taking place.

- Disconnection from friends or family.
- Lack of social harmony.
- Feeling left out of social group.
- Coldness and bitchiness.
- Distance.
- Friendships growing apart.
- Cancelled social events.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Three of Cups reversed in a love and relationships tarot spread carries several important interpretations:

Social Strain: Reversed, this card can indicate potential tension or discord in social or romantic circles. There might be conflicts, misunderstandings, or jealousy among friends or within a romantic partnership that need addressing.

Overindulgence: It may suggest a caution against overindulgence or excessive partying within your social life. There's a risk of neglecting the responsibilities and commitments of your relationships due to distractions or excessive socializing.

Broken Bonds: This card may signify a temporary disconnect or strained relationships within your social or romantic circles. It's a signal to work on mending and rebuilding connections with others.

Emotional Imbalance: In the context of love and relationships, the reversed Three of Cups could point to emotional imbalance or codependency. It's essential to find individual emotional stability rather than relying solely on others for validation or happiness.

Reevaluation: It's a call to reevaluate the quality of your friendships and romantic partnerships. Assess whether they genuinely contribute to your well-being and personal growth or if changes are needed.

Overall, the reversed Three of Cups in a love and relationships spread suggests a need for careful consideration of the dynamics in your social and romantic life. Address any conflicts or imbalances, prioritize emotional health and individual growth, and work on fostering healthier and more harmonious connections with others.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

Evaluating Relationships: In the context of spirituality, it advises you to evaluate the quality of your spiritual relationships and connections. Consider whether they are supportive and aligned with your spiritual journey. Seeking Solitude: This card can signify a period when you might benefit from more solitude and introspection in your spiritual practices. It suggests that inner reflection and meditation could be more beneficial than external social or group activities.

Personal Growth: Overall, the reversed Three of Cups prompts you to prioritize your personal health and emotional well-being while reevaluating your spiritual connections. It's a reminder to focus on inner growth and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a healthier and more spiritually fulfilling path.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Three of Cups typically suggests a "yes," especially if the question involves celebration, social gatherings, or joyful reunions. This card symbolizes harmony, friendship, and shared happiness, indicating positive outcomes and affirmations, particularly in matters related to social connections and festivities.