"Out of destruction rises opportunity, for within the ruins lies the foundation of transformation."

The Tower

The fall, destruction, trauma, upheaval, loss, tragedy.
Denial, resistance, averting disaster, avoidance.


The fall, destruction, trauma, upheaval, loss, tragedy.

The Tower, probably the worst card in the tarot deck. If you receive this card in a reading you really need to brace yourself. Lot's of the tarots symbolism comes from olden times, where those that stood with the most to loose were those who resided in their towers of power, kings, nobles and religious clergy. The higher you are the harder you fall. The Tower is an indication that something in your life is falling, failing or being hit with a bolt of change and destruction. This is catapulting change into your life. As much as life may seem chaotic and confusing, this is all for your highest good.
- Destruction.
- Failure and loss.
- Painful endings.
- Painful realizations about yourself.
- Falling from positions of power.
- Traumatic events.
- Change.

Love and Relationships

In love, the Tower In a love Tarot reading, often indicates that the relationship is being hit with a traumatic event or realization. This can signify disconnection and separation due to an event or due to a change within the parties itself, but it doesn't always necessarily mean a break-up. However it's a strong indication that the relationship is going through a break-down and it's gonna take time and energy to build it back up to where it was. Regardless, aspects of this relationship have been changed significantly, this indicates break downs of beliefs and attitudes within the relationship.
If you are single and looking for love, the Tower can suggest that you're going to have a sudden realization about yourself which may shock, confuse or upset you in relation to your relationships. Perhaps an event will take place that will highlight an aspect of yourself that you didn't want to face or acknowledge. Perhaps there are attitudes and beliefs within your dating and love life that will come crumbling down, in order to set the stage for a new, more realistic and honest you, which although you don't see it now, this will lead to a more healthy dating dynamic.
The Tower warns us of trauma, abuse, violence and other destructive events, so whether you're dating or in a committed relationship, make sure to take extra care whenever this card comes up in a reading about the future or about a person. Be mindful, aware and take the time to access the situation with logic and rationale. There's no need to be hyper-focused on it, but just take the necessary safety precautions and be aware of your romantic environment and the power dynamics that might be present.

Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Tower often suggest a break down of your core belief systems. Belief systems are core or foundational beliefs you have about the world and about yourself which create or frame your reality. Not all these beliefs are serving you, and not all of them are resilient as you believe they are. When you receive the Tower in a spirituality reading it indicates that you will probably go through turmoil in order to break down some unstable belief systems that probably aren't serving you. This can be an extraordinarily transformative process, but it also can be quiet painful and confronting. This is so much to take in, so make sure you are gentle with yourself.

In a health reading, the Tower can indicate physical trauma, whether you injure yourself or potentially get ill. While the initial impact of the Tower can feel overwhelming and painful, they are often followed by a period of deep and necessary healing.

Money and Career

In a finance reading, the Tower is a sign of financial failure. Be really careful with money at this time. Don't make any decisions based on fear and anxiety. Take a step back and access you options, take time with decision making and be as logical as you can be. Avoid risky investments and offers that seem to good to be true. If you haven't got a safety net of money, maybe is the time to start preparing or putting money away for unexpected events. When stressful events happen, something that often makes things more stressful is not having enough money to support yourself out of that stressful situation.

The Tower in a career reading often brings unwelcomed change into your job or career position. For example, perhaps you may need to change positions or jobs unexpectedly, or perhaps there is an sudden change in your industry which is leading to anxiety and panic about future profit prospects. There's always elements of stress and anxiety when the Tower is presented, so be mindful to take a step back and breathe before you make any big decisions or try to adapt.

Reversed General

Denial, resistance, averting disaster, avoidance.

The Tower reversed suggest that you are averting disaster, avoiding facing the music and denial about what events are happening to you or for you. The Tower is a sign of resistance, you are refusing to come to let your tower fall, you are in a state of denial and resistance. Although it is painful to let your tower come crumbling down, it's necessary and significant to your growth. Difficult times give us our greatest lessons, and are usually the greatest catalyst's for growth and development. Remember that what you resist persists. The more you resist the tower the bigger it can get and it will eventually force it's way onto you. It's okay to just allow whatever negative event to happen to you, so you can learn, grow and proceed to a state of healing and progression.
- Denial.
- Running away from problems, events and people.
- Resistance to change.
- Avoidance of a situation.
- Avoiding facing the music.
- Refusal to come to terms with and event or yourself.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In love, the Tower can indicate that you are avoiding break-ups or break-downs of your current relationship. You may be holding onto a relationship that is no longer serving you, out of fear of pain and separation. Sometimes we want what's familiar and not what's beneficial for us. The Tower is an indication that its time to face the music, comes to terms with elements of your relationship that are not working out, harming you or creating turmoil because right now there are big crack in this relationship.

Perhaps you have recently gone through something traumatic with your partner and you're attempting to put the pieces back together. The Tower indicates you're attempting to get your relationship back to what it was, it is changed now, and your relationship needs to develop or adapt to this change instead of avoid and deny it. Its also important to ask yourself is this the relationship you want? Sometimes we hold on to beautiful memories of our relationship from the past, discounting all the negatives that are present now. Make sure you are not grappling to create old versions of your partner or your relationship so you can mimic what it once was. People change and we need to adapt with it. Ask yourself if this is the relationship that best serves you?

If you are single, the Tower can indicate that you are avoiding coming to terms with aspects to yourself or your dating life. Perhaps you are looking for a partner but you keep on being met with rejecting, but you don't want to face the fact that you may be really difficult to be with. The Tower is an indication of avoidance and denial. Take the time to really look at yourself, even if this causes you pain, you need to come to terms with how you are in relationships in order to get what you want.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Tower in a spiritual reading indicates that you are holding onto belief systems that are no longer serving you. An example of this is similar to a Christian who is holding onto the belief that homosexuals are sinning against God's will. Although the Christian believer may believe holding onto this belief is bringing them close to the divine, it is an act of rejection of what is and therefore a rejection of the divine itself. Perhaps there are are number of reasons why you're holding onto belief systems, perhaps they bring you comfort or perhaps their familiar. Regardless, it's time to access and come to turns with these beliefs and whether they are causing growth or stunting your spiritual development.

In a health reading, the Tower can suggest you are ignoring signs of illness from your body. Perhaps you are avoiding symptoms of illness and pretending they're small and insignificant. Make sure to tune into your body and address any pain of discomfort you're feeling with professional medical attention. Avoiding health issues is never a good idea. It's always important to address you health and welfares and make it a priority, even if symptoms seem small and insignificant at the time.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Tower tarot card typically suggests a "no." This card represents sudden change, upheaval, and disruption. It often signifies the breakdown of existing structures or beliefs, leading to chaos and uncertainty. Therefore, the presence of the Tower in a spread may indicate that the answer to your question is negative, or that significant challenges lie ahead that need to be addressed before progress can be made.