"The stars are the land-marks of the universe." - Sir John Frederick William Herschel

The Star

Hope, faith, spirituality, survival, rejuvenation.
Hopelessness, defeated, negative mindset, lack of faith, lack of imagination.


Hope, faith, spirituality, survival, rejuvenation.

The Star means you have overcome trauma or some sort of challenge in your life and you are now standing on the other side of that experience. The Star is about hope after a period of destruction, it's the realization that you have endured so much and are still standing. Because of this destruction you enter a new phase of understanding and therefore strengthen your relationship with the universe. The Star reveals how strong you really are.
- Hope and understanding.
- Healing.
- Stronger spiritual connection to the universe.
- Overcome trauma and destruction.
- Reveals strength.
- Imagination.
- Choosing a higher version of yourself.
- Trust in yourself.
-Trust in the universe.

Love and Relationships

If you have recently gone through a breakup or romantic heartache, the Star is an indication that you are standing on the other side of that relationship or experience. You can let the ashes fall away and look to a new future. The Star is about hope but it's also about healing. This time is about bringing a new found faith in love into your life.
If you are single and looking for love, keep your faith in love strong, keep developing your spiritual connection to the universe, choose the higher version of yourself and keep believing in love. It's the most powerful thing in the universe and it's always there even when we can't see it or feel it. Be diligent with your faith in love.

Health and Spirituality

Whether you have gone through a period of destruction or trauma or not, the star indicates renewal. This is a period of spiritual development, faith and healing. The star is an indication that you are abundant with diving energy and you are being uplifted to become a higher version of yourself. This is a great period for using your imagination to dream of what future you are looking for. So takes some time to really imagine the things that you hope and dream for, write them down and put energy into believing in yourself and the trusting the universe. What experiences and relationships you want to bring into your life? Allow your imagination to have full reign during this time. Hope and healing go hand in hand.

Money and Career

The Star tarot card is an indication that you've come out of this challenging situation and you are moving into faith and imagination about the future. Use your hope and imagination to cultivate your motivation during this time. This is a period of hoping and dreaming of that ideal position, that financial reward or that amazing opportunity. The universe has your back and is always working with you. Faith is an essential part of the manifestation process. Allow your imagination to run free, dream up what you want to see come to fruition and keep your faith that the universe is working with you!

Reversed General

Hopelessness, defeated, negative mindset, lack of faith, lack of imagination.

The Star reversed is about a loss of faith in the divine or the universe. Perhaps you feel an absence of divine energy, causing you to feel hopelessness. The challenges and traumas of life have worn you down and you feel defeated. This is causing you to be uninspired and unmotivated with life, you're feeling the apathy that comes with hopelessness. The Star reversed can be a test of faith. The divine is always present. Things are never truly hopeless, there are always ways to transcend and manifest through challenges and trauma that comes your way.
- Defeated by events.
- Futility.
- Hopelessness.
- Lack of faith.
- Lack of imagination.
- Negative attitude.

Reversed Love and Relationships

If you're in a relationship the Star indicates parties within the relationship are loosing faith in it's ability to remain. The theme here is that there is an overall lack of faith in this relationship. Perhaps your relationship has lost it's spark, or perhaps one partner isn't feeling the same feelings towards the other.  Hopelessness occurs within a relationship when those involved are not feeling heard, considered, appreciated or respected. Perhaps one partner in putting in more effort than the other. Or perhaps you keep on hitting a wall in your relationship, causing fights and tension and you can't see a way through.
Relationships take work, all the best things in life take some degree of work. Are both parties putting in the work to see the relationship succeed? If not, this can lead to a point of giving up or loosing faith in this relationships ability to remain.

If you are single and looking for love, the Star reversed can be an indication that you have lost faith in finding a partner or lover. Perhaps you have been burned in the past and haven't fully healed from that experience, which is being projected into your current circumstance. Perhaps you are pessimistic about love, or perhaps you have developed a hard shell to protect yourself from being hurt. You have lost you faith in love and you lack faith or belief in finding that connection and closeness that you deeply long for.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

Perhaps life has come crashing down on you, testing your spiritual faith and commitment. Perhaps you’re being confronted with challenges and beliefs that are causing you to doubt and question the universe and its divinity. Your faith is being tested. Know that the divine is always present and always has your back.  But right now it feels like the opposite. It feels like distrust and hopelessness, like your spiritual path has been tarnished. Trust that this is a step in your spiritual journey. Although we don't always see it at the time, there is healing and understanding to be gained here. Take some time out for yourself. Meditate and practice deep and personal self care. Be gentle with yourself.

In relation to a health reading, perhaps you have been under physical strain or pain. This is causing you to feel defeated. Perhaps this is created a negative spiral or causing you to become uninspired with life. Hold on, this is a test of resilience and you are stronger than what you could possibly imagine.

Take time out specifically for self care, treat yourself, reflect, book a day spa or cook yourself something nutritiou

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Star card often suggests a "yes." This card represents hope, inspiration, and healing. Its appearance in a spread indicates that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that positive outcomes are possible. Therefore, the answer to your question is likely to be affirmative, especially if it involves hope, renewal, or spiritual growth.