"Even in the darkest night, the moon guides us, illuminating the path through shadows and mysteries."

The Moon

Illusion, delusions, projecting fear, deception, shadow self, lunacy.
Understanding, revealing, releasing fear and anxiety, removing the veil.


Illusion, delusions, projecting fear, deception, shadow self, lunacy.

The Moon represents illusions and shadows. There are distortions happening, whether it is your own personal distortion or someone around you. Things are not what they seem. You may have information that has been manipulated or you may be distorting an experience. For this reason, the Moon represents deceptions and secrecy, it conceals information, not everything is what it seems when your receive the moon in a reading. The Moon can also be The Moon is the repressed aspects that bubble back up to the surface.
- Self Delusion.
- Secrecy.
Deception from others.
- Shadow Self.
- Projecting fear.
- Fears and anxiety.
- Lunacy.

Love and Relationships

In relationships, the Moon suggest that there may be secrets or hidden information that is present within the relationship. Perhaps it's our own internal struggles or wishes that we don't actively share, or perhaps we are ashamed to reveal shameful behavior to our partner. Or perhaps your partner is concealing information from you. Don't jump to conclusions if you receive the Moon in a reading. Wait for all the facts before you make any accusations. The Moon, for this reason can also mean there is insecurity present in the relationship, not everything is what it seems and parties may be harboring feelings.

The Moon can mean you are hiding your feeling for someone. Perhaps you're insecure or perhaps shy, or perhaps the circumstances are not quiet right. But regardless, you are hiding or deceiving yourself or another person.

If this spread was specifically about a person, be mindful that this person may not be giving you all the information about who they are, perhaps there is deception present.

If you are single and looking for love, the Moon can suggest anxiety and fear surrounding love and relationships. Perhaps you are projecting your fears about love into your dating life. When we have been hurt in the past by someone we love, we tend to project our fears of being hurt into new relationships and dynamics.

Health and Spirituality

The Moon is traditional context is associated with madness or mental illness. You may of heard of the term "lunatic". The Moon can represent fears, anxiety and paranoia amongst other emotional or distressed states. Perhaps there are ways in your life that you are deluding yourself or perhaps behaviors that you think are good that are harming you. If you are suffering with any mental health or physical health issues right now, the Moon suggest to go seek professional help. Perhaps there are issues laying under the surface that you need to understand or remedy.

Tune into your intuition, and seek support if you feel you need it at this time.

Money and Career

In a career reading, the Moon can suggest potential deceptions within a workplace. Perhaps the organization or business you are working for is not what they seem. Perhaps they are doing shady things on the sidelines that you're not aware of. Or perhaps you are working a job that is doing harm to yourself of others, but you need to delude yourself about the position so you don't feel bad about continuing to work there. Perhaps you have fear/anxiety regarding job or role. Ask yourself what is the cause of this emotion and what specific tasks are correlated to those emotions.

In relation to money, the Moon can represent insecurity or paranoia when it comes to money. Perhaps you are deluding yourself with how stable or "risk free" you investments are.

Reversed General

Understanding, revealing, releasing fear and anxiety, removing the veil.

The Moon reversed often represents new revelations and understanding. New information has been bought to the surface and you are beginning to release the fear and anxiety of a situation. This can sometimes be an intense experience, the truth will hurt you before it sets you free. Take time for yourself, step back and understand the facts before taking action.
- Revelation.
-Releasing fear and anxiety.
- Revealing truth of a situation.
- Releasing repressed emotions.
- Understanding.
- Coming out of the shadows.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship reading the Moon can represent the uncovering of truths within the relationship. The Moon can suggest that secrets, emotions or desires are going to be brought to the surface after being hidden for some time. Sometimes this information can shake a relationship and partnerships may be destroyed or strengthened. Successful relationships focus on solutions and understanding.

If you are single and looking for love, the Moon suggests that you have realized important information about yourself. Perhaps you have come to terms with aspects about who you are or what you've been deceiving yourself or others about. These revelations may spark change. So be patient and gentle with yourself and communicate as much as you can with people you're dating, about who you are and what you're looking for.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Moon is a positive card in relation to health and spirituality. There has been a release of fear and anxiety. You have had revelations about a certain situation or about yourself. You can see with more clarity and you can now move forward. This can also mean that a physical or mental healthy issue has been released or is in the process of being released. It is time for the healing to commence.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Moon card often suggests a "maybe" or an "unclear" answer. This card represents illusions, fears, and the subconscious mind. Its appearance in a spread indicates that there may be hidden factors or uncertainties surrounding the situation. Therefore, the answer to your question may not be straightforward and requires further exploration or clarification before a definitive answer can be given. In a "yes or no" spread, The Moon card typically leans towards a "no" due to its association with uncertainty, illusions, and hidden truths.