"Whether you believe you can or you believe you can't, you're right." - Henry Ford

The Magician

Willpower, manifestation, skill, resourcefulness, power, ability and Alchemy
The Magician Tarot card reversed may indicate manipulation, misuse of talents, or a lack of direction, leading to unfulfilled potential and ineffective efforts.


Willpower, manifestation, skill, resourcefulness, power, ability and Alchemy

The Magician represents the connection between the spiritual realms and the material realms. The Magician uses this connection to create and manifest his goals in the physical world. The magician is equipped with knowledge, willpower and resources to actively and successfully manifest, turning energy into physical results. Usually the Magician card shows a man with a cup, sword, wand and pentacle, representing the resources and ability to use the elements to create what he desires.
- Potential.
- Opportunity.
- Resourcefulness and use of the elements to manifest.
- Bringing an idea into fruition.
- Alchemy.

Love and Relationships

It's time to implement your FOCUS. The magician on a spiritual level requires your concentration and resources for you to actively move you towards your goal. Your commitment to the goal is critical, so access what you need and what you need to get rid of, which means any distractions or people that may draw your focus away. Use what you can, use your strengths and resources in your planning to make sure that you stay on track and carry out your tasks.

The Magician is about moving energy into the physical realms. If you are struggling with something, mentally or physically, the magician asks you to look around you and use what you can to move energy to the physical world. Exercise, spell work, ACTION, you have all the things you need, it's time to start moving

Health and Spirituality

It's time to implement your FOCUS. The magician on a spiritual level requires your concentration and resources for you to actively move you towards your goal. Your commitment to the goal is critical, so access what you need and what you need to get rid of, which means any distractions or people that may draw your focus away. Use what you can, use your strengths and resources in your planning to make sure that you stay on track and carry out your tasks.

The Magician is about moving energy into the physical realms. If you are struggling with something, mentally or physically, the magician asks you to look around you and use what you can to move energy to the physical world. Exercise, spell work, ACTION, you have all the things you need, it's time to start moving.

Money and Career

Behind every successful person is a magician. Someone who uses their ambition, willpower, stamina and whatever the have in-front of them to alchemy their desires and goals. If you are getting the magician in a reading to do with career or money, it's time to harness your resources and use your strength and determination to manifest your desires into the physical world. This card is a good omen that you have what it takes to get what you want.

Reversed General

The Magician Tarot card reversed may indicate manipulation, misuse of talents, or a lack of direction, leading to unfulfilled potential and ineffective efforts.

Upright the magician is about power, skill and resources. When the magician is reversed it is about a misuse of those resource, a lack of concentration in the right areas. Sometimes the magician reversed and symbolize manipulation and laziness for this reason. Or it can represent someone who is not using their resources and skill for the right reasons. When in reversal, the Magician signifies greed, and manipulation. The magician is masterful at manifesting, but if you are out of touch with your values and greatest good, you may only do it for your personal gain and at the expense of others.
- Laziness.
- Lack of resourcefulness.
Wasted potential.
- Illusion.
- Deception of self or people around you.

Reversed Love and Relationships

When you receive the magician reversed in a love reading, access you romantic situation. is there any illusions or manipulations present in your relationship?
The magician can signify that  this person/relationship may not be what it seems. You want to make sure both parties are transparent about who they are and what they want when allowing yourself to open up to a new relationship.
Perhaps you or someone else is putting on a front, this could be an illusion or performance.

If you are seeking love, the magician can indicate that there is a lack of willpower, stamina present on the search for finding love or manifesting a relationship. There is an element of laziness and lack of appreciation for the resources or potential partners around you. Take initiative and look at the steps you could take to manifest the relationship you desire.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

Are there ways that you're wasting your potential? Are you utilizing the what you have around you to make your life better, to manifest the things that you want or desire.
The magician reversed is when you have what it takes to implement what you want into reality but you are not taking the steps to move forward with it. Perhaps it's laziness, or perhaps you feel as through you don't deserve what it is that you want. A magician with not self-worth and no value can't possible utilize the power of the universes elements adequately.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Magician card often suggests a "yes." This card represents manifestation, power, and taking action. Its appearance in a spread indicates that you have the ability to make things happen and achieve your goals through focused intention and willpower. Therefore, the answer to your question is likely to be positive, especially if you are willing to take initiative and utilize your skills and resources effectively.