"The truth you seek lies not in the noise of the world, but in the silence of your soul."

The High Priestess

Intuition, spirituality, goddess energy, feeling into a situation, higher power.
The High Priestess reversed represents ignoring or blocking your intuition, lack of spiritual understanding


Intuition, spirituality, goddess energy, feeling into a situation, higher power.

The high priestess is strongly associated with the goddess Persephone.
The High Priestess is known for bridging between the light and the shadow, for listening into ones intuition, and embracing ones divine feminine, and exploring yourself inward through to gain more spiritual insights and understanding about yourself. The high priestess is about following a spiritual path in general, exercising your intuition, and connecting to higher sources of power and the divine. The high priestess is about pausing from actions and decisions and taking time to listen to your intuition instead, this is the best way to feel into a situation and understand where you want to go and who you want to be.
- Listening to your intuition.
- Embracing your feminine energy.
- Meditation.
- Prayer.
- The path of spirituality.

Love and Relationships

In love, the high priestess can indicate that this relationship is creating a spiritual journey for both parties. This relationship is making the high priestess archetype for both parties stronger. You are both becoming more intuitive, more spiritual and more wise and powerful as a result of this unity.

If you are searching for love, or you are unsure about someone in particular, the high priestess asks you to tune into your intuition and feel if this person or situation is right for you. Meditation and journaling are great for figuring out who is right for you. Your intuition is calling you and it wants to be heard.

Health and Spirituality

The high priestess is an indication that messages are trying to come to you and it's important to listen and tune in. Meditation will help you read your subconscious messages, tune into what feels right and understand yourself.
It's also an indication that you should listen to your body right now. Is there any pain or tension in your body? where is it emanating from? why is it occurring? are the foods I'm eating serving my body? Tune in and listen, take the time to stop your everyday life and feel into your body.

Money and Career

The high priestess in a career reading is potentially saying that this job is going to be a spiritually fulfilling endeavor. This career is taking you to new emotional and mental heights which are going to expand your consciousness and intuition.

The high priestess can also be an indication that it's important to embrace your feminine energy in the workplace and even with your finances. Many people associate productivity and work with masculine archetypes, but intuition and divine feminine actually help us make better and more aligned decisions.

Reversed General

The High Priestess reversed represents ignoring or blocking your intuition, lack of spiritual understanding

The high priestess reversed signifies ignoring the intuition and placing too much onus on the conscious mind. Trusting the mind over the heart or the gut. This can be problematic because the although the mind can be rational and logical, it doesn't know what direction to go into. This is because your direction, your purpose come from the deepest parts of yourself. The high priestess reversed can also indicate a manipulative, cold person who is making you doubt yourself. Getting the high priestess in a reading can
- Lack of understanding.
- Repression of emotions.
- Spiritual Blockages.
- Ignoring gut feelings or intuition about a situation.
- Spiritual self doubt.
- Malicious or manipulative person.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In love, the high priestess in reversed can indicate that you don't understanding your romantic situations. Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, there are blockages preventing your from being where you want to be, and these blockages can be remedied by listening to your inner voice. Perhaps you are ignoring serious red flags in your relationship. Remember to tune into yourself and your emotions. Ask yourself these questions.
-Does this person bring happiness and love into your life?
- What emotions does this person create in your?
What kind of person do I need to be to attract the right partner?

Perhaps your don't trust someone, or perhaps your don't trust yourself. Regardless there is a lack of intuition and understanding about yourself or about the other person. Maybe you are placing to much doubt in yourself of the other person.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The high priestess reversed can indicate a lack of harmony with your diving feminine nature.. Perhaps you are experiencing trouble with your menstruation or fertility. So many women are disgusted by their menstruation, unaware that their time of the month is one of the most powerful parts of being a woman.
If you are having health problems related to fertility or your menstrual cycle, check in with your doctor about those issues.
Perhaps you are ignoring your spiritual calling, ignoring divine messages, ignoring intuition and you emotions and listening to heavily to your conscious mind. This card is an indication that your intuition and subconscious self are blocked by your conscious mind. Perhaps you don't want to pursue your spiritual calling. Ask yourself why this is? What is keeping this aspect of your blocked? Perhaps you're not ready to pursue this spiritual path, and if so, that's okay, but understand why.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the High Priestess often suggests a "maybe" or a "wait and see" approach rather than a definitive "yes" or "no." This card represents intuition, mystery, and accessing hidden knowledge. Therefore, the answer to your question may not be immediately clear, and it could require further exploration of your intuition and subconscious mind before reaching a conclusion.