"Solitude is not loneliness; it's an opportunity to find clarity amidst the noise of the world."

The Hermit

Introspection, reflection, solitude, introvert.
Isolation, recluse, loneliness, paranoia, anti-social, avoidance.


Introspection, reflection, solitude, introvert.

The Hermit indicates a time for soul searching, alone time, where you can reflect to gain deeper understanding of yourself or your situation. It's the process of looking into yourself, often this can be a spiritual practice, questioning your existence, contemplating life and it's challenges. When you let go of looking for validation and answers from the outside world and take a journey inwards.
- Reflection + contemplation.
- Introversion.
- Letting go of the outside world and retrieving inwards.
- Getting close to your most authentic self.
- Your private world.
- Search for answers.
- Questioning existence.

Love and Relationships

In love, the hermit can represent a person who is very much introverted. This person is taking time to reflect and contemplate on their life. Perhaps they are going through a a transitional phase where lots of introspection is required. Hermits can shut the world out in order to look inward. Perhaps this person is in a constant state of existential crisis's. The hermit is a necessary step in order to figure out your values and desires.

At times of heartbreak, the Hermit asks you to stop searching for validation or answers from other people. Take some time out for yourself and search inwards, ask yourself what happening on an emotional level, what needs weren't met? Just because this relationships didn't turn out the way you expected, doesn't mean it wasn't an essential stepping stone in your life towards your future self. What went wrong? What went right? What did that relationship tell you about what you would want in your next relationship? When you become the Hermit you gain more wisdom and understanding to move you towards the things you want.

Health and Spirituality

The mission of the Hermit is spiritual enlightenment and wellbeing. You are at a transitional phase of your life and perhaps considering a new direction or trajectory. Embody the Hermit through retreating inwards, meditation, introspection and journaling. Writing our feelings and thoughts on paper can really help us understand and see things from a more objective stance. Reflect on your personal ambitions, your health and wellbeing, the person you want to be, the things you want to manifest in your life. This is the perfect time to expand your spiritual journey

Money and Career

Most the time we think that giving all our energy to our work and finances will produce the most fruit. Some people work 80 hour weeks and pour constant energy into their work with the notion that that's the exact way to capitalize the most from their work and get further in their career, in their finances or in life in general. The Hermit knows that searching inwards and finding the wisdom and answers from within is one of the most powerful ways to get further in life. Take time out for yourself, introspect and contemplate on your goals. You'll be surprised by the knowledge that will arise in this process.

Reversed General

Isolation, recluse, loneliness, paranoia, anti-social, avoidance.

Taking time out for yourself can be an important and essential step in your journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, but too much isolation can be damaging. The Hermit reversed in telling you that you're overdoing the introversion. Being alone can be amazing and lots of people enjoy their alone time more-so than then enjoy being around people. But being alone can become addictive and restrictive. Meeting people in social situations or moving outside of your Hermit reclusiveness can become a dreaded task causing fear and more isolation.
- Avoidance.
- Too much isolation.
- Over-analysis.
- Loneiliness.
- Shyness and hesitation for social situations.
- Addiction to isolation.
- Too comfortable in Hermit shell.

Reversed Love and Relationships

Loneliness. The Hermit reversed, whether single or in a committed relationship, there is loneliness present. Even when in marriages and long-term relationships, when you are not been seen, heard or understood by a partner, that can be one of the most lonely feelings in the world.

If you are single, check in to make sure that you are not guarding yourself from love or relationships out of fear or paranoia. Are you keeping barriers up? Do you reveal the soulful aspects of yourself or are you harboring and hiding your emotions and feelings?

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Hermit reversed can be a sign of mental health issues, such as depression. The Hermit reversed is blocking themselves from the world and living in state of avoidance. Introversion can be essential but when in excess it is very damaging and be a sign to seek professional help. Perhaps this person is in a state of anxiety, over-analysis, long periods of sleep or insomnia and depressive phases. This person lives in a comfort bubbles and is afraid to step outside of the level of comfort.
When the Hermit is upright it is a sign of healthy introspection, self reflection and the path to enlightenment. When it's reversed it can mean they are moving further away from enlightenment. The Hermit reversed may be hindering their path to enlightenment, they are not accessing the wisdom and answers to help them, they are perpetuating their issues through over-analysis, fear and paranoia.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Hermit often suggests a "maybe" or advises to wait and seek further introspection before making a decision. This card represents introspection, soul-searching, and seeking inner guidance. Therefore, the answer to your question may be unclear at the moment, indicating a need to withdraw and reflect before proceeding. In a "yes or no" spread, The Hermit generally leans towards a "no" due to its association with introspection, withdrawal, and the need for further contemplation before making a decision.