"Sometimes, to gain a new perspective, we must first change our position."

The Hanged Man

Surrender, pause, new perspectives, stepping outside the situation
Distraction, apathy, delusion, negative mindset, restricted


Surrender, pause, new perspectives, stepping outside the situation

The hanged man is about looking at the situation from a different perspective. In order to see this new perspective you have to look from a different angle. The hanged man is upside down looking at the world and creating a more objective view in the process. It's a sign to stop pushing a situation and instead surrender, pause and look at it from a different perspective.
- Stepping outside the situation.
- New perspectives.

Love and Relationships

Try and look at the relationships from a different perspective. Perhaps you and your partner are unable to see eye to eye. This can be frustrating and damaging. Put yourself in your partners shoes. Ask lots of questions and take yourself out of your current perspective and into your partners. What do you see? What is working and what isn't?

If you're single and looking for love. The hanged-man asks you to put yourself in the position of potential lovers. What would is be like to be with you? What would be great and what wouldn't be? Look at yourself from a new perspective and access what it would be like to be with someone like you and from that access what partner you'd need to attract to support who you are.

Health and Spirituality

You don't have all the answers right now. Your intuition is calling you to take some time for yourself to really focus on things from a new perspective. If you don't listen to your intuition and take this time to access your situation from a new angle, the universe will force you into the hanged-man position. It's essential to your desired path and growth that you look at things from a different perspective and gain the insights necessary to see it into fruition.

In relation to health and wellbeing, don't hesitate to get a second opinion, try a new regime or take on some new advice. Take time away from your day to day normal activities and implement different ones to gain a different perspective. Welcome changes to your routine and anything that is providing your with a new insight.

Money and Career

Pause relax and don't make any big decisions. This is a time for surrender and observation, this is not the time to be making important financial decisions or career based decisions. You don't have all the information necessary to make the best most educated decision.

Reversed General

Distraction, apathy, delusion, negative mindset, restricted

You are not operating in a natural flow state. You are restricted, distracted and closing yourself off to new ways of thinking or being. You are in a state of self delusion, where you think that you're doing the right thing, or that you're way is the right way. Perhaps you are deluding yourself into thinking that certain behaviors or mentalities are healthy when they're not. The hanged man reversed can also be about being on pause for too long, where the pause is not benefiting or serving you, it's doing the opposite.
- Stalling.
- Resistance.
- Distraction.
- Apathy.
- Delusion.
- Maintaining a negative mindset.
- Restriction.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship spread the hanged-man can suggest that parties within the relationship are stalling or resisting seeing the relationship for what it is. Perhaps you are viewing the relationship with the wrong mindset or you are deluding yourself about the success of a relationship when there are clear warning signs. Humans love the feeling of love. It's human nature to romanticize are enable yourself to fall into dreamy states of romantic adoration. But perhaps it's time to step outside of that mindset just for a moment in order to look at the situation in a different light.

If you are single and looking for love, perhaps you are romanticizing the ideal partner in your mind, perhaps this partner is unrealistic. Perhaps your are deluding yourself about the type of person you are in a relationship. Regardless delusion is present and your mindset needs to be accessed.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

Are you avoiding truly seeing yourself?  Perhaps you are deluding yourself into thinking that certain behaviors or mentalities are healthy when they're not. Self-delusion is one of the most common things we do as humans. It's normal to delude ourselves in certain areas when we don't know how to face it.

In health and wellbeing readings the hanged man reversed suggests that potentially there is a attitude or habit which is causing you harm. The hanged-man reversed asked you to take yourself out of that perspective and take the time to review that there are multiple ways to approach a problem.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Hanged Man card often suggests a "maybe" or an "unclear" answer. This card represents surrender, sacrifice, and gaining a new perspective through suspension. Its appearance in a spread indicates that the situation may require a shift in perspective or a period of waiting and introspection. Therefore, the answer to your question may not be straightforward and could involve delays or uncertainties before reaching a definitive conclusion. In a "yes or no" spread, The Hanged Man card typically leans towards a "no" due to its association with delays, sacrifices, and a need for introspection before moving forward.