"The power of a woman is not measured by the scale of her strength, but by the depth of her love." - Debasish Mridha

The Empress

Nurturing, motherhood, connection to nature, abundance, the feminine.
Neglect , repressed emotions & creativity, insecurity, emptiness.


Nurturing, motherhood, connection to nature, abundance, the feminine.

The Empress represents the divine feminine, motherhood and abundance. It's about love and accepting yourself as a woman, embracing all the things that make you a woman or that are associated with the feminine. Beauty, connection to your emotions and intuition, motherhood, softness, elegance and creative expression. This is a calling to get connected with you inner divine feminine goddess. It is a card of growth and connection. Think of how a mother is to their child, they nurture, connect and give love which facilitates growth and development. The Empress can also suggest pregnancy or a cycle into motherhood. But regardless it is the card of embracing that self-love and nurturing side of yourself, so you may feel the drive to support and nurture those around you, giving a generous amount of love and energy.
- Motherhood and pregnancy.
- Nurturing yourself or others.
- Abundance and growth.
- The divine feminine energy.
- Connecting to yourself and nature.

Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship, the Empress suggest love, romance and support within a nurturing relationship which is growing and developing. This can suggest the support and love of each other but it can also mean the support and love for children, or perhaps even thinking about the idea of being parents. This can mean falling pregnant, but it can also mean doing something like buying a dog together and loving and raising it. Both are acts of divine feminine love, giving and nurturing. This is a truly beautiful time of generosity, abundance and creating giving love.

If you are single and looking for love, the Empress can suggest that you're exploring self-love and giving and nurturing yourself. This is an amazing venture as the higher your self-love is, the more likely you'll find a loving partner who will love and support you in the ways you deserve, and of course you'll know when this person is right for you, because you know what love is enough to justify you being in a relationship, you'll have standards for how to be treated because you love and respect yourself enough to see what love it.

Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Empress is asking you to connect with you divine feminine energy. This is the energy known as shakti, lunar energy, mother Gaia, mother earth and nature. Take this time to explore creativity, self expression through the arts and feeling into your emotions and feelings at this time. This is a powerful time where you can experience greater awareness, balance, intuitions and perhaps even messages from the universe, so embrace your divine feminine.

In a health reading, the Empress signals giving to yourself, doing things that are good for your overall health and wellbeing, nurturing your body because it's your vessel. Acknowledging and appreciating parts of your body that are beautiful. Looking at your body without judgment or critique, but with love an adoration for what is is and what it enables you to do. Nurture yourself, and listen to your body. Watch your energy levels, take time out for yourself.

If you are trying to get pregnant, the Empress is a strong indicator that you are fertile and that pregnancy is something that the universe is working with you on to make happen.

Money and Career

In a career reading, the Empress suggests that you have lots of creative energy within you, a powerful energy that can lead you to great outcomes in your job. Embrace the creative aspect of you and see where you can nurture of support ideas that can bring value to people. Take time to brainstorm, put thoughts and ideas on paper and embrace the creative process. You are investing not just in work but in yourself, your skills and you ideas!

The Empress can also mean creating a more harmonious workplace, or building a better work and family balance. Perhaps you're a mother who has cultivated a way to be a full time mother and also making money on the side in you own creative way.

In a finance reading, the Empress suggest that you're putting generously into assets, you have faith in assets and investments that will grow and produce outcomes, so you are putting time and energy into cultivating finance projects which will produce fruit for you. This is not just a time for investment in finance, but also investment in yourself, your financial knowledge and spiritual abundance. This is a great time to practice abundance meditations and affirmations.

Reversed General

Neglect , repressed emotions & creativity, insecurity, emptiness.

In general, the Empress reversed suggests that you are not in touch with yourself and you divine feminine. Sometimes we repress out feminine energy, this is a mans world and many of the structures and systems cause us to repress out feminine nature, for both men and women. This can be an indication of focusing too much on the physical and the material. We are all a mix of both masculine and feminine energy. We repress self-expression and emotions, creative energy and self-love. The Empress reversed can suggest neglecting your beauty and expression, so you may feel unattractive or unkept which may affect your self-confidence and the way you hold yourself. It's time to practice self love and embrace yourself again.
- Neglecting your inner divine feminine Goddess.
- Neglecting your health and wellbeing.
- Not caring about how you look or hold yourself.
- Feeling like you're unattractive.
- Suppression of your creative expression.
- Suppression of your emotions.
- Focusing to much on masculine energy.
- Feeling empty.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In love, the Empress reversed can feel like love and romance is stagnant. The current environment of the relationship doesn't allow emotions and creativity to be fully expressed and explored. This relationship feels empty and unfulfilling, there is a lack of growth. There is suppression occurring, maybe one partner is suppressing the other, or maybe both parties are suppressing each other. Most of your growth happens in a relationship, so if there is a lack of growth this tells you that something isn't right here. Express how you feel, don't hold back from showing who you are and let out whatever is inside you. The person you're with should love and accept you and let you express who you are, that's how you know that's the person for you.

If you are single, the Empress reversed can be an indication you feel unattractive, that you're not desirable, your confidence is lacking and you don't feel like pursing a relationship. You're not embracing and loving yourself, so why should someone else, right? It's time to invest in yourself, give yourself love, spend money on you, pamper yourself, buy the shoes, join a gym, start a art class, begin expressing yourself in different artistic forms.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Empress reversed can be an indication that you are suppressing your divine feminine energy and therefore stunting your spiritual journey. We are a mixture of both masculine and feminine qualities, it's both these aspects that make us human. If you're a man, remember that embracing your inner feminine side, your need to express emotionally, be creative and listen to your intuition is important and you shouldn't neglect this, just because you identify as a man. When we are disconnected from the divine feminine we have difficulty listening to our intuition, we can feel stale or empty inside, it's almost like life lacks that vibrancy.

In a health reading, the Empress reversed is an indication of lack of self-love and self-care that is affecting your body and overall wellbeing. When we don't practice self-love and take care of our bodies, we usually indulge in unhealthy behavior, such as eating bad foods, or not exercising, perhaps we give up on ourselves and our health in general, what's the point right? That's what it can feel like when we are in a slump where we lack self love, self care and don't embrace our inner caretaker. Remember the Empress is the divine mother and nurturer, you need to take the time to nurture yourself, in whatever ways make you feel good and benefit you body and mind.

In a health reading the Empress reversed can also mean infertility and potentially an unhealthy view relationship with yourself and the divine feminine. It's important to embrace your feminine aspects. Being a woman is special and beautiful, it's time to embrace what it means for your to be woman.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Empress card often suggests a "yes." This card embodies abundance, fertility, and nurturing energy, indicating positive outcomes, especially in matters related to creativity, growth, and nurturing. Therefore, the answer to your question is likely to be affirmative, indicating opportunities for growth, abundance, and nurturing experiences.