"Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken."

The Devil

Addiction, bondage, dependency, abuse, power, control.
Releasing attachment , shadow work, freedom, reclaiming power.


Addiction, bondage, dependency, abuse, power, control.

The Devil, represents attachment and addiction, this is a symptom of our shadow aspects, the parts of ourselves that have control over us, this is why the Devil is often seen as addiction, control and sometimes delusion about the attachment in the first place. The Devil can suggest you're out of control, or you're being controlled,  power has been taken away due to addiction or abuse from yourself or from others. The Devil can signal placing too much emphasis on the material world, hedonistic obsession and addiction to power. These thing's don't ever truly make us happy, expand out consciousness or fulfil us, they often entrap us, which is why the Devil is seen as a representation of attachment.  The Devil reveals our shadow self to us, and it's important to bring your shadow into your conscious awareness so you can see it for what it is.
- Addiction
- Short-term pleasure.
- Drugs and alcohol.
- Obsession with power.
- Hedonism or short-term pleasure.
- Bondage.
- Abuse.
- Control.

Love and Relationships

In a relationship reading, the Devil can be a sign that this relationship has unhealthy dynamics where one or both parties are allowing the relationship to feed the shadow aspects within ourselves. The Devil is about addiction and attachment, and often relationships can be avenues for unhealthy and toxic behavior which can be fueled or encouraged within the relationship.
An example of this is perhaps you're in a relationship with someone who is an addict, depressed or unhealthy, and the other party feels the need to love, support and fix that person so that the addicted party will feel bound to them. This is just replacing one addiction within another.
Some couples form their relationship around drugs and alcohol. When they're together they bond through drugs or alcohol, but when they're sober, do they ever like each other? This relationship is built around attachment.
The Devil can be a sign that you or your partner are partaking in abusive and controlling behavior. Insecurity and fear can be projected on each other through trying to control one's actions and behaviors within the relationship. An example of this is a man trying to control what his partner wears because he's insecure that other men will approach her.
The Devil can be a sign of deception, jealousy, control, dominance and sometimes violence or sexual abuse. These toxic emotions are signals of fear and insecurity which is being projected to the parties involved. Remember, relationships are like mirrors, what do you see in yourself and what do you see in your partner, are you both feeding the shadow aspects of yourselves? The Devil represents our shadow self, and within our relationships the Devil can reveal and project it onto the other person in the most toxic of ways. The Devil has many forms on which it can present itself in a relationship, so look for signs of toxicity, control and addiction within your relationship so you can see it for what it is.

If you are single and looking or the love, the Devil is an indication that you may have an unhealthy relationship with dating and relationships. Perhaps you're addicted to the feeling of being loved, and offer yourself to people who don't deserve you. Perhaps you are or you're constantly attract the same toxic people who use relationships as an avenue to unleash fears and envy through control and manipulation. Perhaps this is a dynamic that you're familiar with because of your parents or because of previous relationships. Look at your previous relationships, are they following a similar pattern? This is a great time to learn about shadow work, understand what needs to be released so you can learn to be in healthy relationships.

Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Devil represents our shadow self and the affects the shadow self has on our life. This is the perfect time to bring your shadow self into your conscious awareness, so you can see it and understand it for what it is. Face up to your own delusions, fears, anxieties and addictions, the more we face up to our shadow self, the less power the shadow self will have over us and our happiness. When we do shadow work, often it is painful and scary, but when we move towards what we fear with love and understanding, we can begin to open the door to more opportunities for real authentic happiness, love, awareness and development. Don't be afraid to seek guidance of a healer or counselor.

In a health reading, the Devil is a sign of addiction, whether it's drugs, alcohol, sugar or binge eating and then starving yourself. You are partaking in behaviors that are hurting your body. Often these addictions can appear when we are struggling with our mental health. Take this time to seek professional help from a counselor or a doctor, it's important to reach out to help and resources.

Money and Career

In a career reading, the Devil can indicate an unhealthy work dynamic. There are aspects about your role, position that are affecting your overall mental and emotional welfare. You may be feeling trapped, unfulfilled or used within your workplace. Is your career providing you with satisfaction mentally and financially? Is your workplace treating your right or doing the right thing in general, or are you working for a toxic company?

The Devil can also be an indication of addiction to work. Some people use work to fulfil unhealthy and toxic behaviors. Are you a workaholic? Addiction to money and working is more common than you think, especially in a capitalistic society that we currently live in. The work, life balance is often skewed and lot's of people feel that work and money provides them with an avenue to feed unhealthy mindsets and behaviors. Whether it's a narcissitic manager who enjoys controlling people bellow them, or a high paying but toxic position which helps you feed you're unhealthy shopping habits.

Perhaps you want to progress in your career, but addictions and attachments are holding you back.
It's time to evaluate what's important to you in life and face up to the work that would actually provide you with positive mental and emotional welfare.

In a finance reading the Devil can often suggest of unhealthy attachments to money, spending and greed. Are you investing with calculation, or are you being greedy and throwing money into things.

The Devil can often represent unhealthy gambling. Excessive gambling doesn't just have financial repercussions, often they have affects on our relationships, mental health, our jobs and also our relationships. Gambling can be a form of escapism, the desire to experience thrills, highs and lows, perhaps to escape from other problems. You may be chasing losses, you don't want to feel like a loser, so the only way to create an avenue where you're a winner is to gamble more. This dynamic isn't based on logic, it's based on unhealthy mindsets and emotions. It's time to access your relationship with money and risk, understanding the difference between calculated risk and gambling.

Reversed General

Releasing attachment , shadow work, freedom, reclaiming power.

The Devil reversed represents release, understanding and breaking the chains from the things that hold us down. You're learning to release the shadow aspects that were causing you attachments, addictions and unhealthy behavior in your life. You are breaking through your fears and insecurities because you're learning to understand yourself more. The Devil reversed the card of release from addiction, attachments, unhealthy mindsets, unhealthy attitudes and unhealthy relationships. You are in a process of reclaiming your power and taking hold of the reigns of your life once again.
- Releasing attachments.
- Facing your shadow self.
- Understanding yourself.
- Releasing addiction and attachment.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In love, the Devil reversed can suggest you are releasing negative patterns in your relationship. You're coming to terms with toxic behavior, attitudes and addictions or attachments within your relationship. You see the relationship for what it is, with clearer eyes and now you feel like you can begin the process of releasing what is no longer serving your highest selves. Communicate openly with your partner on things you want to change, tell them about aspects of the relationship that are feeding the shadow aspect of you. Turn is around also, and ask them what behaviors you're doing are feeding the shadow aspects of them. Together you can overcome the shackles of attachment and move into a more harmonious relationship.
The Devil reversed can also be an indication that you are waking up to the toxicity of yourself or your partner and you believe that you may have to re-think this relationship altogether. Perhaps you are putting time and energy into someone who doesn't want to change for the better of themselves and for the better of the relationship. Perhaps you're in a relationship with someone who controls or dominates what you do, or perhaps you feel like you can't express who you are or your emotions. If this person doesn't change their behavior, ask yourself if this relationship is truly This can be a emotional heavy process as you deal with the fact that love isn't always enough to make someone want to be better. Remember that everyone is on their own personal journey and you need to form relationships which bring you to your higher self and bring growth and personal development. It's okay to release toxic relationships from your life and choose yourself and you happiness.
If you're single, the Devil reversed suggests releasing toxic attachments, mindsets and beliefs about love and dating. You are coming to terms with yourself and the beliefs you hold about love and relationships and how they've been damaging your romantic life. Perhaps you placed toxic expectations of people you were dating and you're coming to terms with those expectations and releasing them. Perhaps you're realizing the repeated patterns of attracting toxic relationship dynamics, dating toxic people because they fulfil shadow aspects of yourself, instead of your higher self. Perhaps you're releasing the belief that you don't deserve to be loved and accepted. Whatever unhealthy belief of mindset it might have been, you are now coming to terms with it and are in the process of releasing and that the most important thing on your journey towards love. This is a great time to revel in your independence, focus on yourself, learn about yourself and develop the person you want to be in a healthy relationship.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, the Devil reversed suggests you are confronting your inner fears and toxic beliefs and freeing yourself from addiction and attachment. This is a process of elimination, looking at the aspects of yourself and your behaviors that feed into your shadow self and make it stronger. You are in the process of starving your shadow self, and feeding energy and time into your higher self. This is not always an easy process, it takes strength and determination. Don't hesitate to reach our to healers, start meditation, and start practicing emotional release.

In a health reading, the Devil reversed can suggest you are beginning the process of elimination of toxic behaviors, eating and habits that are harming your body. You're coming to terms with the behaviors that are harming your body and mind and you're ready to tackle them head on. Perhaps you're beginning to wake up earlier, eat healthier, begin exercising, quitting smoking, drinking or put yourself into a drug rehabilitation facility. You're brave and strong, this isn't an easy task but give yourself love and credit for facing yourself and beginning the process of release and healing. Remember, the ultimate goal is your own personal freedom.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, The Devil card generally indicates a "no." This card is associated with negativity such as entrapment, addiction, materialism, or destructive patterns. It suggests that the current path or the matter in question may lead to negative outcomes or that you may be trapped in a situation that is not beneficial for you.