"Carry your burdens with strength, but do not let them crush your spirit. Sometimes, putting them down is the wisest path to true strength."

10. Ten of Wands

Carrying responsibility, work, duty, burden, hard work, completion.
Collapsing under pressure, refusing to share responsibility, doing it all, delegation and release


Carrying responsibility, work, duty, burden, hard work, completion.

The Ten of Wands represents the responsibility and work that comes with the completion of a cycle. You're taking on extra workloads and responsibility because you have a greater goal or vision in sight. It can serve as encouragement to keep pushing with your goals, because you are almost at the finish line, but after the finish line we will see that new challenges and workloads will begin to appear. This is because we have come to a new level of responsibility. For example, you may have worked extremely hard to get a degree, but now once you've graduated, you work extremely hard at your new job. New challenges will be born from your accomplishments, the Ten of Wands is a reminder of that.
Sometimes it feels like there is no amount of time or energy that you have to complete all of your goals and ambitions, when you finish one task, another task soon appear. The lesson of the Ten of Wands is that you'll always find work that needs to be done, responsibility that someone should take on and goals that you want to accomplish. However, you need to come to terms with your workload and responsibility, and learn to moderate the responsibility you take on. We didn't come here to work, we came here to create and be authentic.
Sometimes the Ten of Wands can indicate that you've started on a venture, but now this venture is overburdening you and you feel weighed down by the workload. Perhaps you are not being adequately compensated enough for you work and you're feeling stressed and burnt out. Make sure you assess what is best for you, perhaps you can share the workload with someone else, or collaborate with other to work together.
- New challenges are born from your accomplishments.
- Responsibility.
- Extra work.
- Hard work.
- Taking on more.
- Burden.
- Responsibility and work that comes from the completion of a cycle.

Love and Relationships

In a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, the Ten of Wands in an upright position signifies a phase of intense commitment and responsibility within your romantic life. Here's what this card conveys in this context:

Overwhelm: The Ten of Wands suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed in your relationship. It could be due to a heavy emotional burden, commitments, or responsibilities that you've willingly or unwillingly taken on.

Dedication: This card reflects a deep commitment to your relationship. You've invested significant time and effort into making it work, even if it's becoming demanding.

Completion of a Phase: It represents the conclusion of a phase in your relationship. You've gathered experiences, learned lessons, and are carrying the wisdom gained from your romantic endeavors.

Acknowledgment of Effort: Your dedication and hard work within the relationship are being recognized. Your partner or those around you appreciate the sacrifices you've made.

Reflect and Communicate: The Ten of Wands encourages you to pause and reflect on your relationship's current dynamics. Are there too many responsibilities? Are you both equally sharing the burden? Effective communication with your partner is essential to address these concerns.

The upright Ten of Wands in a love and relationships context indicates that you've been earnestly dedicated to your romantic partnership, even though it may have started to feel burdensome. Acknowledge your efforts, reflect on the dynamics, and explore ways to create a more balanced and rewarding relationship. Your commitment is commendable, and with effective communication, you can address the issues and work towards a healthier and more fulfilling connection.

Health and Spirituality

In a tarot spread focusing on health and spirituality, the Ten of Wands in an upright position signifies a period of intense dedication and commitment to your spiritual and well-being journey. Here's what this card conveys in this context:

Heaviness and Burden: The Ten of Wands indicates that you may have taken on a heavy spiritual or health-related burden. You've been diligent in your quest for growth, healing, or enlightenment, but it might be starting to feel overwhelming.

Completion of a Phase: This card marks the end of a significant phase in your journey. You've gathered a wealth of experience and knowledge, and now you're carrying the wisdom gained from your spiritual or health endeavors.

Acknowledgment of Effort: You're recognized for the dedication and hard work you've put into your spiritual and well-being practices. This card indicates that your diligence is paying off or will soon be rewarded.

Time for Reflection: The Ten of Wands suggests that it's a good time to reflect on the path you've chosen and determine if it's truly in alignment with your spiritual and health goals. Are you overextending yourself, or is there a more balanced way to pursue your well-being?

Commitment to the Journey: Despite the challenges, the upright Ten of Wands underscores your unwavering commitment to your spiritual and health path. Your determination and strength are admirable, and they will continue to serve you well.

In summary, the upright Ten of Wands in a health and spirituality context reveals that you've been diligently committed to your journey, although the burdens may be starting to feel weighty. It's a time to acknowledge your efforts, reflect on your approach, and consider how to find a more balanced and sustainable path to spiritual and physical well-being. Your commitment will ultimately lead to transformation and growth.

Money and Career

The Ten of Wands in a tarot spread focused on career and money is a card that conveys a sense of responsibility and burdens:

Heavy Responsibility: In your career, this card indicates that you might be taking on a heavy workload or additional responsibilities. You've committed yourself to achieving your goals, but it's come at the cost of feeling overburdened.

Financial Pressure: In the realm of money, the Ten of Wands suggests that you could be grappling with financial stress. Perhaps you're carrying a substantial debt load or feeling the weight of your financial obligations.

Burnout Warning: This card serves as a warning about potential burnout. In your career, you may be close to reaching your breaking point, and it's essential to recognize the signs and take measures to alleviate the stress.

Completion in Sight: While the burden is significant, the good news is that it's temporary. The Ten of Wands suggests that you're nearing the completion of a significant phase or project in your career or financial journey.

Strength and Perseverance: You have the strength and determination to carry this load, but it's crucial to remember that you don't have to do it alone. Seek support, delegate when possible, and maintain a clear vision of your long-term goals.

Overall, the Ten of Wands in a career and money reading serves as a reminder that while you may be facing considerable responsibilities and financial burdens, there is an endpoint in sight. Take care to manage your responsibilities and seek help when necessary to prevent burnout and work towards achieving your goals without overwhelming yourself.

Reversed General

Collapsing under pressure, refusing to share responsibility, doing it all, delegation and release

The Ten of Wands reversed represents trying to do it all, trying to take on all the work, responsibility and carrying a workload that is too heavy. Sometimes we become arrogant in our pursuits and we believe we can do everything ourselves. We keep pushing and taking things on, but we are working so much that we are at a point of collapse. This is dangerous and egotistical because it puts us under too much pressure, and often goals are better accomplished when we can sufficiently delegate tasks to take the pressure off.
You don't need to become a martyr and take on everything. Who are you doing this for? Are you working so other people can benefit? What is the reason for all this extra burden?
This is a great time to figure out what goals and responsibilities are in your best interest. Are you working on achieving your dreams, or are you working extra hard to help someone else achieve theirs. Think of activities that are no longer serving you and work towards releasing them. This is a time for putting all your ducks in a row, figuring out what needs to hold priority and where it optimal for your precious time and energy.
- Taking on too much work.
- Taking on too much responsibility.
- Trying to do it all.
- Not sharing the workload.
- Collapsing under pressure.
- Prioritizing your goals.
- Letting go of work and activities that don't serve you.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, the reversed Ten of Wands signifies a profound shift in the dynamics of your romantic life. Here's what this card conveys in this context:

Burdens in the relationship: When reversed, the Ten of Wands suggests that the burdens and pressures that may have strained your relationship are beginning to ease. You're no longer willing to bear the weight of all the challenges alone, and you're actively working to alleviate the strain.

Delegation and Release: Embracing the concept of delegation is key in your love life. You're learning to let go of the need to control every aspect and are allowing your partner to contribute and support you, and vice versa.

Lightening the Load: By releasing the emotional and practical burdens that were overwhelming your relationship, you create space for a healthier, more balanced connection. This card encourages you to let go of what no longer serves your partnership.

In summary, the reversed Ten of Wands in a love and relationships context shows that you and your partner are no longer allowing the relationship to collapse under excessive pressure. Instead, you're embracing shared responsibility, delegation, and release, allowing your love to flourish in a more balanced and supportive way. This card marks the beginning of a new chapter in your romantic journey.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The reversed Ten of Wands in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality signifies a profound transformation in how you handle the heavy burdens you've been carrying in these areas of your life. This card carries several key messages:

Under Pressure: When reversed, the Ten of Wands reflects a realization that you can't continue to bear the heavy burdens and pressures associated with your health and spiritual journey. You're experiencing a shift, moving away from self-imposed stress and strain.

Delegation and Release: Embracing delegation in your health and spiritual pursuits becomes crucial. You're learning to let go of the idea that you must do everything on your own. This enables you to find balance and relief in your journey.

Release of Burdens: The reversed Ten of Wands encourages you to release the heavy burdens you've been carrying. You're actively working on unburdening yourself, allowing for a more balanced and manageable approach to health and spirituality.

In summary, the reversed Ten of Wands indicates that you're no longer willing to bear the weight of your health and spiritual matters all on your own. You're learning to share responsibilities and seek help, which brings immense relief and allows you to move forward on a lighter and more balanced path.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Ten of Wands generally indicates a "no." This card often represents burdens, excessive responsibilities, and feeling overwhelmed, suggesting that the situation in question may be too much to handle at this time or that continuing on the current path could lead to further difficulties​.