"Let the Ten of Swords signify the end of suffering; from the ashes of despair rises the phoenix of hope."

10. Ten of Swords

Endings, failure, betrayal, nail in the coffin, trauma, rock bottom, defeat.
Rising above the pain, looking for hope, saved, pulling yourself together


Endings, failure, betrayal, nail in the coffin, trauma, rock bottom, defeat.

The Ten of Swords represents failures, endings, deceit or betrayal and experiencing trauma, the energy behind this card is of reaching a new low, whether self-inflicted or inflicted by others, you may be feeling shame and defeat. When we receive the Ten of Swords in a reading it can signal a time of trauma, failure or loss, this is the completion of the swords cycle but it isn't a happy completion. It's the result of loosing alignment with your authentic self.

You may be wondering why the suit of swords ends in defeat. The swords are a metaphor for the intellect, our rationality, the aspects of the mind. However, completing the cycle of the mind can often result in a defeat and suppression of our emotions and therefore our spirit. Our mind is a tool, a tool that needs to be used in the correct, respectful way. Regardless of how intellectual we may be we must always come back to ourselves, stick to what feels right within us. When we use the mind without the guidance of the soul we can often end up in destructive places. The mind can be a weapon, a weapon that can turn on ourselves and others and deceive us into defending it. Be careful.

The Ten of Swords is about reaching rock bottom, and the best thing about rock bottom is that everything is upwards from here. The Ten of Swords suggests the completion of a cycle, so the pain and suffering caused by this defeat, trauma or failure is mostly likely phasing out. The sun is dawning a new day, what changes will you make? What lessons did you learn?

The Ten of Swords suggests it's time to acknowledge and surrender to your current situation. Although it may be frustrating and painful, the best way forward is acceptance. It's through acceptance that the clouds will clear and we can begin to navigate a new path forward.

- Failure and loss.
- Shame.
- Defeated.
- Betrayal and deceit.
- The mind is a weapon that can turn against us.
- Going against ourselves.
- Loosing.
- Nail in the coffin.

Love and Relationships

The upright Ten of Swords in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships can be a challenging card to encounter. Here's what it may signify:

End of a Difficult Cycle: In the realm of love and relationships, this card often represents the end of a particularly painful or challenging period. It can signify the conclusion of a troubled relationship, a breakup, or a significant betrayal.

Closure: While it may be painful, the Ten of Swords offers closure. It suggests that it's time to accept the reality of the situation and move forward, even if it means letting go of a relationship that has run its course.

Transformation: This card indicates that the ending, while painful, can lead to transformation and personal growth. It encourages you to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for a fresh start.

In summary, the Ten of Swords in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies the end of a difficult phase, closure, and the potential for transformation and growth. While it can be painful, it's a card that encourages acceptance and resilience as you move forward in your love life.

Health and Spirituality

The upright Ten of Swords in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality can be a challenging card to encounter, but it carries important messages:

Release and Surrender: In matters of health and spirituality, the Ten of Swords suggests it's time to let go of old patterns, beliefs, or habits that no longer serve you. It's a call for surrender, indicating that holding onto the past can be detrimental to your well-being.

Transformation: Just as in other aspects of life, this card indicates a profound transformation in your spiritual journey or approach to health. Embrace change and open yourself to new perspectives and practices.

Starting Fresh: This card symbolizes a fresh start. It's an opportunity to rebuild your health or spiritual practices from the ground up, incorporating the lessons you've learned along the way.

Mental Resilience: In spirituality, the Ten of Swords suggests that mental resilience and positive thinking are crucial. Your beliefs and thoughts can significantly impact your spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Embrace Healing: For health matters, it advises you to take the necessary steps toward healing and recovery. Explore alternative therapies, meditation, or holistic approaches that resonate with you.

Avoid Self-Sabotage: Be mindful of any self-sabotaging behaviors or negative thought patterns that may hinder your progress. The Ten of Swords reminds you to let go of self-destructive tendencies.

In summary, the Ten of Swords in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a profound moment of release and transformation. It encourages you to surrender old ways, embrace change, and seek the support and guidance needed to rebuild your health or deepen your spiritual journey. While challenging, it ultimately paves the way for personal growth and renewal.

Money and Career

The Ten of Swords upright in a tarot spread focused on money and career is a challenging card, often signifying a period of profound difficulty or an ending in these areas. Here's what it may indicate:

Overwhelm and Crisis: The Ten of Swords suggests that you may be feeling overwhelmed by financial or career-related stress. It could be a culmination of challenges that have left you feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted.

End of a Cycle: This card can symbolize the end of a significant phase in your career or financial situation. It might be the conclusion of a job, project, or investment that didn't go as planned.

Transformation: While the Ten of Swords represents a difficult ending, it also carries the potential for transformation and growth. Sometimes, it takes a complete breakdown for you to rebuild and start anew.

In summary, the Ten of Swords upright in a money and career tarot spread indicates a challenging period marked by significant setbacks and endings. However, it's also a card of transformation and growth, urging you to embrace change and learn from past mistakes. Seek support and approach your career and financial decisions with caution as you rebuild and move toward a brighter future.

Reversed General

Rising above the pain, looking for hope, saved, pulling yourself together

The Ten of Swords reversed represents rising above the pain, hope, saving yourself or being saved, and pulling yourself together after a difficult time. You may have no forgiven or healed yet but you are looking forward and taking the first steps towards regeneration.

When the card is upside down the swords are beginning to fall out of the mans back. It's time to acknowledge the most important aspect to this painful situation, that your survived!
Sometimes when traumas occur they shake our worlds and warp our perspectives of ourselves, but give yourself some acknowledgment and praise for surviving such a rough ordeal, you made it through the shit storm.

When the Ten of Swords reversed appears we are rising about the pain, we are slowly but surely looking around and the broken pieces of ourselves and one by one we are putting them back together. You and beginning the process of releasing the past and beginning to open yourself to hope and renewal.

- Rising above the pain.
- Looking forward.
- The swords falling out.
- You survived.
- Picking up the broken pieces.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The reversed Ten of Swords in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships brings a glimmer of hope and the promise of healing after a period of turmoil. Here's what it may signify:

Recovery from Heartache: In this position, the reversed Ten of Swords suggests that you or your relationship is on the path to recovery from a painful and challenging period. The worst is behind you, and emotional healing is underway.

Reconciliation: It can indicate the potential for reconciliation or forgiveness in a strained relationship. You and your partner may be willing to let go of past hurts and work toward a more harmonious future together.

Resilience: Just as in the upright position, this card signifies remarkable resilience in the face of emotional adversity. You've proven your ability to bounce back from difficult times.

Release of Pain: You're letting go of the pain and negativity that may have consumed your relationship. This card suggests that you're ready to release old wounds and move forward.

New Beginnings: The reversed Ten of Swords can symbolize a fresh start in your love life. It's an opportunity to rebuild your relationship with a more positive and forgiving attitude.

Communication: This card encourages open and honest communication. It's essential to discuss your feelings, concerns, and desires with your partner to facilitate healing.

Mindset Shift: Your mindset is shifting from one of despair to one of hope and possibility in your relationship. You may be more willing to work on the issues that have troubled you.

In summary, the reversed Ten of Swords in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies the potential for healing, reconciliation, and emotional recovery. You're releasing past pain, adopting a more positive outlook, and may be on the path to rebuilding your relationship. However, remember to communicate openly and address any unresolved issues to ensure a healthier future together.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

When the Ten of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it carries a more positive and hopeful message:

Recovery and Healing: The reversed position suggests that you are emerging from a period of physical or spiritual difficulty. You've weathered the worst of it, and now it's time for recovery and healing. This card indicates that you are on the path to regaining your health or finding renewed spiritual strength.

Release of Pain: The reversed Ten of Swords signifies the release of pain, burdens, or negative thoughts that may have weighed you down in the past. You are letting go of past wounds and embracing a lighter, more optimistic outlook.

Mental Resilience: In matters of spirituality, this card encourages you to cultivate mental resilience and a positive mindset. Your ability to overcome obstacles and embrace a hopeful perspective will be instrumental in your spiritual growth.

In essence, the reversed Ten of Swords in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a turning point. It indicates that you are leaving behind a period of difficulty and entering a phase of healing, growth, and renewed optimism. Embrace this opportunity to move forward with a lighter heart and a stronger spirit.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Ten of Swords generally indicates a "no." This card typically represents painful endings, betrayal, and the conclusion of a difficult cycle. It suggests that the answer to your question may involve ending or closure rather than the outcome you hope for. The presence of the Ten of Swords is often seen as a sign that it's time to let go and prepare for new beginnings after necessary endings​.