"Like roots firmly entrenched in fertile soil, the Ten of Pentacles symbolizes the wealth of family, heritage, and tradition."

10. Ten of Pentacles

Solid financial foundation, breadwinner, completion of a cycle
Rocky foundation, instability, the dark side of wealth, illegal activity


Solid financial foundation, breadwinner, completion of a cycle

The Ten of Pentacles represents the completion of a cycle, especially in regards to a financial cycle. This can mean that you've finally built your financial empire, received a large inheritance, or successful business, you've got yourself to a level of abundance and security. Regardless of what form it has come in, you have built a solid financial foundation for success and happiness. Long-term financial security and stability provide the best environment to support a family, grow your ideas or experience your desires.

The Ten of Pentacles suggests you've reached a point of completion, usually within the realms of finance, career, lifestyle and spirituality. You've worked hard to establish growth and stability, creating a secure and abundant environment for yourself and for those around you, which is why the Ten of Pentacles can often be a positive indication of entering into a long-term commitment, relationship or family. You're now in a position where you can share your wealth and abundance with the people you love, providing a warm, safe, secure space with enough resources to growth whatever you desire into reality.

The Ten of Pentacles is about creating a foundation of abundance and security. It is the sheer commitment to sustainability within your life, whether it's with your money, your relationships, your career or with yourself. This is about reaping the rewards of long-term investments over time. It represents consistency and stability.

The Ten of Pentacles often indicates that you have reached a point of completion and success and that you now want to share your wealth and care for others. You've reached the end of a cycle and succeeded and now you want to positively impact the lives of those you love and care about. The Ten of Pentacles can often be see as the the "breadwinner" card, the act of bringing financial security and stability to those around you. You want to provide for those you care about, and it doesn't necessarily mean provide money, perhaps you want to provide love or care, apply your skills, give you knowledge or provide support in other ways. You feel a deep sense of satisfaction providing for those you care about.

- Sustainability.
- Completion of a cycle.
- Financial foundation.
- Family, wealth and support.
- Long-term financial security.

Love and Relationships

The Ten of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of deep emotional fulfillment, commitment, and stability in your romantic life:

Emotional Fulfillment: This card represents a strong emotional connection between you and your partner. You are likely experiencing a deep sense of love, contentment, and emotional security within the relationship.

Commitment and Family: The Ten of Pentacles often symbolizes long-term commitment, possibly leading to marriage or starting a family. You and your partner may be building a solid foundation for a future together.

Generational Love: It can also signify the influence and support of your families in your relationship. Both your families may be supportive, and there could be a strong sense of family values and traditions.

Financial Stability: In love and relationships, this card can indicate financial stability and shared financial goals within the partnership, ensuring a secure and prosperous future together.

Health and Spirituality

The Ten of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a phase of holistic well-being, spiritual abundance, and alignment between your physical and spiritual aspects:

Physical Vitality: This card indicates excellent physical health and vitality. You are likely to feel strong, energized, and in tune with your body's needs, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.

Spiritual Fulfillment: On the spiritual front, you are experiencing profound spiritual growth and fulfillment. Your spiritual practices are deeply enriching, providing you with insights, inner peace, and a strong connection to your higher self.

Balance: The Ten of Pentacles signifies a harmonious balance between your physical and spiritual well-being. You understand that both aspects are interconnected and equally important for your overall wellness.

Legacy of Wisdom: It may also indicate that you are passing down spiritual wisdom or traditions to future generations, creating a spiritual legacy within your family or community.

Abundance in Spirituality: Overall, this card encourages you to continue nurturing both your physical and spiritual selves. By maintaining this balance and dedicating time to spiritual practices, you can achieve a state of holistic abundance and fulfillment in your health and spirituality.

Money and Career

The Ten of Pentacles upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of financial security, abundance, and success in your professional life:

Financial Prosperity: This card represents a phase of financial prosperity and stability. You are likely to enjoy a comfortable and secure financial situation, with all your material needs met.

Career Fulfillment: On the career front, you are experiencing success and fulfillment in your job or business endeavors. Your hard work and dedication are paying off, and you may have achieved a high level of expertise or recognition.

Legacy and Long-Term Planning: The Ten of Pentacles is associated with long-term planning and building a legacy. You may be focused on creating a secure future for yourself and your family, possibly through investments, estate planning, or wealth accumulation.

Family Prosperity: This card can also symbolize family prosperity and generational wealth. You may have a strong support system and financial stability within your family.

Abundance in All Aspects: Overall, the Ten of Pentacles signifies abundance not only in your financial life but also in your career and family. It's a time to celebrate your achievements, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and continue working towards your long-term financial goals with confidence.

Reversed General

Rocky foundation, instability, the dark side of wealth, illegal activity

The Ten of Pentacles reversed represents the dark side of wealth, indicating potentially rocky financial foundations or lack of security. Often indicating insecurity, overcompensation or instability in your life, particularly regarding your finances. Sometimes the Ten of Pentacles reversed can indicate illegal activity, building wealth on dishonest behavior.

The Ten of Pentacles reversed can signal a level of compromising ourselves, our happiness or our integrity for the sake of profit. Where we feel the obligation to give in to wealth, power or security over other aspects of our life, including relationships. This is why the Ten of Pentacles reversed can suggest partaking in dishonest, damaging activity in order to make money. It can represent wanting to have an abundance of wealth so badly that you're prepared to do hurtful things to yourself or others in order to gain that wealth and status.

The Ten of Pentacles reversed can showcase the darker aspects of wealth, where money has become a trap for you, limiting you for certain experiences and relationships. For example, when we reach a certain financial status, people can begin to treat us differently, it becomes harder to see who your true friends are. Many rich and famous people deal with this issue, leading to depression, anxiety and distrust because they are experiencing these darker aspects to wealth and success. It becomes harder to create and maintain healthy relationships when we can't navigate through fake people, fake comments or dishonest behavior. It may feel like people are always wanting something from you.

The Ten of Pentacles reversed can suggest we've developed a consistent luxurious lifestyle of expensive tastes and luxuries, we may become addicted to materialistic aspects of life. Or perhaps we feel the need to keep up a certain wealthy reputation, where we over-spend just to showcase worth. There are many dark aspects to wealth which can hinder our overall welfare and relationships. So when your receive the Ten of Pentacles reversed take a step back and assess your relationship with wealth, is it hindering your meaningful relationships? Are you overcompensating with money and if so why? Is money and wealth truly bringing your happiness?

- Dark side of wealth.
- Dishonest behavior for money.
- Compromising ourselves or other for financial gain.
- Distrust.
- Rocky financial foundations.
- Overcompensation.
- Illegal activities.
- Compromising our values for money.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Ten of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a period of instability, potential family conflicts, and challenges within your romantic life:

Family Interference: This card may indicate that family dynamics or outside influences are impacting your relationship negatively. Interference from relatives or conflicting family values could be causing stress.

Financial Struggles: The reversal could point to financial challenges or disagreements within the relationship. Money-related issues might be straining the connection between you and your partner.

Lack of Long-Term Commitment: It might suggest a lack of commitment or uncertainty about the future of the relationship. One or both partners may be hesitant to make long-term plans.

Inheritance or Legacy Concerns: In some cases, this card could symbolize concerns related to inheritance or family legacies that affect your relationship dynamics.

Reevaluation Needed: The Ten of Pentacles reversed advises you to reevaluate the role of family, finances, and long-term goals within your relationship. Open and honest communication is essential to resolve conflicts and work toward a more stable and harmonious future together.

Overall, this card highlights the need for patience, compromise, and understanding to overcome the challenges and achieve a more secure and fulfilling romantic relationship.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Ten of Pentacles reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of imbalance, potential disconnection from your spiritual path, and concerns about your overall well-being:

Health Concerns: This card may indicate that you are facing health issues or challenges that are affecting your overall vitality. It's crucial to pay attention to your physical well-being during this time.

Spiritual Disconnect: On the spiritual side, you might be feeling disconnected or uninspired in your spiritual practices. It's possible that you've lost touch with your inner self or your sense of purpose.

Imbalance: The reversal points to an imbalance between your physical and spiritual aspects. Neglecting one may be taking a toll on the other, leading to a sense of disharmony.

Material Focus: You could be overly focused on material concerns and financial matters, which may be overshadowing your spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Reevaluation Needed: The Ten of Pentacles reversed advises you to reevaluate your priorities, both in terms of health and spirituality. Consider how you can strike a better balance and find ways to reconnect with your inner self and your spiritual path.

Overall, this card encourages you to prioritize self-care, seek spiritual inspiration, and work on achieving a more harmonious and holistic sense of well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Ten of Pentacles typically suggests a positive outcome or a "yes" answer. This card represents abundance, wealth, and long-term success, indicating that the situation in question has the potential to yield favorable results. It often symbolizes financial security, stability, and the fulfillment of material needs. Therefore, if the Ten of Pentacles appears in a "yes or no" spread, it usually signifies that the answer is affirmative, encouraging you to embrace prosperity and abundance in your endeavors.