"Balance is not something you find, it's something you create." - Jana Kingsford


Balance, peace, harmony, moderation, stabilizing your energy
Imbalance, disharmony, instability, excessive behavior.


Balance, peace, harmony, moderation, stabilizing your energy

Temperance is the card about balance, moderation and harmony with your flow of energy.  Harmony  comes from the union of dualities. This card is about learning to let go of resistance, allow emotions to come forward without judgment to create harmonious energy flow within yourself. Sometimes life can feel overwhelming, but Temperance asks you to learn to manage your emotional and spiritual state and respect boundaries, act in consideration and move towards scenarios of peace rather than conflict, with others and with yourself.
- Peacemaker.
- Respecting your own boundaries.
- Self-balance and harmony.
- Managing thoughts and emotions healthily.
- Moderation.
- Stability and balance.

Love and Relationships

In a love reading, Temperance indicates balance within your relationship. When we come together with someone we often have conflicting and opposing sides. However, it's important to not use those opposing forces to contrast each other constantly, or battle each other, you should be using both your strengths and weaknesses to balance each other within the relationship. Relationships are about push and pull, about giving and receiving. Temperance can be an indication of harmony, that both parties are giving and receiving equally. There is love and harmony within this relationship.

If you are single, Temperance can be an indication that you are seeking more balance from your relationships. Perhaps you have realized you're really energetic and flighty, maybe you would be balanced by someone more grounded and down to earth. Duality of balance is a beautiful thing and can bring enormous stability to you life. Take time to access what kind of aspects of your life need balance.

Health and Spirituality

You are reaching a new and more balanced relationship with yourself. Temperance can suggest that you are finding a more harmonious balance between your mind, body and spirit. It's time to focus on activities that create balance with yourself. You respect and dedication for balance or the middle ground is what will keep you afloat amongst the chaos of life. Continue to honor your inner balance.

In a health reading, Temperance can indicate creating more balance within your body and within your health habits. Perhaps you are dedicated to a more balanced diet, or perhaps you are seeking to have more balance in your day to day routines. Maintaining balance and stability within your body is amazing for your long-term health. Temperance is something to definitely bring into your life.

Money and Career

In a career reading, balance can indicate that your patience is going to pay off. You are working towards creating better balance in your work or home life and this is a positive thing. It can also suggest that you are finding your balance with a workspace, perhaps you are learning to deal with angry customers, or you're finding a way to let you boss know where your boundaries are so you can create more balance in your life.
If you are looking for a new career, temperance can be an indication to remain patient.

In a finance reading, Temperance can indicate that you are beginning to maintain a better balance with your finances. Perhaps you are spending less on things you don't need or you have ditched an expense that was keeping your assets down. Moderation and balance are essential when it comes to finances. Stock market trading is a game of patient. Greed and euphoria can disrupt and create imbalances which can lead to bad decision making. Creating emotional balance within yourself is a good way to manage greed, anxiety and impatience when it comes to your finances.

Reversed General

Imbalance, disharmony, instability, excessive behavior.

Temperance reversed, the card of imbalance and excess. Maybe people live in a state of constant imbalance where they love to lead excessive lives, whether its consumption, gambling, drinking or shopping todays world is definitely in a state of imbalance. Temperance is a warning to restore balance after a period of excessive behavior. When we create a life of imbalance we tend to move off-track from what we truly want and who we want to be. Regardless, the universe will always lead you back to a state of balance regardless because it's the natural state. But, take this as a warning to access your instability now.
- Lack of flow and harmony within oneself.
- Imbalance.
- Lack of work/life balance.
- Excessive behavior/spending/consuming.
- Instability.
- Disharmony within yourself or in your relationships.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship spread, Temperance indicates imbalance within the relationship. Relationships become imbalanced when there are toxic power dynamics or feelings that are not mutual. Differences in personality are important and help facilitate growth, but if there isn't a healthy manner of acknowledging each others differences, imbalance can occur. You may find that you are not seeing each others perspective which is creating disharmony and imbalance. Temperance reversed can indicate that you may be fighting and clashing and parties are not meeting in the middle.
Also, Temperance reversed can indicate that someone in a relationship is giving more than the other which is creating disharmony. Perhaps someone is more heavily invested in the other, creating a power dynamic that creates imbalance in both parties.

If you are single, Temperance can indicate that you are potentially seeking partners that are creating imbalance in your life. Perhaps you are attracted to men or women who smoke cigarettes' or take drugs frequently and these excessive behaviors are causing an imbalance within yourself.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, Temperance suggests you are spiritually and emotional imbalanced. Pay attention to your emotions, are you feeling like something is wrong within yourself? You could be emotionally disconnected from yourself which is preventing you from reaching your desires and developing a spiritual relationship with yourself. Temperance can indicate overuse or overindulgence, so access what things you're doing that are effecting your emotional state.
Temperance can indicate disharmony with your higher self, with your spirit guides and with your relationships. You may be lacking perspective and not looking at things with the right mindset. It's time to begin activities that help you feel more balanced within yourself.

Temperance reversed is an indicator that your health and well being is out of balance and requires balancing. Excessive drinking, smoking, eating or taking drugs can cause imbalances within your body. This is a wake up call to let you know that this imbalance needs attention. You need to connect to your body, think about the things that it needs right now that would help restore harmony within it.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Temperance card typically suggests a "yes," but with the caveat that it may require patience, moderation, and balance. This card represents harmony, moderation, and the blending of opposites. Its appearance in a spread often indicates that the situation will work out favorably, but it may require a balanced approach and a willingness to adapt. Therefore, while the answer may lean towards "yes," it advises you to maintain equilibrium and consider the bigger picture before proceeding.