"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'" - Mary Anne Radmacher


Courage, passion, determination, bravery, overcoming fears and doubt.
Weakness, self doubt, low energy, lack of confidence.


Courage, passion, determination, bravery, overcoming fears and doubt.

In general, the Strength card is almost like a compliment from the tarot. You are rich in strength, courage, determination and confidence. You are finding strength in yourself and your abilities to reach your goals, overcome your fears and get to where you want to be.
This is a signal that you possess the qualities you need to succeed, all the ingredients that are necessary are in you and you have what it takes. Strength is about your stamina and persistence, it's about getting back up no matter how many time you're pushed down. Strength is about commitment, patience and resilience and keeping yourself on the path that you know is true within your heart. Sometimes people may underestimate you, but if other underestimate your power, but don't see this as a bad thing, take advantage of peoples doubt and use it to gain further traction.
- Determination towards a path or goal.
- Perseverance.
- Overcoming fears and challenges.
- Staying committed to your goals.
- Resilience.
- Keeping composure.
- Physical strength.
- Willpower.
- Bravery.

Love and Relationships

In a relationship, the Strength card can be an indication that this is a strong relationship that is withstanding challenges, hiccups and disconnection. This relationship has strong resilience vibes and is almost a force to be reckoned with. The Strength card signals the power couple. A power couple is a romantic relationship where both members are accomplished, successful and happy within their own lives, when they are combined their strong and resilient energy feeds each others ambition and furthers their growth and success.

If you are single, the Strength card is an indication that you're independent, that you don't necessarily need a partner, you're stable and solidified in your own life and a partner would be a bonus but not a necessity.
If you're looking for love, the strength card tells you to be resilient in your look for the perfect partner, keep on the right track, believe in love, stay true to yourself and keep going. You have everything you need to find the perfect relationship.

Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, Strength signifies overcoming your fears, challenging your beliefs and coming through to a better and more resilient version of yourself. If you've been challenging aspects within yourself, or even outside of yourself, the Strength card is a sign that you're doing so well and you have the courage, perseverance and commitment to get to where you want to be spiritually.

In a health reading, the Strength card often signals physical strength, overcoming illness, or regaining control and power over your health and wellbeing. This is a great omen if you are working through and illnesses, this suggests your perseverance is paying off and you're gaining momentum. Keep on this track, believe in your strength and ability and build your physical resilience.

Money and Career

In a career reading, Strength is an indication that you have the skills and ability to achieve your goals in your career. You are gaining momentum within your field, and your strength, determination and resilience are forging your path ahead towards your desires and goals. If you are wanting a promotion, a pay raise, perhaps you want to enter a new market, or start a new position, whatever work goals you have, Strength is an indication that you have what it takes to achieve them.

In a finance reading, Strength can be an indication that your finances are strong, based on good risk calculation and will be resilient against volatility. Your income and spending habits are becoming more resilient as you undertake better decision making skills.

Reversed General

Weakness, self doubt, low energy, lack of confidence.

Strength reversed suggest that you're not feeling yourself right now, you're not in tune with your inner strength and ability. Setbacks can cause us to doubt our ability to achieve want we want. Fear and doubt can step in after we get knocked down by life or by other people, even ourselves. When we get knocked down, what is crucial is that you get back up again. Strength is the card of getting knocked down, where where seeds of doubt, frustration and hopelessness can set it. It's essential to tune into your strength, look at your past experiences, times when you've overcome trauma, deceit and setbacks, look how far you've come from the person you used to be and the lesson your bring with you. You need to remember who you are, tap into your courage and refuse to let self doubt cloud your confidence.
- Doubting ourselves and our abilities.
- Lack of confidence.
- Low energy levels.
- Not feeling or tuning into ourselves.
- Self pity.
- Feeling inadequate.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship reading, Strength reversed can indicate that doubt can be seeping into your relationship. Something is making you doubt your partner, or making your partner doubt you and the relationship in general. This weakness feels apparent and it's affecting your relationships ability to remain resilient in challenging times. Ask yourself how resilient your relationship is? What are the things you can do to build trust, strength and resilience in your relationships?

If you are single and looking for love, the Strength reversed can be an indication that you are doubting your ability to find a romantic relationship or perhaps you are doubting the idea of love altogether. Sometimes trauma or setback from previous relationships can leave us with doubt and distrust about relationships. Strength reversed can be an indication of a lack of confidence within the dating arena. Tune into yourself and ask why am I doubting myself and relationships? Am I doubting love? What is causing this doubt and how can I remedy it?

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, Strength reversed can indicate that you're doubting your spiritual strength, maybe even doubting your beliefs about the universe in general. Sometimes when we experience setbacks it can cause us to doubt ourselves, others and the universe in general. The universe has always got our back, keep strong and practice things that connect you with yourself and the universe. Don't let seeds of doubt stop you from pursuing your spiritual journey.

In a health reading, Strength reversed can often suggest physical weakness, low energy and apathy. Sometimes we let ourselves go for a period of time. Fall into bad habits that hurt our health, sometimes we let depression and apathy take over to the point where we have no physical energy. It's important do little things that help our overall welfare. Do what you can, take small steps and build back some good habits.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Strength card often suggests a "yes," but with the caveat that success may require patience, inner strength, and courage. This card represents overcoming challenges through resilience, determination, and compassion. Therefore, the answer to your question is likely to be affirmative, especially if you approach the situation with confidence and a gentle yet firm resolve.