"Hold high your banner of victory; let it remind you and the world of your capacity to overcome and excel."

7. Six of Wands

Winning, recognition, praise, achievement, triumph, reached milestone.
Failure, unrewarded, lack of recognition & support, non-accomplished.


Winning, recognition, praise, achievement, triumph, reached milestone.

The Six of Wands signifies winning, finally achieving something, relishing in your success and pride that you've finally done it. Where you receive public recognition, praise, and applause for it. It's a celebration of your victory! After the Five of Wands you were up against competition and conflict, but you're arriving at the Six of Wands, signaling you're the victor. It feels good to come out on top.
The Six of Wands tells you to be proud of yourself and your success. You have used your strengths and abilities to overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, defeat and opponent, or make it through to a new milestone. You have overcome the challenges, distractions and conflicts of the Five of Wands and now you're standing tall on the other side. This was a challenging feat, so give yourself a pat on the back and really enjoy this win. 
It's also important to feel the love and acknowledgement from the people around you. It's energizing to feel love, appreciation and pride from the people you care about the most, so soak it in.

The Six of Wands can also be an indication to takes a step back and look how far you've come. Sometimes we forget to give ourselves credit and acknowledgement for where we are today. Look at where you were a year ago, look at the path you've trekked and take pride in where you stand today.
- Accomplishment.
- Pride.
- You've made it.
- Coming out on top.
-Receiving public recognition.
- Praise and applause from people around you.
- Surviving conflict and competition.
- Winning.
- Acknowledging how far you've come.

Love and Relationships

The Six of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of victory, recognition, and positive developments in your romantic life:

Triumphant Love: This card often represents a phase of triumph and success in your love life. You may be experiencing a deepening of your relationship or overcoming challenges together.

Relationship Recognition: The Six of Wands indicates that your relationship is gaining recognition and validation, either from others or within your own hearts. Others may admire the bond you share.

Shared Success: In the context of love, this card suggests that you and your partner are achieving shared goals and making strides toward a harmonious and fulfilling partnership.

Confidence and Happiness: You're likely to feel a surge of confidence and happiness in your relationship. This positive energy can lead to deeper emotional connections and increased joy with your partner.

Celebration: The Six of Wands encourages you to celebrate your love and the progress you've made together. It's a time to acknowledge your shared victories and strengthen the bonds of affection.

Overall, the Six of Wands upright signifies a time of romantic triumph and happiness. It's a moment to bask in the recognition and positive energy of your relationship, fostering even more love and connection as you move forward together.

Health and Spirituality

The Six of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of triumph, recognition, and growth in your well-being and spiritual journey:

Health Triumph: This card often represents a victorious period in your health and well-being. You may have overcome health challenges or achieved a significant health milestone.

Spiritual Success: In the realm of spirituality, the Six of Wands suggests spiritual success and growth. You may have reached a higher level of understanding, inner peace, or achieved spiritual goals.

Recognition and Validation: This card indicates that your efforts in both health and spirituality are being recognized and validated by others. Your journey inspires and motivates those around you.

Positive Energy: You're likely to feel a surge of positive energy and confidence in your spiritual practices and well-being. This can lead to a deeper connection with your inner self and a greater sense of purpose.

Sharing Your Wisdom: With the Six of Wands, you may find that you're in a position to share your health or spiritual wisdom with others. Your experiences can guide and inspire those on a similar path.

Overall, the Six of Wands upright encourages you to embrace your achievements in health and spirituality. It's a time to celebrate your successes and use your positive energy to continue your journey, inspire others, and foster further growth in these essential aspects of your life.

Money and Career

The Six of Wands upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of recognition, success, and advancement in your professional and financial life:

Achievement and Recognition: This card represents a time when your efforts and hard work are being recognized and rewarded. Your accomplishments in your career or financial endeavors are receiving positive attention.

Career Advancement: The Six of Wands suggests that you are on the path to career advancement or financial success. You may have recently achieved a significant milestone or received a promotion.

Public Acknowledgment: This card can also indicate public acknowledgment or praise for your talents and contributions in your field. Your reputation is growing, and others are taking notice.

Confidence and Optimism: Your confidence is likely to be at a high point, and you have a positive outlook on your financial and career prospects. This optimism can attract more opportunities for growth.

Leadership and Influence: With the Six of Wands, you may find yourself in a leadership role or a position of influence in your career. Others may look to you for guidance and inspiration.

Overall, the Six of Wands encourages you to embrace your achievements and continue to strive for excellence in your career and financial endeavors. It's a time to bask in the recognition you've earned and use your success as a stepping stone to even greater accomplishments.

Reversed General

Failure, unrewarded, lack of recognition & support, non-accomplished.

When the Six of Wands reversed appears in a reading it's an indication that you're potentially feeling like you lost the battle, you didn't accomplish what you wanted and you're not receiving recognition or support for your efforts. Sometimes we may even be feeling like the people around us are disappointed or think that we're a failure and maybe some of them are. But don't let it stop you from seeing the bigger picture, that failure is a stepping stone on the path to success.

When the Six of Wands appears it asks you to reflect on your failures and see where you went wrong and what you could of done better. Failure should never been seen as a bad thing, it should be seen as a an essential part of accomplishing what you desire.

Sometimes the Six of Wands can be an indication that you're not being rewarded for your work and efforts. Perhaps you have been putting time and energy into something but the people around you are not giving your the credit that you deserve. Don't place you time and energy into something if you aren't getting compensated or you're not receiving adequate recognition for your efforts. Know you worth and value your time and energy.

The Six of Wands asks you to stop seeking approval and validation from other people. Define what success means to you and give yourself a credit for the time and energy it took to be where you are today, regardless if you lost or failed at something. When you define what success is to you, you'll stop giving away so much power through seeking other peoples validation. When we stop seeking approval and let go of what other people think of us, we actually create a stronger foundation to build success and achieve goals that are aligned with who we are.
- Feeling like a failure.
- Disappointment.
- Defeat.
- Seeking validation from others.
- Placing to much emphasis on other peoples opinions.
- Unrewarded.
- Lack of support.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Six of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a period of challenges, setbacks, or a lack of recognition in your romantic life:

Obstacles in Love: This card may indicate that you and your partner are facing obstacles or difficulties in your relationship. These challenges may be impeding your progress as a couple.

Lack of Recognition: In the context of love, the reversal suggests a lack of external recognition or validation for your relationship. You may feel that your love is not acknowledged or appreciated by others.

Overall, the Six of Wands reversed advises you to address any challenges in your romantic life with patience and open communication. By acknowledging and working through these issues, you can regain your confidence and create a more harmonious and fulfilling partnership.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Six of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality indicates a period of uncertainty and challenges in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth:

Lack of Confidence: When this card appears reversed, it suggests a lack of confidence in your health or spiritual practices. You may be questioning your abilities or feeling unsure about your path.

Spiritual Setbacks: In the context of spirituality, this card may signify setbacks or obstacles on your spiritual journey. You might be facing doubts or encountering difficulties in finding inner peace.

Health Concerns: On the health front, the reversal may point to health concerns or a lack of vitality. It's crucial to pay attention to your physical and mental well-being during this time.

Seeking Validation: You may be seeking validation or recognition for your spiritual efforts, but it may not be forthcoming. Remember that spiritual growth is a personal journey, and external validation is not always necessary.

Reevaluate Your Path: The Six of Wands reversed encourages you to take a step back and reevaluate your health and spiritual practices. It's an opportunity to make necessary adjustments and continue your journey with renewed determination.

Overall, the Six of Wands reversed advises you to address any doubts or setbacks in your health and spiritual path with patience and self-compassion. By rekindling your confidence and staying committed to your well-being and spiritual growth, you can overcome these challenges and move forward on a more balanced and fulfilling path.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Six of Wands generally indicates a "yes." This card represents success, victory, and public recognition, suggesting a favorable outcome to the question at hand. It's a strong indicator of triumph and achievement, so if you're asking about an endeavor where success is desired, the Six of Wands brings positive confirmation.