"In the dance of time, the Six of Cups waltzes gracefully between what was and what could be, offering glimpses of a bygone era infused with hope for the future."

6. Six of Cups

Nostalgia, lost in yesterday, memories, the past, childhood memories.
Growing up, moving on, letting go of memories, maturity, leaving home.


Nostalgia, lost in yesterday, memories, the past, childhood memories.

There's nothing like a big of nostalgia. The Six of Cups is the focus of our attention on the past, looking back at memories and spending our moments in yesterday. Sometimes its beautiful to reminisce on past events, think about precious memories we have in appreciation. Sometimes we don't appreciate things until they are gone, perhaps we are looking back at the freedom we had in a youth with adoration, or relationships that once were. It's okay to spend time thinking and reminiscing with your past. This is a great time to reach out to an old friend, go to a high school reunion or perhaps revisit a place that holds pleasant memories for you.
Often the Six of Cups can represent our youth and the innocence and playfulness we had once upon a time. It can represent a period of reconnection with childhood friends and memories, or even perhaps hobbies or passions.
It can also suggest a reconnection to your inner child, exploring creative ventures, learning to be emotionally vulnerable and open, letting go of the seriousness of adulthood and letting yourself be free. Take the time to explore activities that enhance your creativity, such as art and music.
- Revisiting past experiences.
- Nostalgia.
- Spending moments in yesterday.
- Embracing your inner child.
- Letting yourself day-dream.
- Reunions.
- Old memories.

Love and Relationships

The Six of Cups upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships brings a sense of nostalgia, innocence, and emotional connection to your romantic life:

Rekindling Innocence: This card represents a desire to rekindle the innocence and simplicity of love, often associated with childhood. You may long for a more pure and heartfelt connection in your relationships.

Past Influences: It can indicate that past relationships or childhood experiences are influencing your current romantic choices and behaviors. You may be

Nurturing Relationships: The Six of Cups signifies a nurturing and caring approach to your relationships. You may find joy in taking care of your partner or relishing in the affection and care received from them.

Sentimental Gestures: In the context of love, this card suggests that sentimental gestures and expressions of love hold great importance. Small acts of kindness and shared memories can deepen your connection.

Reconnecting: Overall, the Six of Cups encourages you to reconnect with the sweet and innocent aspects of love. It reminds you to appreciate the simple joys of emotional connection and to seek partners who share your values and nostalgia for genuine, heartfelt connections in your romantic life.

Health and Spirituality

The Six of Cups upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of nostalgia, inner child exploration, and a focus on healing and spiritual connection:

Nurturing Inner Child: This card suggests a desire to reconnect with your inner child, exploring past experiences and memories that may have shaped your

Healing and Reflection: You may be drawn to healing practices that involve revisiting past traumas or addressing emotional wounds. This card encourages introspection and self-care as you work on your emotional and spiritual health.

Spiritual Roots: The Six of Cups represents a return to spiritual roots and traditions. You may be exploring spiritual practices or belief systems that resonate with your childhood experiences or heritage.

Nostalgic Connection: In the realm of spirituality, this card can signify a deep connection to ancestral wisdom or a desire to reconnect with the spiritual teachings of your past.

Emotional Well-being: Overall, the Six of Cups in a health and spirituality spread emphasizes the importance of emotional well-being in your spiritual journey. It encourages you to explore your past, heal emotional wounds, and reconnect with the spirituality that brings you comfort and insight.

Money and Career

The Six of Cups upright in a tarot spread about career and money brings a sense of nostalgia, innocence, and emotional connection to your professional and financial endeavors:

Rediscovering Passion: This card suggests a desire to reconnect with the innocence and passion you had for your career or financial goals in the past. You may be seeking work or financial opportunities that resonate with your true calling.

Past Influences: It can indicate that past experiences or childhood interests are influencing your current career choices and financial decisions. You may find fulfillment in revisiting interests or skills from your earlier years.

Caring for Your Finances: The Six of Cups signifies a nurturing and mindful approach to your financial matters. You may be drawn to investments or financial strategies that align with your values and long-term goals.

Sentimental Value: In a career context, this card suggests that sentimental value and a sense of purpose in your work hold great importance. You may find satisfaction in roles or projects that resonate with your core values.

Reconnecting with Ambitions: Overall, the Six of Cups encourages you to reconnect with the pure and heartfelt aspects of your career and financial aspirations. It reminds you to appreciate the simple joys of your work and to seek financial opportunities that align with your values and nostalgia for genuine fulfillment in your professional and financial life.

Reversed General

Growing up, moving on, letting go of memories, maturity, leaving home.

The Six of Cups reversed is an indication that its time to move on and let go of the past. There are bigger and better things waiting for you ahead. The Six of Cups can suggest that you may even be holding on to past memories, past versions of yourself that you don't want to let go of. Perhaps the fear of what's in-front of you is keeping you holding on to memories and old habits, jobs and relationships that you've outgrown.
You may be wishing for you old life or "how things were", living in the past with rose-colored goggles. It's okay to let things go, believe and trust the universe that bigger and better things are waiting for you over the horizon, it's a matter of trust.
It's okay to spend time thinking about the past and living in nostalgia for a temporary amount of time, but we need to make sure that we always bring our main focus back to the present moment, because that's where the real magic happens. Sometimes we often look back at the past and believe it was better than what is in-front of us. We begin romanticizing previous relationships, situations and lifestyles, be aware of doing this as it can be damaging and blinding to what opportunities lay in front of you.

The Six of Cups reversed can also be an indication that you've lost touch with your inner child, you've become focused on practicality and adulthood and you're missing the spark and excitement that comes with connection to your inner child. Try to harness that childish curiosity for life that we had when we were children, learn, explore, play with your environment.

- Letting go of the past.
- Moving out of home.
- Bigger and better things waiting in the future.
- Romanticizing the past too much.
- Living in the past.
- Ignoring or repressing your inner child.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Six of Cups reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a need for growth, release, and transformation in your romantic life:

Unresolved Issues: In its reversed position, this card can indicate lingering unresolved issues or emotional baggage from the past affecting your current relationships. It's crucial to address these issues for healthier connections.

Nostalgia Hindering Progress: You might find yourself overly focused on past relationships or past romantic ideals, preventing you from fully embracing new opportunities or the present.

Resistance to Change: This card can signify resistance to change within your relationships. You may be holding onto outdated patterns or expectations that no longer serve you.

Releasing the Past: The reversal encourages you to release the emotional attachments to the past, whether they are related to past partners, childhood experiences, or unrealistic romantic fantasies.

Embracing Growth: While the reversed Six of Cups can bring challenges, it also offers an opportunity for personal growth and transformation in your relationships. It's a chance to let go of old patterns and embrace healthier, more fulfilling connections.

Overall, the Six of Cups reversed in a love and relationships spread advises you to confront and heal past wounds, release nostalgia, and be open to growth and transformation in your romantic life. It encourages you to create space for new and healthier relationships while learning from the past without being bound by it.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Six of Cups reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a need for reassessment, release, and transformation in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth:

Past Attachments: In its reversed position, this card may indicate that you are holding onto past emotional attachments or unresolved issues related to your health or spiritual beliefs. These attachments could be hindering your progress.

Nostalgia Distorting Perspective: You might be overly focused on past experiences, whether positive or negative, which may be distorting your perception of your current health and spiritual path. It's essential to let go of what no longer serves you.

Resistance to Change: The reversal may signify resistance to change in your health and spiritual practices. You may be clinging to old habits or beliefs that are no longer beneficial.

Releasing the Past: This card encourages you to release emotional attachments to the past, whether they are related to past health issues, spiritual beliefs, or outdated practices. It's time for a fresh start.

Embracing Transformation: While the reversed Six of Cups can bring challenges, it also offers an opportunity for personal transformation. It's a chance to let go of old patterns and embrace healthier, more mindful approaches to your well-being and spiritual growth.

Overall, the Six of Cups reversed in a health and spirituality spread advises you to confront and release past emotional attachments, nostalgia, and resistance to change. It encourages you to embrace growth and transformation in your well-being and spiritual practices, creating space for new and more fulfilling experiences.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Six of Cups typically leans towards a "yes," especially if the question involves revisiting past experiences, nostalgia, or reconnecting with someone from your past.