"Hold your ground with the might of the Seven of Wands; let no force sway your rooted spirit."

7. Seven of Wands

Holding your position, maintaining control, challenge, protection
Weakness, exhaustion, defeat, loosing a position or power.


Holding your position, maintaining control, challenge, protection

The Seven of Wands is about maintaining and protecting your position. It's about the new types of competition, challenges and oppositions we face with new found success because others want to be where we are. This can also mean defending you title and proving to those who question and challenge you that you deserve to be standing where you are today.
The Seven of Wands is similar to the Five of Wands as both cards represent the competitions and challenges that come after success, however, the Seven of Wands is about the maintaining of that position. It's about proving to those around you that this wasn't a one time win, this was one of multiple wins, distinguishing your success from the rest, you are determined to stay ahead of the game, maintaining your position.
When we have a position of power or success, it's natural for others to oppose us. The Seven of Wands is about fighting for your position, exercising strong will, control, assertiveness and determination. A great example of this is the Queen, she was given a position to be Queen, but she worked her life to maintain that position, maintain control and maintain the entire families significance for almost a century. Despite others challenging her, competing with her and opposing her position.
- Remaining strong in your position.
- Determination.
- Protecting your corner.
- Holding your power or success.
- Challenges that follow success.
- Challenge.
- Protection.
- Setting boundaries.
- Assertiveness.
- Willpower.

Love and Relationships

The Seven of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of resilience, determination, and standing your ground in matters of the heart:

Resilience in Love: This card represents your ability to stand firm and resilient in your romantic relationship. You're willing to face challenges and defend your love with determination.

Assertiveness: In love and relationships, the Seven of Wands indicates that you're assertive and willing to protect what's important to you. You're not afraid to express your needs and boundaries.

Overcoming Obstacles: You may be facing challenges or obstacles in your relationship, but the card suggests that you have the strength and determination to overcome them. Your commitment to the partnership is unwavering.

Healthy Boundaries: This card also encourages maintaining healthy boundaries in your relationship. It's a reminder that while you're willing to stand up for your love, you should do so while respecting the boundaries of your partner.

Assertive Communication: Effective and assertive communication is key. You're encouraged to express your thoughts and feelings honestly but respectfully to ensure that both you and your partner are heard and understood.

Overall, the Seven of Wands upright signifies a time of strength and resilience in your love life. It's a period where you can assertively protect and nurture your relationship, working together with your partner to overcome any challenges that may arise.

Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a time of inner strength, determination, and standing your ground in matters related to your well-being and spiritual path:

Inner Resilience: This card represents your inner resilience when it comes to your health and spiritual practices. You're determined to prioritize your well-being and growth.

Determination: In the realm of health and spirituality, the Seven of Wands suggests that you are resolute in your pursuit of physical and mental well-being. You're not easily swayed by external pressures or distractions.

Overcoming Challenges: You may be facing obstacles or challenges on your spiritual journey or in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but this card assures you that you have the strength and determination to conquer them.

Maintaining Spiritual Boundaries: It's also a reminder to maintain healthy spiritual boundaries and honor your personal beliefs. Stand firm in your spiritual convictions and practices.

Self-Advocacy: Advocating for your own health and spiritual growth is essential. Use your assertiveness to communicate your needs to healthcare providers, mentors, or spiritual guides.

Overall, the Seven of Wands upright signifies a time of inner fortitude and a commitment to your health and spiritual journey. It encourages you to protect and nurture your well-being, standing firm in your beliefs and practices as you overcome obstacles and continue to grow.

Money and Career

The Seven of Wands upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of resilience, determination, and standing your ground in matters related to your professional life and finances:

Resilience in Career: In the realm of career, this card represents your ability to stand strong and resilient in the face of challenges and competition. You're determined to achieve your goals and protect your position.

Assertiveness: The Seven of Wands suggests that you are assertive in asserting your ideas and boundaries at work. You won't back down from defending your professional interests and beliefs.

Overcoming Obstacles: You may be facing obstacles or competition in your career or financial endeavors, but this card assures you that you have the inner strength to overcome them. Your commitment to your goals is unwavering.

Financial Boundaries: It also encourages you to maintain healthy financial boundaries, whether it's about spending, saving, or investing. Staying assertive about your financial decisions is key to financial stability.

Resisting Challenges: Overall, the Seven of Wands signifies a time of strength and determination in your career and financial life. You're willing to protect and nurture your professional interests, working hard to overcome any hurdles that may come your way.

This card advises you to approach your career and financial decisions with confidence and assertiveness, allowing you to achieve your goals and safeguard your financial stability.

Reversed General

Weakness, exhaustion, defeat, loosing a position or power.

The Seven of Wands reversed can represents a time where you are loosening your grip on a position of success or power. You may be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, perhaps you are tired of coming up against opposition, or perhaps you've been challenged and your weaknesses are apparent. Sometimes this can signify defeat or surrender. The Seven of Wands reversed can suggest loosing grip of some power or position of success that you hold, and it's hard to fail to defend something you care about. Sometimes it can also mean comping to compromise or sharing that power or success. Just to be clear, if you believe this position or success is no longer serving you, then it's absolutely fine to begin to let it go. There is no shame in surrender.
When the Seven of Wands appears is can be a signal that you are questioning whether holding this position is worth is for you anymore. You maybe be tired or perhaps you feel like your energy is best spent elsewhere. Ask yourself how much this matter to you and how badly you want it. Don't give up easily if you want to hold this position, keep your head up and do what you can do get there. Keep fighting for what you know is yours, stand strong for what you believe in and keep moving forward.
- Loosening your grip on power or control.
- Weakness and exhaustion.
- Surrender.
-Tired of coming up against opposition.
- Questioning position.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Seven of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a period of vulnerability, yielding, or inner conflict in your romantic life:

Vulnerability: This card may indicate that you or your partner are feeling emotionally vulnerable in the relationship. You might be hesitant to open up or expose your true feelings.

Yielding or Compromise: In the context of love, the reversal could suggest a need to yield or compromise in certain areas of the relationship. It's essential to find a balance between asserting your needs and being flexible.

Internal Conflict: You or your partner might be experiencing inner conflicts or doubts about the relationship. These doubts could be affecting your ability to maintain a strong and united front.

Overcoming Challenges: The Seven of Wands reversed encourages you to address any conflicts or issues within the relationship with a willingness to find resolutions. It may require a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives.

Reassess Boundaries: It's also an opportunity to reassess your boundaries and ensure that they align with the needs of both partners. Healthy boundaries can lead to better communication and harmony.

Overall, the Seven of Wands reversed advises you to approach your romantic relationship with openness, vulnerability, and a willingness to work through any conflicts or doubts. By doing so, you can strengthen your connection and create a more stable and loving partnership.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period where you may be feeling overwhelmed, defensive, or struggling to maintain your boundaries in matters related to your well-being and spiritual path:

Overwhelm: This card may indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by the demands of your health or spiritual practices. You might be juggling too many responsibilities or expectations.

Defensiveness: In the realm of health and spirituality, the reversal suggests that you might be on the defensive, possibly due to criticism or external pressures. You may feel the need to justify your choices.

Internal Conflicts: There may be internal conflicts or doubts about your spiritual path or health choices. You could be questioning your beliefs or struggling to find balance.

Boundaries: The Seven of Wands reversed advises you to reevaluate your boundaries, both in terms of physical health and spiritual practices. It's essential to strike a balance that works for you without feeling overwhelmed.

Seek Support: Consider seeking support or guidance from a mentor, therapist, or spiritual teacher. They can help you navigate challenges and regain your sense of balance.

Overall, the Seven of Wands reversed suggests a need to address feelings of overwhelm and defensiveness in your health and spiritual journey. By reassessing your boundaries and seeking support when needed, you can regain your equilibrium and continue to grow on your path.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Seven of Wands typically suggests a "no" answer. This card often represents standing one's ground and facing opposition or challenges. It indicates a scenario where the path may be difficult, requiring perseverance and resilience. Thus, if the question involves overcoming significant obstacles or defending a position, the answer might lean more towards a negative outcome or suggest that it's not the right time for what you're asking about​.