"Beware the silent dagger; it strikes where least expected."

7. Seven of Swords

Getting away with something, deception, betrayal, self-deception, cheat.
Confession, facing consequences, exposing, turning a new leaf.


Getting away with something, deception, betrayal, self-deception, cheat.

The Seven of Swords is about getting away with something, deception, scheming and cheating. This can be in relation to yourself or someone in your life. Deception can be a self-inflicted or it can be externalized to others. When the Seven of Swords appears it is wise to assess the people in your life, including yourself, and watch for any deceptive qualities and behaviors, bring these things into your awareness. Doesn't mean you should automatically start accusing people of being deceptive, but it's just a sign to keep an eye out for it.

The Seven of Swords can appear when you are being sneaky and trying to get away with something. For example, perhaps you have been capitalizing at work by doing things behind your bosses back, or perhaps you are partaking in an affair or involving yourself in something inappropriate that you wouldn't reveal to a partner. Perhaps you are deluding yourself about your habits or immoral behavior. Whatever it may be the Seven of Swords is highlighting getting away with something. You're using shortcuts to get what you want instead of following a proper, fair and moral process. Sometimes it's okay to take shortcuts in life but taking shortcuts is not something that can work in the long term, so be mindful of how much longer this deception can go for. Sometimes it is better to come clean sooner than later. If we leave deception for too long it can lead to further consequences.

The Seven of Swords can be a sign of self deception. Self-deception happens when we maintain false beliefs about ourselves or others that are biased, warped or completely incorrect. Self-deception usually happens when we have motivation to stay in a particular position or relationship, or when we are unable to accept truth. Self-deception is hard to identify sometimes because we can be so blind to the truth of the lies we tell ourselves. We can be so desperate to cling to narratives we paint for ourselves that are not set in reality. Perhaps we are not ready to comes to terms with reality. This is a great time to ask yourself, how am I deceiving myself?

The Seven of Swords can suggest that you are the victim of someone else's deceptive behavior. There are potential snakes in your life that you need to try and bring to your awareness. This is a time to look out for deceptive behavior, catch people out on lies or exaggerations, listen to your intuition and keep a mind map of thing that people do and say to you that feel off. Don't jump to conclusions, be rational with your approach. Just because the Seven of Swords appears does not mean that someone is definitely betraying you, be logical, be smart and treat this card as a signal to look out for deception and be mindful of it.

- Deception.
- Self-deception.
- Cheating.
- Getting away with something.
- Blinding ourselves to the truth.
- Taking shortcuts.

Love and Relationships

The Seven of Swords upright in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships conveys several key meanings and insights:

Deceit or Secrecy: In matters of love, the upright Seven of Swords warns of potential deceit or secrecy. It suggests that someone within the relationship might not be entirely honest, which can lead to problems.

Trust Issues: This card indicates trust issues in the relationship. It may be essential to address these concerns openly and honestly with your partner. Trust is the foundation of a healthy relationship, and this card signals the need to rebuild it if it has been broken.

Hidden Motives: The Seven of Swords can also suggest that someone in the relationship has hidden motives or is not fully committed. Be cautious of ulterior motives and encourage open and clear communication to uncover any hidden agendas.

Protecting Oneself: Sometimes, this card indicates a need for self-protection within the relationship. You or your partner may be guarding your emotions due to past hurts or fears of vulnerability. It's important to find a balance between self-protection and openness.

Conflict or Betrayal: This card can symbolize conflicts or betrayal within the relationship. It's essential to address these issues constructively to prevent further damage to the partnership.

Strategic Planning: On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords can also suggest a need for strategic planning in your relationship. It encourages thinking carefully and making wise decisions regarding the future of the partnership.

Independence: Sometimes, this card indicates a desire for more independence within the relationship. It's important for partners to have their individual space and autonomy.

In summary, the Seven of Swords in an upright position in a love and relationships reading warns of potential deceit, trust issues, and hidden motives. It suggests the need for open communication, addressing conflicts, and rebuilding trust. Additionally, it may indicate a desire for more independence within the relationship or the need for strategic planning to improve the partnership.

Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Swords, when upright in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, carries important messages and insights:

Mindful Decision-Making: The Seven of Swords encourages you to make decisions regarding your health and spiritual well-being with a clear and mindful approach. It's essential to weigh your choices carefully and consider the long-term consequences of your actions.

Introspection: This card suggests that introspection is necessary for personal growth and spiritual development. It may be time to evaluate your beliefs and practices to ensure they align with your true values and goals.

Seeking Truth: In the realm of spirituality, the Seven of Swords urges you to seek the truth and embrace honesty in your spiritual journey. Avoid deception, either self-deception or the influence of misleading spiritual teachings.

Mental Clarity: It's a reminder to maintain mental clarity. Confusion or inner conflicts may hinder your spiritual progress. Clear your mind and focus on what truly matters on your spiritual path.

Secrecy and Discretion: On a health-related note, this card can indicate the need for discretion. You might be dealing with personal health matters that require privacy. It's a reminder to maintain the confidentiality of your health issues when necessary.

In summary, the Seven of Swords in a health and spirituality reading emphasizes the importance of making mindful and honest decisions, embracing introspection, and seeking truth in both your health and spiritual practices. It encourages discretion, mental clarity, preparation, and choosing the path that aligns with your authentic self and values.

Money and Career

The Seven of Swords in an upright position in a tarot spread focused on career and money has several key interpretations and messages:

Caution in Career: The Seven of Swords warns you to be cautious in your career. It suggests that there may be dishonest or deceitful elements at play, whether in your workplace or business endeavors. Be careful about potential office politics, hidden agendas, or unethical actions.

Financial Challenges: This card can also indicate financial challenges. You might be facing theft, embezzlement, or financial losses. It's a reminder to secure your assets and be mindful of your financial transactions.

Strategic Planning: On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords can symbolize the need for strategic planning. In your career, it suggests that you must be clever and use your wit to navigate challenges effectively. In financial matters, it encourages you to budget wisely and consider investments carefully.

Choosing Battles: This card advises you to choose your battles wisely. Not every issue is worth confronting; sometimes, it's better to strategize and plan for the long term. Consider the potential consequences before taking any actions in your career or finances.

Maintaining Integrity: While the Seven of Swords can symbolize deceit, it also serves as a reminder to maintain your integrity. Resist the temptation to engage in dishonest practices, as the short-term benefits rarely outweigh the long-term consequences.

In summary, the Seven of Swords in a career and money reading serves as a cautionary card. It urges you to be vigilant and strategic in your career decisions and financial dealings. While it may highlight challenges and potential deceit, it also reminds you to maintain your integrity and make wise choices to safeguard your interests.

Reversed General

Confession, facing consequences, exposing, turning a new leaf.

The Seven of Swords reversed represents confession, exposure, releasing deceptive behavior's and beliefs, turning a new leaf over and facing the consequences of your actions. The process of coming clean and bringing into full awareness your deceptive behavior, to yourself and to others. Although it can be a painful experience to suffer the consequences, it can also serve as a liberation and relief to finally let go of the deception.

The Seven of Swords reversed can suggest a time where you are lifting the veil off a situation and you can now see it for what it is. Perhaps you have caught out a deceptive person in your life, or you're finally getting the full story on an affair or bitchy friend who has been the cause of much drama. There is a release of information and understanding now where you can objectively see things. The information may be painful or hard to take in, but at least it's the truth and from here you can move forward, rather than continue on the road of being deceived. Where there is a confession mean you can finally work on the repair.
The Seven of Swords reversed represents confession, exposure, releasing deceptive behavior's and beliefs, turning a new leaf over and facing the consequences of your actions. The process of coming clean and bringing into full awareness your deceptive behavior, to yourself and to others. Although it can be a painful experience to suffer the consequences, it can also serve as a liberation and relief to finally let go of the deception.

The Seven of Swords reversed can suggest a time where you are lifting the veil off a situation and you can now see it for what it is. Perhaps you have caught out a deceptive person in your life, or you're finally getting the full story on an affair or bitchy friend who has been the cause of much drama. There is a release of information and understanding now where you can objectively see things. The information may be painful or hard to take in, but at least it's the truth and from here you can move forward, rather than continue on the road of being deceived. Where there is a confession mean you can finally work on the repair.

The Seven of Swords reversed often refers to confession and facing the music. Perhaps there has been a situation that has played out for a period of time where deception was present, but now you're letting the truth out, turning over a new leaf, exposing yourself and attempting to make amends with the situation. This can be humiliating, confronting and scary and perhaps you will have to suffer consequences for your actions, but people will admire your ability to come forward and respect you more in the long-run, remember that. It takes guts to reveal your mistakes, flaws and deceptive behavior but you're moving  into courage and choosing truth and fairness, an admirable quality.

The Seven of Swords reversed can also suggest a time where you are letting go of self-deception. Beliefs, relationships and behaviors that are no longer serving you are coming into awareness. It can be exhausting to come to terms with our own bullshit but once we do we can pave the way for a clearer path.

- Exposure.
- Releasing information.
- Facing consequences.
- Confession.
- Turning over a new leaf.
- Releasing self-deception.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Seven of Swords reversed in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships carries significant meanings and insights:

Rebuilding Trust: When this card appears reversed, it signifies a potential shift towards rebuilding trust in your romantic relationships. It may suggest that trust issues or betrayals from the past are being addressed and gradually healed.

Honesty and Transparency: The reversed Seven of Swords encourages open and honest communication in your relationships. It's a time to be candid about your feelings, intentions, and concerns, allowing for better understanding and connection.

Letting Go of Deceit: In the context of love, this card reversed indicates a willingness to let go of any deceitful behavior or actions. It could signify a conscious decision to move away from dishonesty and embrace a more genuine and authentic connection with your partner.

Self-Reflection: This card may also suggest that you or your partner are engaging in self-reflection to understand the root causes of any past issues related to deceit or mistrust. This introspective process can lead to personal growth and more harmonious relationships.

Learning from Mistakes: In relationships, the reversed Seven of Swords is a reminder that we can learn valuable lessons from past mistakes or miscommunications. These lessons can be used to strengthen the bonds between partners and create a healthier, more trusting relationship.

Reconciliation: If there have been conflicts or separations in your love life, this card reversed may indicate a period of reconciliation and the potential for resolving differences. It signifies a willingness to give love and trust another chance.

Rebuilding Bridges: Just as bridges that have been burned can be rebuilt, the reversed Seven of Swords suggests the possibility of restoring a sense of security, integrity, and faith in your love relationships. This takes time, patience, and mutual effort.

In summary, the reversed Seven of Swords in a love and relationships reading signals a period of healing, renewed trust, and enhanced communication. It encourages honesty, transparency, and a commitment to building more authentic and harmonious romantic connections. It also highlights the importance of learning from past mistakes and reconciling with partners when possible.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Seven of Swords reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality signifies several key messages and insights:

Honesty and Integrity: When this card appears reversed, it strongly emphasizes the importance of honesty and integrity in your approach to health and spirituality. It encourages you to be truthful with yourself and others about your beliefs, practices, and health-related matters.

Releasing Deception: This card suggests that you may be letting go of deceptive practices or beliefs that no longer serve your well-being. You're moving away from dishonesty and embracing a more authentic and transparent path in your spiritual and health journey.

Confronting Fear: The reversed Seven of Swords indicates that you're confronting your fears and insecurities when it comes to health and spirituality. It's a time for facing these inner challenges with courage and addressing any self-deception.

Seeking Guidance: In matters of spirituality and health, this card advises seeking guidance from trustworthy sources. You might benefit from consulting spiritual or health experts who can provide genuine, evidence-based advice and practices.

Letting Go of Guilt: If you've been carrying guilt or remorse related to past actions in these areas, the reversed Seven of Swords suggests it's time to release these burdens. Forgive yourself and focus on moving forward with a clear conscience.

Open Communication: It's important to openly communicate with those who can support your health and spiritual goals. Share your intentions, questions, and concerns with trusted individuals, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Transparency and Accountability: This card signifies a period where transparency and accountability are valued. In both your health and spiritual pursuits, be open about your intentions and progress. Embrace accountability as a means of growth.

In summary, the reversed Seven of Swords in a health and spirituality reading encourages honesty, integrity, and authenticity in your path. It suggests a willingness to confront fears, seek genuine guidance, let go of guilt, and promote open communication. Transparency and accountability play significant roles in your journey toward better health and deeper spirituality.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Seven of Swords generally indicates a "no." This card is often associated with deception, secrecy, or not having all the information needed to make a decision. It suggests that the situation may involve hidden factors or dishonesty, so proceeding with caution is advised​.