"Hold the line with the perseverance of the Nine of Wands, for every challenge faced prepares you for the next."

9. Nine of Wands

Persistence, resilience, almost there, test of faith, not giving up
Giving up, giving in, withdrawal, fatigue, struggle, failure


Persistence, resilience, almost there, test of faith, not giving up

The Nine of Wands appears when we keep drawing our perseverance and resilience's in the face our challenges, fatigue and setbacks. You may be experiencing setbacks, or challenges, perhaps getting overwhelmed and tired with you path. However, the Nine of Wands is about standing tall in the face of adversity, it's a test of your perseverance and resilience. How badly you want this? How resilient are your beliefs? How resilient is your mindset? your money? your relationships or whatever goals or objectives you have? This is almost like a test of your faith and grit to get to the finish line.
Sometimes it feels like we're so close to failure, we feel confused, we feel exhausted from pushing, but with each push we are becoming stronger and stronger. If you receive the Nine of Wands in a reading, it's strong sign to not give up, you are close to bringing your dreams into reality.
Sometimes things feel so impossible, things feel so out of reach, perhaps we keep struggling with the same things over and over, but the Nine of Wands asks you to hold your goal in sight and focus on is, you will eventually get there if you keep putting one foot in front of the other.

- Resilience.
- Test of faith.
- Pushing through our pain.
- Persistence.
- Courage to continue on.
- Close to the finish line..
- Fall down 7 stand up 8.
- Keep picking yourself up.

Love and Relationships

The Nine of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships indicates a relationship that has faced challenges but remains strong and resilient:

Resilience in Love: In the realm of love and relationships, this card signifies a relationship that has weathered various trials and tribulations. Both partners have displayed resilience and determination to overcome obstacles.

Lasting Commitment: The Nine of Wands suggests a deep and lasting commitment in the relationship. Despite the challenges, both individuals are willing to stand by each other and protect what they've built together.

Guarded Hearts: While the relationship is strong, there may be a sense of caution or guardedness. This could be due to past hurts or challenges, and it's important for both partners to communicate openly and work through any lingering issues.

Emotional Strength: This card reflects emotional strength within the relationship. Both individuals have learned from their experiences and have become more emotionally resilient as a result.

Protection: The Nine of Wands also indicates a desire to protect the relationship from further harm. This protection can involve setting boundaries, maintaining trust, and addressing any unresolved issues.

Overall, the Nine of Wands upright suggests a relationship that has been tested but has emerged stronger and more resilient. It encourages both partners to continue nurturing and protecting their connection, knowing that their commitment and determination can help them overcome any challenges that come their way.

Health and Spirituality

The Nine of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests that you've displayed resilience and determination in your journey towards better well-being and spiritual growth:

Resilience: In the realm of health and spirituality, this card signifies that you've faced various challenges and setbacks on your path but have persevered. Your resilience has allowed you to overcome obstacles and continue your spiritual and health practices.

Determination: The Nine of Wands indicates a strong sense of determination in your pursuit of improved health and spiritual enlightenment. You're committed to your practices and are willing to put in the effort required to reach your goals.

Endurance: This card suggests that you possess the endurance necessary to maintain your spiritual and health routines. You're not easily discouraged, and you understand that these journeys require time and patience.

Guarded Progress: You've made significant progress on your spiritual path and in your efforts to improve your health. However, this card also reminds you to stay vigilant and protect the gains you've made.

Continued Growth: The Nine of Wands signals that you're on the right track in your health and spirituality journey. Keep up your disciplined approach, and you'll continue to grow and evolve on both fronts.

Overall, the Nine of Wands upright encourages you to persevere in your health and spiritual endeavors. Your determination and resilience have brought you this far, and with continued dedication, you'll reach even greater heights on your path to well-being and spiritual enlightenment.

Money and Career

The Nine of Wands upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of resilience, determination, and strategic thinking in your professional and financial life:

Resilience: In the realm of money and career, this card indicates that you've faced challenges and obstacles but have persevered. Your resilience and determination have brought you to a point where you're better equipped to handle future hurdles.

Strategic Planning: The Nine of Wands suggests that you've developed a strategic and well-thought-out approach to your financial and career goals. You're prepared to defend your position and make wise decisions.

Guarded Progress: While progress may have been slower than expected, you've maintained a strong and secure position. You're vigilant and cautious, ensuring that your hard-earned gains are protected.

Stand Your Ground: This card encourages you to stand your ground and defend your interests in the workplace or financial arena. It's a time to assert yourself and protect what you've worked for.

Overall, the Nine of Wands upright suggests that you've demonstrated resilience and determination in your financial and career pursuits. Your strategic thinking and ability to stand your ground will serve you well as you continue to work toward your goals. Keep your focus, and success will be within reach.

Reversed General

Giving up, giving in, withdrawal, fatigue, struggle, failure

The Nine of Wands reversed suggests that you're struggling to find the energy to keep going with this chosen goal or path. You're tired and overwhelmed and instead of drawing energy to keep pushing and keep going, you want to give up completely. You don't know if this venture is worth is or if you have what it takes to eventually make it to the finish line. It feels like a constant uphill battle, you keep being met with setbacks and challenges and you are struggling to find the energy within yourself to deal with it. This can be a really overwhelming time. The Nine Wands reversed is often associated with chronic fatigue for this reason.
Just because you feel this way, does not mean you dream or goal is out of reach. Often people give up when they are so close to the finish line but they don't even realize it. With each attempt you're getting closer and closer so don't give up so soon.
The best quote to define the Nine of Wands is "fall down 7 times, stand up 8", regardless of how many times life knocks you down, don't let it stop you from getting back up on your feet.  Take this time to learn from past failures. It's okay to fail at something as long as we know why we failed at it. Keep picking yourself up, success often comes through our persistence, resilience and our ability to learn from out mistakes. Tune into your courage and bravery, it's there and you have the ability to use it.
- Fatigue.
- Failure.
- Lack of perseverance.
- Lack of resilience.
- Giving up and giving in.
- Chronic fatigue.
- No energy to continue.
- Uphill battle.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Nine of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests that you or your partner may be feeling emotionally exhausted or hesitant within the relationship:

Emotional Exhaustion: In matters of love, the reversal of the Nine of Wands indicates that one or both partners may be feeling emotionally drained. It could be due to past relationship challenges or a sense of constantly being on guard.

Caution and Hesitation: This card can signify a need to be cautious or hesitant in the relationship. There may have been past hurts or betrayals that make it difficult to fully open up and trust again.

Burning Out: The reversed Nine of Wands may be a warning sign that the relationship is taking a toll on your emotional well-being. It's essential to address any ongoing issues or concerns rather than allowing them to fester.

Seeking Balance: It's important to strike a balance between protecting oneself and being open to love and vulnerability. Find ways to rebuild trust and create a safe space for emotional expression.

Overall, the Nine of Wands reversed in a love and relationships spread suggests a need for healing, caution, and communication. It's an opportunity to address emotional exhaustion and work together to create a more secure and trusting connection in the relationship.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Nine of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a need for self-compassion and a reminder to take care of your well-being:

Self-Compassion: In the realm of health and spirituality, this card in reverse indicates that you may have been pushing yourself too hard, neglecting self-care, or being overly critical of yourself. It's time to practice self-compassion and acknowledge your limitations.

Burnout Warning: The reversal of the Nine of Wands can be a warning sign of potential burnout. You might have been carrying the weight of responsibilities and stress for too long, leading to physical and emotional exhaustion.

Reevaluate Your Priorities: This card encourages you to reevaluate your priorities in terms of health and spirituality. Are there aspects of your routine that need adjustment? Consider incorporating relaxation techniques, meditation, or seeking support from spiritual practices to rejuvenate your energy.

Seek Balance: It's crucial to find a balance between pushing yourself to achieve spiritual or health goals and allowing yourself time for rest and recuperation. Overexertion can lead to spiritual fatigue and physical ailments.

Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to signals from your body and intuition. If you're feeling drained or unwell, it's a sign that you need to pause, reflect, and make self-care a priority.

Overall, the Nine of Wands reversed advises a gentler and more compassionate approach to your health and spiritual journey. By recognizing your limitations and taking steps to prevent burnout, you can maintain a healthier and more sustainable path toward spiritual growth and well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Nine of Wands generally leans towards a "no." This card often suggests a need for persistence and endurance, indicating that the situation in question might require more effort or resistance before reaching a resolution. It implies that you might not be ready to move forward just yet or that additional challenges need to be overcome​.