"In the darkest nights of the soul, remember, each dawn brings a chance to turn the page."

9. Nine of Swords

Fear, worry, distress, negativity, anxiety, mental anguish, nightmares.
Releasing fears and anxiety, letting go of negativity, taking steps forward.


Fear, worry, distress, negativity, anxiety, mental anguish, nightmares.

The Nine of Swords represents mental distress, fear, worry, anxiety and mental anguish. You are being weighed down by dark and fearful thoughts which are affecting your overall wellbeing. The Nine of Swords occurs when you are in the process of feeding your fears, giving emotional energy to the dark thoughts that cross your mind. The more emotions you feed into your negative thought patterns the more powerful they can become. When we receive the Nine of Swords we are in a state of being haunted by our own dark thoughts, we may fear something irrational, or we may fear the same horrible event occurring twice. Regardless of if the fear is irrational or not, we are in a state of distress, paralyzed by our fears and anxiety, unable to see the clear path of the darkness.

When we don't release or come to realize the limitations and traps of our mind in the Eight of Swords we slowly but surely enter into the Nine of Swords. The Eight is where we need to take off the blindfold and become aware of the traps our mind, that the ego creates for us. The mind always wants to be right, it wants to confirm it's own bias and it wants total control. When we identify with our negative thought patterns we give our power away to the mind and fall victim to it's mental aguish. The Nine of Swords is the entrapment and destructiveness of the mind turning in on itself. It's always helpful to know that the mind is a tool to help us navigate through life, solve problems and think through solutions, the mind is not you and you should not identify with it.

Sometime the Nine of Swords appears when your fears are irrational and taking over your ability to think clearly. This can also be an indication that things aren't as bad as they seem, or that negative events are not actually occurring but you are stressing and worrying so much that is feels like they are. It's time to take a step back from your situation or reach out to a friend or family member and confide with them about how you feel. Perhaps they can shed light to the fact that a lot of these fears are in your mind. Take a deep breath and try to your best ability to get out of your head for a moment and see the situation from a different perspective.

When the Nine of Swords appears don't hesitate to reach out for help, seek the guidance of a professional, a friend or a family member. It's okay to admit you're struggling, that you're scared and that you need guidance. Fear is an emotion that so many living creatures on earth feel, it's been an evolutionary tool, it's how we survived and got out of harms way. There will always be someone who can relate to how you're feeling and how show you the way out of the darkness.

- Anxiety and fear.
- Feeding negative thought patterns.
- The mind taking control of us.
- Self-destructive mentalities.
- Irrationality.
- Distress.
- Mental anguish.

Love and Relationships

The Nine of Swords, when upright in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, conveys significant insights and emotions:

Anxiety and Worry: The central theme of this card is anxiety and worry. In a relationship context, it indicates that you or your partner may be experiencing high levels of stress or concern, which can negatively impact the connection.

Sleepless Nights: The image of someone sitting up in bed with their head in their hands represents sleepless nights and the inability to find peace of mind. This card suggests that the relationship might be causing emotional turmoil or keeping you up at night.

Overthinking: Overthinking can lead to negative thought patterns and excessive self-criticism. It's essential to address these thoughts and work on finding healthier ways to deal with challenges in the relationship.

Shared Burdens: This card can suggest that both partners are sharing the emotional burden. It's important to offer support and understanding to each other during difficult times.

In summary, the Nine of Swords in an upright position in a love and relationships reading highlights feelings of anxiety, worry, and sleepless nights within the relationship. It may indicate a need for improved communication, shared support, and finding solutions to the challenges causing distress. Self-care is crucial to navigating these difficulties and maintaining a healthy connection.

Health and Spirituality

When the Nine of Swords appears in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it sends a strong message about the state of your well-being:

Mental and Emotional Turmoil: The upright Nine of Swords suggests that you may be facing significant mental and emotional distress that's affecting your overall health and spirituality. You might be experiencing anxiety, sleepless nights, or an overwhelming sense of despair.

Spiritual Blockage: This card can indicate that your spiritual path is obstructed by negative thoughts, fears, or past trauma. The turbulence in your mind makes it challenging to connect with your inner self and spiritual beliefs.

Acknowledge Your Feelings: The appearance of this card encourages you to confront your fears and worries honestly. Recognize and understand the root causes of your distress as the first step toward healing.

Seek Help: Don't hesitate to seek assistance from a therapist, counselor, or spiritual advisor. They can provide valuable guidance in managing your mental health and addressing spiritual concerns.

Mind-Body Connection: The Nine of Swords reminds you of the strong connection between your mental state and physical health. High-stress levels can manifest in physical ailments, emphasizing the importance of addressing your emotional well-being.

Meditation and Prayer: Engaging in meditation and prayer can be powerful tools to soothe your mind and restore spiritual balance. Take time for self-care practices that promote relaxation and inner peace.

In conclusion, the Nine of Swords in a health and spirituality reading signals a period of mental and emotional turmoil, which can hinder your spiritual journey. It underscores the importance of addressing these challenges honestly, seeking help, and utilizing practices like meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations to regain your mental and spiritual equilibrium.

Money and Career

The Nine of Swords in a tarot spread focusing on career and money carries a significant message:

Overwhelming Stress: The appearance of this card upright suggests that you may be facing intense stress, anxiety, and worry related to your career and financial situation. These concerns can keep you up at night and leave you feeling mentally exhausted.

Negative Thoughts: Your thoughts may be consumed by fears of financial instability, job security, or other career-related issues. These persistent negative thought patterns can impact your decision-making and hinder your professional growth.

Take Action: While the Nine of Swords represents difficult circumstances, it also urges you to address your anxieties head-on. Identify the sources of your concerns and take practical steps to manage and overcome them.

Seek Support: Don't hesitate to seek advice or support from mentors, colleagues, or financial experts who can provide guidance on navigating your career and financial challenges.

Financial Planning: It's crucial to establish a financial plan and budget to alleviate financial worries. With careful planning, you can regain a sense of control over your financial situation.

In summary, the Nine of Swords in a career and money reading signifies a period of intense stress and anxiety in your professional and financial life. While these concerns are valid, it's essential to confront them directly, seek support, and focus on maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Your mental well-being plays a pivotal role in your career and financial success.

Reversed General

Releasing fears and anxiety, letting go of negativity, taking steps forward.

The Nine of Swords reversed represents releasing your fears and anxieties, letting go of the mental anguish that has been haunting you, learning and understanding the entrapments of your mind and moving towards healing. You are moving out of the darkness and into the light, recovering from the negativity and self-destructiveness of the mind. Take note that the Nine of Swords reversed indicates that you're not fully out of your situation yet, but you have begun to see a clear path forward. Parts of you may still be weighted down by your mental entrapments but you are taking steps towards a more positive and healthy relationship with your mind, releasing fears and letting go of thought patterns that are not serving you.

The Nine of Swords reversed suggests that there is a way out of this nightmare that you have put yourself into. You realize that lots of time and energy will need to go into creating a more healthy path forward, especially in relation to the amount of power you give your mind. This is a great time to enter a state of learning about psychology and the traps that we fall into when it comes to our own psyche. Explore different theories and understandings of how the mind operates and also different techniques of how to not identify with your mind.

The Nine of Swords reversed indicates that you are pushing through your last hurdle with this terrible nightmare you have been going through, this can be a positive omen that this tough period will soon be coming to an end. There is still lots of work to do on yourself, but there is relief that you have overcome the hardest and most haunting parts.

- Recovery.
- Healing.
- Understanding.
- Releasing fear and negativity.
- Letting go of mental anguish.
- Beginning to see a clear path forward.
- Learning to not identify with your mind.

Reversed Love and Relationships

When the Nine of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it brings a glimmer of hope and relief:

Release from Anxiety: The reversed Nine of Swords signifies a release from the intense anxiety and worries that may have plagued your relationship. It indicates that you and your partner are beginning to find relief from the emotional burdens you've carried.

Overcoming Challenges: This card suggests that you and your partner are making progress in overcoming the difficulties that have troubled your relationship. You're learning to cope with issues more effectively and seeing a way out of the darkness.

Open Communication: Improved communication is likely in your relationship. You and your partner may have started addressing concerns, sharing your feelings, and working through misunderstandings more constructively.

Recovery: This card indicates a period of healing and recovery. You're both on a path toward emotional well-being and greater stability within the relationship.

Supportive Connections: You and your partner are providing support and comfort for each other during challenging times. This mutual care strengthens your bond.

Moving Forward: With the reversed Nine of Swords, you're moving forward with a more positive mindset. You may have learned from past experiences and are applying those lessons to create a healthier, more harmonious relationship.

Hope for the Future: This card offers hope for the future. While the relationship may have faced turmoil, you're now in a position to build a more stable and secure foundation for your love.

In summary, the reversed Nine of Swords in a love and relationships reading suggests a release from anxiety and a path toward healing. It symbolizes improved communication, mutual support, and hope for a brighter future together. It's a sign that you and your p

Reversed Health and Spirituality

When the Nine of Swords appears in reverse in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it signifies a turning point in your mental and emotional well-being:

Release from Anxiety: The reversed Nine of Swords indicates that you're finding relief from anxiety and mental anguish that may have been affecting your overall health and spiritual growth.

Inner Healing: You are on a path of healing and recovery, both mentally and spiritually. This card suggests that you've started to address the root causes of your worries and are seeking methods to restore your inner peace.

Mental Clarity: Your mind is becoming clearer, allowing you to see solutions to problems that once felt insurmountable. This newfound mental clarity enables you to make healthier choices and embrace a more positive spiritual outlook.

Spiritual Growth: The reversed Nine of Swords represents a period of spiritual growth. You are letting go of negative thought patterns, past traumas, and doubts that may have hindered your spiritual journey.

Rest and Self-Care: You're actively focusing on self-care and rest, recognizing the importance of maintaining your well-being. By addressing your health, you're better able to nurture your spirituality.

Seeking Support: If you've been reluctant to seek help, you're now more open to support, whether from friends, family, or a spiritual advisor. This card encourages you to reach out for guidance when needed.

Embracing Optimism: The reversal of this card signifies an increased sense of hope and optimism in both your health and spirituality. You're better equipped to look to the future with positivity.

In summary, the reversed Nine of Swords in a health and spirituality reading signifies the release of anxiety and mental anguish, leading to inner healing, mental clarity, spiritual growth, and a greater focus on self-care. It's a sign that you're on the path to nurturing your overall well-being and fostering a more positive spiritual journey.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Nine of Swords generally indicates a "no." This card is associated with anxiety, worry, and mental distress, suggesting that the path you are inquiring about may lead to more stress or is not in your best interest at this time​.