"Celebrate your achievements; let your heart sing with joy for all the blessings that life has poured into your cup."

9. Nine of Cups

Wish come true, manifestation, fulfilment, achievement.
Materialism, dissatisfaction, greed, lack fulfilment, not what you expected.


Wish come true, manifestation, fulfilment, achievement.

The Nine of Cups is notoriously known as the wish card. Something you've been hoping or wishing for is coming to fruition and you're ecstatic with contentment and appreciation. In a broad sense, the Nine of Cups is about emotional fulfilment and satisfaction,  it sure does it feel good to be where you are right now.
The Nine of Cups is a beautiful card that suggests an abundance of love and gratitude. When the Nine appears you may get some good news, you may accomplish something you've been working towards, or you may be coming out of a period of hard work to see that it's completely paid off. When the Nine appears you will be feeling relaxed and fulfilled, with a deep sense of appreciation for yourself and your relationships. Appreciation does magical things to us, it pours positive energy into things we love and helps them to grow stronger within our lives. Take time to delve and feel into your appreciation and satisfaction, there are beautiful and powerful emotions to propel you into moments and experiences that you want to bring closer to you.
The Nine of Cups symbolizes success and satisfaction after a long emotional journey. Don't be afraid to sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor, relish in your hard work and dedication, spoil yourself and give appreciation and thanks to those who helped you get where you are. After the ups and downs of the cups journey, you've finally made it.

- You've made it.
- The wish card.
- Appreciation.
- Satisfaction.
- Abundance.
- Reaching a new high.
- Accomplishment.​

Love and Relationships

The Nine of Cups in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships is a highly positive and auspicious card:

Fulfillment and Contentment: Upright, the Nine of Cups is often referred to as the "Wish Card" or the "Card of Wishes Fulfilled." In the context of love and relationships, it signifies a phase of emotional fulfillment, contentment, and overall satisfaction.

Romantic Bliss: This card suggests that your romantic desires and dreams are coming to fruition. You and your partner are likely experiencing a harmonious and joyful period in your relationship, enjoying each other's company and sharing moments of genuine happiness.

Mutual Happiness: The energy of the card indicates a mutual understanding of each other's emotional needs, contributing to a harmonious and emotionally fulfilling partnership. Both partners are actively contributing to each other's happiness.

Celebration of Love: It's a time to celebrate the love you share, appreciating the emotional connection and the positive aspects of your relationship. This card encourages you to savor the romantic moments and acknowledge the emotional bond you've created.

Gratitude and Emotional Abundance: The Nine of Cups prompts you to express gratitude for the love and emotional abundance present in your relationship. It's an opportune time to cherish and acknowledge the positive emotions that exist between you and your partner.

Shared Dreams: This card may also indicate shared dreams and aspirations in the relationship. You and your partner may be aligned in your long-term goals and visions, fostering a sense of shared purpose and understanding.

In summary, the Nine of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies a period of emotional fulfillment, romantic bliss, mutual happiness, celebration of love, gratitude, and the realization of shared dreams within the relationship.

Health and Spirituality

The Nine of Cups in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality brings forth a sense of fulfillment and emotional well-being:

Emotional Well-Being: This card signifies a period of emotional satisfaction and contentment in your spiritual and health journey. You may find that your emotional state positively impacts your overall well-being, contributing to a sense of peace and happiness.

Spiritual Fulfillment: In the realm of spirituality, the Nine of Cups suggests a deep sense of spiritual fulfillment. You may be experiencing a connection to higher realms, finding solace in your spiritual practices, or achieving a level of understanding that brings you profound joy.

Positive Affirmations: This card encourages positive affirmations and a focus on self-love. Engage in practices that nurture your emotional and spiritual self, such as meditation, gratitude exercises, or affirming your worth and inner fulfillment.

Harmony Within: The Nine of Cups indicates a harmonious relationship between your emotional and spiritual aspects. Your emotional state is in sync with your spiritual practices, creating a positive feedback loop that contributes to your overall sense of well-being.

Health as a Holistic Concept: Regarding health, this card emphasizes a holistic approach. Your emotional and spiritual well-being are integral parts of your overall health, and attending to these aspects contributes to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Celebration of Progress: Take a moment to celebrate your progress on your health and spiritual journey. The Nine of Cups suggests that you have achieved a significant level of emotional and spiritual growth, and acknowledging this progress can further enhance your well-being.

In summary, the Nine of Cups in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies emotional fulfillment, spiritual contentment, and a holistic approach to well-being, inviting you to celebrate the positive aspects of your journey.

Money and Career

The Nine of Cups in a tarot spread focused on career and money signifies a period of contentment, satisfaction, and fulfillment in your financial and professional endeavors:

Financial Fulfillment: Upright, the Nine of Cups is often referred to as the "Wish Card" or the "Card of Wishes Fulfilled." In the context of career and money, it indicates that your financial goals and aspirations are being met, bringing a sense of contentment and financial well-being.

Professional Satisfaction: This card suggests that you are in a position where your work brings you emotional satisfaction and fulfillment. You may be doing what you love or achieving success in your chosen field, contributing to a positive and rewarding professional life.

Abundance and Prosperity: The Nine of Cups in the realm of career and money signifies a period of abundance and prosperity. Your hard work and dedication are likely paying off, leading to financial stability and the enjoyment of the fruits of your labor.

Financial Independence: This card may also indicate a level of financial independence, allowing you to enjoy the luxuries and comforts that come with achieving your monetary goals.

Positive Recognition: Professionally, you may be receiving positive recognition and acknowledgment for your achievements. Colleagues and superiors appreciate your contributions, and you may find yourself in a position of respect and honor.

Gratitude for Career Achievements: The Nine of Cups encourages you to express gratitude for the professional success and financial well-being you have achieved. Take a moment to appreciate how far you've come and acknowledge your accomplishments.

In summary, the Nine of Cups upright in a career and money tarot spread symbolizes financial fulfillment, professional satisfaction, abundance, prosperity, financial independence, positive recognition, and gratitude for your career achievements.

Reversed General

Materialism, dissatisfaction, greed, lack fulfilment, not what you expected.

The Nine of Cups reversed is an indication that you're feeling dissatisfied and lacking fulfilment.  Often we have dreams and aspirations based on egotistical and materialistic successes, but usually these kind of successes don't give us the love and satisfaction that we think it will. The Nine of Cups reversed can be an indication of getting what you want, but the thing you've lusted after is not fulfilling you in the way you thought it was.
The Nine of Cups reversed can often suggest looking outside of ourselves for things that will bring happiness, trying to prove to others that we have value by purchasing things that we perceive will bring up our value in other peoples eyes. Do you love that handbag? Or do you want your clothes to give an element of success so you can feel valued? Look a little deeper into what your goals are and where it's taking you.
You may be choosing goals that are not serving you, that are not making you truly happy. You may even be accomplishing these goals, but when you get to the destination you're still feeling empty and dissatisfied with you accomplishment. Take the time to assess your goals and where they're leading you. At the core of your goals should be love, if love is not at the core then ask yourself what is there and why?

- Dissatisfaction.
- Materialism.
- Lack of fulfilment.
- Lack of satisfaction.
- Egotistical aspirations.
- Goals that aren't serving you.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Nine of Cups reversed in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships introduces a note of caution and reflection into the emotional realm:

Unrealized Desires: When this card appears reversed, it suggests that certain romantic desires or expectations may remain unfulfilled. It encourages you to reflect on whether your current relationship aligns with your deeper emotional needs and desires.

Emotional Disharmony: The reversal may indicate emotional disharmony within the relationship. There might be unaddressed issues or unmet emotional needs that require attention. Take the time to assess the emotional landscape and consider open communication to resolve any underlying conflicts.

Overindulgence or Neglect: Be mindful of extremes in emotional expression. The reversed Nine of Cups warns against overindulging in emotions or, conversely, neglecting the emotional aspects of the relationship. Strive for a balanced and authentic emotional exchange.

Caution in Satisfaction: While satisfaction in a relationship is vital, the reversal suggests a need to be cautious about relying solely on the relationship for fulfillment. It prompts you to seek contentment within yourself and not place excessive expectations on your partner.

Self-Reflection: Use this moment to engage in self-reflection regarding your emotional needs and how they align with the dynamics of your relationship. Consider whether adjustments are needed to foster a more emotionally satisfying connection.

Communication is Key: The appearance of this card reversed emphasizes the importance of open and honest communication. Discuss your feelings, desires, and concerns with your partner to strengthen the emotional foundation of the relationship.

In summary, the reversed Nine of Cups in a love and relationships tarot spread encourages reflection on emotional fulfillment, addressing disharmony, finding balance, seeking internal contentment, and fostering open communication to enhance the overall quality of the relationship.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Nine of Cups reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality suggests a need for caution and self-reflection in these domains:

Unfulfilled Desires: Reversed, the Nine of Cups may indicate unfulfilled desires or expectations in your health and spiritual pursuits. It prompts you to reflect on whether your current practices and beliefs align with your true aspirations and bring genuine fulfillment.

Spiritual Disconnect: In the realm of spirituality, this reversal may point to a sense of spiritual disconnect or dissatisfaction. You might be feeling unfulfilled in your spiritual practices, prompting a need for introspection and potential adjustments in your approach.

Emotional Disharmony: This card reversed can signify emotional disharmony affecting your overall well-being. It suggests that unresolved emotional issues may be impacting your health and spiritual journey. Consider exploring and addressing any emotional challenges that may be hindering your progress.

Overindulgence or Neglect: Be mindful of extremes in your health practices. The reversed Nine of Cups warns against overindulgence or neglect in areas that contribute to your well-being. Finding a balanced and sustainable approach is essential to avoid potential negative consequences.

Inner Reflection: Take this as an opportunity for inner reflection. Assess whether your current spiritual and health practices align with your authentic self and long-term goals. Consider adjusting your routines to better support your overall well-being.

Caution in Celebrations: While celebrations are meaningful, be cautious about relying solely on external factors for validation. True well-being comes from an internal sense of contentment rather than external validations.

In summary, the reversed Nine of Cups in a health and spirituality tarot spread urges self-reflection, emphasizing the importance of aligning your practices with genuine desires, addressing emotional disharmony, and finding a balanced approach for sustained well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Nine of Cups generally indicates a "yes." This card is often seen as the "wish card," symbolizing contentment, fulfillment, and wishes coming true. It suggests a positive outcome to whatever question or desire you have, indicating satisfaction and emotional well-being​.