"Justice is not revenge; it is restoration, balance, and the pursuit of truth."


Consequence, karma, accountability, legalities, fairness.
Injustice, unfairness, corruption, lack of responsibility.


Consequence, karma, accountability, legalities, fairness.

The Justice card is about cause and effect, balancing of the scales, learning the consequence of your actions. It's about the assessment of actions, positions and circumstances and what has brought this moment to existence. Justice can for this reason also represent karma. Karma is the sum of a persons actions, the actions from previous experiences that has lead to an array of outcomes and circumstance. For this reason, if you've recently been in a fight or dispute, that karma is coming back around.
Justice is also about fairness and truth, it's about coming to terms with actions, words and dynamics with an objective and fair eye. It's about acting in accordance with your higher self, what you know is true and integral to yourself. It's important to explore and understand what it means to be true to who you are.
- Being true to who you are.
- Honoring your higher self.
- Coming to terms with something you've done.
- Legal matters.
- Truth.
- Fairness.
- Consequence.
- Karma.
- Accountability.
- Balancing of the scales.
- Assessment of actions and outcomes.

Love and Relationships

Justice in a love reading suggests that what goes around comes around. If you've been putting love and energy into your relationships then this is a signal that those efforts will come back to you. When we put love and energy into a person there are a multitude of ways that that energy comes back to us. How it comes back to us may not be what we expected but know and understand that love languages may differ and energy knows no bounds. Most of the time with relationships, we get what we put into them.

If you are single and looking for love, Justice suggests that it's important to remember that we get what we give. How much effort and time are you putting into meeting someone for you? Look at the ways in which you time and energy is being spent. when it comes to dating. Are you giving your time and energy to people that deserve it? Are you dating people who are on your level? Assess you situation and ask yourself what has bought you to the position you're in. What mistakes have you made? What things have you done right? Where do you wanna be and what actions can you take to get there?

Health and Spirituality

In a spirituality reading, Justice suggests that it's important understand if you are living in accordance to your values, your truth and your own version of what is right or wrong. Justice is calling us to assess and take accountability for where we are and what got us here. If you are putting time and energy into things that align with your values and highest good, well then most likely you're gonna to see a return on your inputs.
In a health reading, the Justice card can indicate that you are assessing how you treat you body and what are the benefits or consequences for how you treat it. When it comes to our health, not physical and mental, we reap what we put in. It's important to put time and energy into things that are beneficial for our bodies and minds. The things we do have consequences and although we may not see them, or avoid looking, those consequences are happening regardless.

Money and Career

In a career reading, Justice suggest that you reap what you sow. So make sure that you're being true to who you are, good to the people around you and good to your environment. Whatever it may be, Justice suggests that karma (good or bad) is coming back around, maybe you don't see it now or maybe you're struggling to see an outcome at all, but this is a sign that the wheels are in motion.

In a finance reading, Justice asks us to keep things honest and fair when it comes to our assets and finances. Are we being overly greedy? Are we showing off our success? Are we being humble with our financial gains? Make sure to assess what is in accordance with being true to ourselves and what we believe is right. Justice is also the card of balance, so potentially keep in mind the idea of balancing your savings with your spending and also balance your assets.

Reversed General

Injustice, unfairness, corruption, lack of responsibility.

Justice reversed is an indication that you or someone has done something that is unfair, corrupt or unjust and that there is a lack of accountability for those actions. There is an element of avoidance when it comes to Justice reversed, either yourself or someone else may be hiding or avoiding the situation altogether because they are being dishonest with those around them or dishonest to themselves.
This is a time to access the situation and where responsibility lies.
- Lack of responsibility.
- Avoidance of actions.
- Corruption.
- Unfairness.
- Injustice.
- Actions that are immoral.
- Going against what you know is right.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship spread, Justice reversed indicates unfairness in a relationship. This suggest that parties within the relationship may be acting in a deceptive way, taking advantage of someone's trust or love, rejecting accountability for their actions. Which furthermore indicates that other parties within the relationship are not being treated fairly, that there is a power dynamic at play where someone holds more power than the other, and therefore can use that power to control, manipulate or deceive the other person. Imbalances and injustices in a relationship can be damaging and upsetting. Access the power dynamics in the relationship and whether its been used for unjust behavior.

If you are single and looking for love, Justice reversed can indicate that there is a lack of accountability for your behavior, or the behavior of others. This may be in your current dating life, or perhaps from previous relationships, where wounds may still be open, affecting your current circumstance. When there is trauma from previous relationships or experiences, they tend to affect our current circumstances. Take time to access your previous relationships and how you be bringing trauma or toxic traits into your current dating life.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, Justice reversed can indicate that you have been receiving your spiritual karma or perhaps you're about it. With our karma comes deep-seated lessons that are essential to our overall growth and development. Event though our current circumstance may feel wrong or strange, there are lessons and experience to be gained from this and it's important you access what got you to this point in the first place. If we do not accept our lesson, our karma and our consequence then the universe will keep sending us the same karma over and over until we learn what we need to.

In a health reading, Justice reversed can suggest that you have indulging in behavior that is harming your body and overall health and that these indulgence's have consequences. It's important to maintain a good healthy balance in your lifestyle. Take accountability for how you treat you body, what you put into it, and habits that may be harming it's overall welfare.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Justice card typically suggests a "yes" answer, particularly if the question pertains to fairness, truth, or legal matters. This card represents balance, integrity, and the principle of cause and effect. Therefore, the answer to your question may be affirmative, indicating that justice will prevail or that the situation will be resolved fairly and equitably.