"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." - Alan Watts


Evaluation of yourself, awakening, realization, reflection.
Lack of awareness and understanding, self doubt, not learning lesson.


Evaluation of yourself, awakening, realization, reflection.

Judgment is the self-evaluation one goes through on the path to a higher level of consciousness. Judgment can come around as a sudden realization or understanding about yourself which pushes you into new direction or into a new perspective. Judgment can be overwhelming and confronting but it's important to face this pivotal time and rise up to a new level. Essentially you are reaching a new point in your life journey, which is why you need to evaluate and understand what you've learned up until this point. It almost feels like you can see your life in a whole new perspective and you can see how pieces of the puzzle are fitting together.
- Realization.
- Confronting information or situation.
- Self-evaluation.
- Life changing decision.
- Rising up to a new state of being.
- Letting go of old self.
- Higher consciousness.

Love and Relationships

The Judgment card in a love reading asks you to really reflect on what kind of relationship you need to fully flourish and be the best version of yourself. Relationships are mirrors that help us see ourselves and transcend to higher levels of consciousness. Is your partner in a good position to reflect yourself back to you, all the beautiful aspects and the shadows? This is an important aspect to our romantic relationships. So take time to reflect and evaluate your partner and also evaluate yourself for your partner.

If you are about to enter a new relationship make sure to create a flow of open communication to really understand each others needs and desires. Access what you have learned from past relationships and what you want to bring or not bring to this current relationship. It's time to have one on one with your partner and really dive into emotional, mental and physical needs that you both are looking for. What's best for both of you.

If you're single and looking for love, the Judgment card asks you to evaluate your dating schedule, the kinds of people you are looking for and chasing. A partner should help us be the our higher self, make us feel comfortable and loved and transcend the life's bullshit. Are you seeking that person? What are you seeking from your romantic relationships?

Health and Spirituality

This is a time for spiritual leveling up. Judgment calls us to do an evaluation on ourselves, the things we've done, the perspectives we have and the life we are living. Through evaluation we can address our shadows, our fears and our bad habits and come to a new more objective understanding of ourselves. This card often appears when you are in a period of awakening, where we need to change and address aspects within ourselves in order to progress to a new state of consciousness.

In a health reading, Judgment can signify a period of evaluation of your relationship with your body. Do you practice self-care, do you commit yourself to healthy eating habits. Is your body showing signs of health and wellbeing or the opposite. If you have been through a period of illness the Judgement card asks you to reflect on your relationship with you body, what actions or activities are beneficial and what are causing harm? What can you do to create a better relationship with your body?

Money and Career

In a career reading, the judgment card is a signal of being accessed for a role or position. Just like with it's general meaning, the judgment card is about leveling up, evaluation and stepping into a new more aware perspective. This can be applied in relation to your career, especially if you are attempting to move into a new role or look at new opportunities.

Perhaps you are evaluating yourself and how well of a fit you'd be for a certain career. This is a time to evaluate what you bring to the table. What are your strongest contributions and where do you fall short? Be honest with yourself. Perhaps you have great ideas and implementation but perhaps you lack with time management.
If you are attempting to get a specific position the judgment card tells you that you are being evaluated and accessed.

In a finance reading, the Judgment card calls for evaluation of your finances and assets. What is making money and what isn't? Are you in a strong financial position or could this position be much stronger if you dedicated time and energy into new areas? The judgement card calls you to level up in every way, so now is the time to see how you could be gaining more momentum in your finances.

Reversed General

Lack of awareness and understanding, self doubt, not learning lesson.

Judgment reversed can indicate you are either avoiding reflection and evaluation of yourself, or you are evaluating yourself too harshly and your inner critic is creating self doubt. This can also be a sign that you are avoiding learning your karmic lessons. There is an overall lack of awareness or understanding of your situation so be mindful about making decisions when you get Judgment reversed.
- Avoiding self-evaluation.
- Avoiding self-reflection.
- Refusing to learn a lesson.
- Repeating karmic cycles.
- Lack of awareness and understanding.
- Over evaluating.
- Being overly critical.
- Inducing unnecessary self doubt.

Reversed Love and Relationships

In a relationship reading, Judgment can tell us that there are aspects of the relationship you are avoiding. Perhaps you refuse to come to terms with aspects within the relationship that are causing you harm, or preventing you from growing to a higher version of yourself.
Judgment reversed can also indicate that partners may be judging each other to critically, perhaps they are being  judgmental about their life decisions, their behaviors or even their emotions. Take a set back and ask yourself if you're judging a partner unfairly.

If you are single, ask yourself if you have truly learned all the lessons necessary from your past relationships? Have you applied them and solidified them in your life. Or are you bringing the same karmic cycles to your dating and love life? Judgment reversed can also indicate self-doubt when it comes to relationships, perhaps you're being to harsh on yourself. Sometimes previous relationships can leave us feeling inadequate. Take some time to evaluate how your past relationships have affected you, both romantic and non-romantic. What elements have you kept with you and what elements do you need to let go of.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

In a spiritual reading, Judgment reversed can indicate that you are repeating a karmic cycle or that the universe is trying to send you a message, get you to wake up and realize something but you are avoiding the necessary evaluation of yourself in order to realize it. Sometimes we avoid our deepest problems because they are painful or because we want to pretend everything is fine and carry on with our lives like nothing is wrong. Perhaps we want to play safe or perhaps we are scared to go through the emotional turmoil of realizing we are at fault or that we were being ignorant. Always remember that the universe has your back. Hold you head up and face the music within your heart. Evaluate your circumstances, your emotions and feelings and see in what ways you're avoiding or disconnecting.

In a health reading, Judgment reversed can indicate that you're avoiding the root of your health problems, perhaps you are not taking the adequate steps to put yourself into a stronger and more well-balanced place. Sometimes we don't want to feel like we are at fault, sometimes we want to continue with the same old habits that we are comfortable with. Sometimes we think we have good habits, but perhaps we are making healthy habits into unhealthy habits by making them toxic. Look at the ways you're avoiding coming to terms with the relationship you have with your body.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Judgement card often suggests a "yes." This card represents rebirth, renewal, and a call to awaken to a higher purpose or calling. Its appearance in a spread indicates that positive outcomes and affirmations are likely, especially if the question involves making a significant decision or embracing a new beginning. Therefore, the answer to your question is likely to be affirmative, signaling a period of transformation and positive change.