"Within the harmony of home, the soul finds its symphony."

4. Four of Wands

Reunion, celebration, coming together, community, gatherings.
Tension with family or friends, cancelled events, feeling unwelcome


Reunion, celebration, coming together, community, gatherings.

The Four of Wands suggests that after a period of growth and expansion (the energy of the Three of Wands) we are now celebrating our achievements, taking a moment to relish in appreciation and celebrating with those we love. The Four of Wands is a card of gathering with family or friends, coming together to celebrate, appreciate, acknowledge or even have a reunion. This is often a coming together of the people who are closest to you, where you can relax and be yourself because you're in the company of people you love and care for.
Sometimes the Four of Wands can indicate an event such as a birthday, wedding, milestone or homecoming, it can even refer to a festival or gathering. Sometimes there is no specific reason for the celebration, but you're celebrating anyways, extending your appreciation, spending quality time in your friendships and relationships and enjoying life itself. Connection in our relationships are the true diamonds of life. So much of your happiness in life is derived from your relationships. The Four of Wands sparks the energy of enjoying our relationships and coming together to have experiences and further our connections.
- Coming together.
- Events and commemorations.
- Appreciation.
- Spending quality times with friends and family.
- Reunions.
- Festivals.
- Friends.
- Coming home.
- Community.
- Celebrating your achievements.
- Celebrating life.

Love and Relationships

The Four of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of celebration, harmony, and the potential for a joyous union:

Celebration of Love: This card often represents a time of celebration and happiness in your romantic life. It could indicate a wedding, engagement, or another significant milestone in your relationship.

Harmonious Union: The Four of Wands signifies a harmonious and supportive partnership. You and your partner are in sync, and your connection is characterized by mutual respect and understanding.

Foundation for the Future: This card can symbolize the establishment of a strong foundation for your relationship. You and your partner may be building a life together, whether through cohabitation, marriage, or shared goals.

Community and Support: In some cases, it may suggest that your relationship is well-supported by friends and family. You have a network of loved ones who are happy to see you together.

Gratitude: Overall, the Four of Wands encourages gratitude for the love and happiness you share with your partner. It's a time to celebrate your relationship's successes, nurture its growth, and look forward to a future filled with love and harmony.

This card is a positive sign for your romantic life, indicating a period of joy, love, and unity with your partner. It's a time to cherish your bond and appreciate the happiness you've found together.

Health and Spirituality

The Four of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of celebration, harmony, and a deep sense of well-being in both your physical and spiritual life:

Harmonious Balance: This card suggests that you have found a harmonious balance between your physical health and spiritual well-being. You are in sync with both aspects of your life, which contributes to your overall sense of peace.

Milestone Achievement: The Four of Wands often symbolizes reaching a milestone or achieving a significant goal in your health and spiritual journey. You've made progress and are now reaping the rewards.

Celebration: This card encourages you to celebrate your achievements and the alignment of your mind, body, and spirit. It's a time to acknowledge your successes and the positive changes you've made.

Community and Support: In some cases, it may suggest that you have found a supportive community or spiritual group that enhances your sense of belonging and growth. You may be sharing your experiences and learning from others.

Inner Fulfillment: Overall, the Four of Wands indicates a deep sense of inner fulfillment and contentment. You are in a state of gratitude for your health and spiritual well-being, and this positive energy radiates into all aspects of your life, fostering greater happiness and vitality.

Money and Career

The Four of Wands upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of achievement, stability, and celebration in your professional and financial life:

Achievement and Success: This card represents a time when you've achieved significant milestones and successes in your career and financial endeavors. Your hard work and dedication have paid off.

Stability: The Four of Wands also symbolizes stability and a strong foundation in your career and financial situation. You are in a secure position and can enjoy a sense of safety and comfort.

Celebration: This card encourages you to celebrate your accomplishments and financial security. It's a time for joy and gratitude for the opportunities and achievements that have come your way.

Overall, the Four of Wands indicates a period of contentment and accomplishment in your career and financial life. It's a time to appreciate your progress, enjoy the fruits of your labor, and plan for a prosperous future.

Reversed General

Tension with family or friends, cancelled events, feeling unwelcome

The Four of Wands reversed can suggest you're feeling like circumstances are preventing you from connecting to those you care about. You're potentially feeling unwelcomed, neglected or insecure about your relationships in general. Relationships are so essential to our happiness in life,  it's important that we feel a sense of togetherness and harmony, otherwise we feel isolated and things feel stagnant. For example, imagine you won the lottery but you didn't have people around to celebrate with? Would that experience be as exciting?
Sometimes the Four of Wands can suggest cancelled plans, postponed events, there's been a setback in an event that was supposed to take place. For example, perhaps you were supposed to hold an event like a wedding but now you're getting cold feet and you don't know if it's best to continue. Or perhaps you were supposed to return home from an overseas trip but you decided to stay overseas for another 6 months. These are just examples of cancelled plans that may be causing tension with you and your relationships.
The Four of Wands can also suggest as lack of community and support. Perhaps you are not feeling supported, acknowledge or appreciated from the people you care about most. It's so essential that we are seen and herd in our relationships. Open up and communicate if you feel left out or unheard. Neglect and insecurity can damage our relationships, so make sure you take the time to communicate how you feel. Communication can help make a relationship more transparent, it's important that you relationships have shared vulnerability as it builds connection and helps us understand each other.
- Lack of harmony in relationships.
- Feeling unwelcomed.
- Disconnected in relationships.
- Disconnected in community.
- Insecure about relationships.
- Cancelled events.
- Cancelled plans.
- Postponed.
- Tension.
- Feeling unheard or unseen.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Four of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships suggests a period of instability, potential conflict, or delays in matters of the heart:

Conflict: The reversal can signify conflicts or differences of opinion between you and your partner. It's essential to address these issues with open communication and a willingness to compromise.

Delay in Celebrations: In some cases, the Four of Wands reversed can suggest delays in celebrating a significant milestone in your relationship, such as an engagement or wedding. External factors or disagreements might be causing these delays.

Lack of Harmony: This card may also indicate a lack of harmony or a feeling of being out of sync with your partner. It's crucial to work together to restore balance and unity.

While the reversal suggests temporary difficulties, it's also an opportunity for growth and improvement in your relationship. By addressing issues and seeking solutions, you can strengthen your bond and move toward a more stable and harmonious partnership.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Four of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of imbalance, lack of inner peace, or delays in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth:

Inner Turmoil: This card may indicate that you're experiencing inner turmoil or restlessness in your spiritual and emotional well-being. You may be struggling to find a sense of peace and stability.

Lack of Spiritual Connection: The reversal can signify a disconnection from your spiritual practices or a feeling of being spiritually adrift. It's essential to revisit your spiritual path and seek ways to rekindle your connection.

Delays in Spiritual Progress: In some cases, the Four of Wands reversed can suggest delays in your spiritual progress or the attainment of your spiritual goals. You might be facing obstacles or distractions that hinder your growth.

Imbalance: This card may also point to an imbalance between your physical and spiritual needs. It's crucial to find a harmonious integration of both aspects of your well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Four of Wands typically suggests a positive outcome or a "yes" answer. This card symbolizes harmony, celebration, and stability, indicating that things are aligning well and progressing smoothly. It often represents achievements, milestones, or reaching a stage of completion. Therefore, if the Four of Wands appears in a "yes or no" spread, it usually signifies that the answer is affirmative and encourages embracing the moment with joy and gratitude.