"Grant yourself the gift of stillness, where the only battle is within, and victory means peace."

4. Four of Swords

Meditation, deep rest, solitude, time alone, taking time out for yourself.
Exhaustion, refusing to stop, burnout, lack of rest.


Meditation, deep rest, solitude, time alone, taking time out for yourself.

The Four of Swords represents a time of rest, meditation, solitude, saying no and taking a break from the world for a while. After the chaos and hurt of the Three of Swords, you are now entering a space of renewal, rest, contemplation and solitude, where you can regain your strength and replenish yourself emotionally, mentally and physically.

The Four of Swords suggest a time of withdrawal, we need to give ourselves periods of rest without judgment by giving ourselves the space and solitude to reflect, feel, introspect and meditate. In order to continue with energy and intellect we need to give ourselves space to breathe. If we try to push forward when we desperately need rest, this can lead to exhaustion, burnout and illnesses. When we don't give ourselves the time and space to rest our bodies will create circumstances that force us to rest, so be careful. Look for signs that you need rest. Feel into the physical body for a moment. Does you mind feel scattered? Do you feel tiredness or soreness in certain parts of your body? Feel into your heart-space, does it feel heavy?
Giving yourself that breather will make things clearer, replenish your strength and energy and bring you closer to getting back on track.

The Four of Swords often suggest withdrawing from social interactions, going to a quiet environment and just being with yourself. Avoiding the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just allowing yourself to feel, re-evaluate, organize your mind and understand and acknowledge your emotions. The is what will rejuvenate your soul, and bring out your strength and ability.

- Meditation.
- Contemplation.
- Taking time away.
- Choosing yourself.
- Saying no and taking a break.
- Solitude.
- Rest and rejuvenation.
- Withdrawal.
- Organizing your thoughts.
- Feeling and acknowledging your emotions.

Love and Relationships

When the Four of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it carries significant meanings and guidance:

Need for Solitude: This card suggests that in your romantic life, you or your partner may need some alone time or space for personal reflection. It's important to respect each other's need for solitude or relaxation to maintain a healthy relationship.

Healing and Rejuvenation: The Four of Swords signifies a period of healing and rejuvenation within the relationship. If you've been through conflicts or stress, it's time to take a break and recover emotionally.

Communication Break: Sometimes, this card can indicate a temporary pause in communication or a break from relationship challenges. Use this time to reflect on your feelings, needs, and priorities.

Retreat Together: On a positive note, this card can suggest taking a retreat or vacation with your partner. It's an opportunity to strengthen your bond through shared experiences and relaxation.

Mental Clarity: In matters of love, the Four of Swords suggests that mental clarity and emotional balance are essential. Take a step back from any relationship drama to gain perspective and make wise decisions.

In summary, the Four of Swords in a love and relationship tarot spread advises taking a pause for healing, reflection, and self-care within the relationship. It doesn't necessarily signify problems but rather the importance of rest and rejuvenation to strengthen the bond. Use this time wisely to nurture your emotional connection and ensure that both partners are on the same page regarding the future of the relationship.

Health and Spirituality

When the Four of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it carries significant meanings:

Rest and Recovery: The Four of Swords indicates a period of rest and recovery in your health and spiritual journey. It's a sign that you need to take a break, recharge, and rejuvenate both physically and spiritually.

Meditation and Contemplation: This card encourages you to engage in meditation, contemplation, or mindfulness practices. Use this time to connect with your inner self, gain clarity, and find inner peace.

Spiritual Retreat: Consider going on a spiritual retreat or taking time away from your regular routine to deepen your spiritual understanding. Solitude and reflection can lead to profound insights.

Healing: In terms of health, this card suggests that rest and relaxation are crucial for your well-being. It may be time to prioritize self-care and seek medical advice if needed.

Planning and Strategy: On the spiritual front, the Four of Swords advises planning your spiritual journey carefully. Set intentions, goals, and a clear path forward in your spiritual practices.

Avoid Burnout: Be cautious about overexertion, whether physically or spiritually. Pushing too hard can lead to exhaustion and burnout. Balance is key.

In summary, the Four of Swords in an upright position indicates a need for rest, recovery, and deep contemplation in both your health and spiritual pursuits. It's a reminder to prioritize self-care and engage in practices that nourish your body and soul. This card signifies a temporary pause in your journey, allowing you to gather your energies and return with greater strength and wisdom.

Money and Career

When the Four of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on career and money, it carries several key meanings:

Rest and Recovery: This card often indicates a period of rest and recuperation in your career or financial life. It suggests that you've been working hard and it's time to take a break to recharge and rejuvenate.

Strategic Planning: The Four of Swords encourages you to take a step back and engage in thoughtful planning and strategy. This is an excellent time to assess your financial situation and career goals, and to make necessary adjustments.

Mental Clarity: During this period of rest, you may gain mental clarity and insights into your financial or career challenges. Meditation or self-reflection can help you find solutions to issues you've been facing.

Preparing for Future Challenges: This card advises you to use this time wisely to prepare for future challenges. It's an opportunity to build up your resources and develop a plan for achieving your financial and career objectives.

Self-Care: In the context of career and money, the Four of Swords underscores the importance of self-care. Taking care of your physical and mental well-being will ultimately benefit your financial and professional life.

Temporary Pause: While rest is essential, the card also suggests that this period of inactivity is temporary. You'll soon be ready to re-engage with your career and financial endeavors, but you'll do so from a more balanced and strategic standpoint.

In summary, the Four of Swords in a career and money tarot spread signals a temporary period of rest and reflection. It encourages you to take a break, engage in strategic planning, and prioritize self-care. This pause is an opportunity to prepare for future challenges and make informed decisions regarding your financial and career goals.

Reversed General

Exhaustion, refusing to stop, burnout, lack of rest.

The Four of Swords reversed represents exhaustion, refusal to stop, burning out and lack of meditation and introspection. When we don't stop and take a moments break we put ourselves at risk of mistakes, sicknesses and burning out. Rest is essential to our health and wellbeing. Our capitalistic society praises workaholic behaviors and lifestyles, but those that rest often make it further than those who don't stop. When we rest our emotional, mental and physical states we grow stronger, our abilities become more efficient and our direction becomes more clear.

The Four of Swords represents a time where you are close to exhaustion and your energy levels are running on low. You're potentially deluding yourself with the idea that you don't need to stop, you tell yourself that you can keep going. This is a dangerous attitude. Be mindful of ways that you may be deluding yourself. Ask yourself, when's the last time your rested? Took some time out for you?

Sometimes we going through a stressful period, such as exams or assessments, work deadline or juggling multiple priorities that have fallen into your lap, sometimes we need to keep pushing. But the Four of Swords reversed asks you to find ways in which you can retreat, even if it's for a small amount of time. Take an hour long bath, go to a day spa, tell everyone in your household to not bother you for a few hours and spend quality time with yourself, doing that's that replenish your energy levels.

- Exhaustion.
- Burnout.
- Lack of meditation and introspection.
- Refusal to stop.
- Deluding ourselves that we don't need to stop.

Reversed Love and Relationships

When the Four of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it carries distinct meanings and guidance:

Restlessness: In this reversed position, the Four of Swords suggests that you or your partner may be feeling restless or impatient in your relationship. There might be a desire for more excitement or activity.

Avoiding Rest: Unlike the upright position, which encourages rest and recuperation, the reversed Four of Swords implies a resistance to taking a break. It might be a sign that you or your partner are avoiding facing certain issues or taking time for self-care.

In summary, the reversed Four of Swords in a love and relationship tarot spread suggests a period of restlessness and a need to address communication issues within the relationship. It calls for active steps to overcome challenges, rekindle romance, and maintain open and honest communication. By taking initiative and working together, you can navigate any obstacles and strengthen your connection.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

When the Four of Swords appears reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality, it suggests a need to be mindful of your well-being and spiritual practices:

Restlessness: This card in reverse can indicate restlessness or impatience regarding your spiritual journey or health. You may be eager to see quick results, but it's essential to remember that healing and spiritual growth take time.

Avoiding Burnout: It's a reminder to avoid pushing yourself too hard, both physically and spiritually. Overexertion can lead to burnout, so listen to your body and mind's signals when they're asking for rest.

In summary, the reversed Four of Swords in a health and spirituality tarot spread suggests a period of recovery and adjustment. It's a reminder to be patient with yourself, avoid overexertion, and take the time needed to recharge both physically and spiritually. This card encourages you to reevaluate your spiritual practices and prioritize self-care on your journey towards improved well-being and spiritual growth.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Four of Swords generally suggests a "no" or implies that it may not be the right time to act. This card often indicates a period of rest, reflection, or recuperation, suggesting that you might need to pause and reconsider your situation before moving forward​.