"Sometimes the greatest opportunities come disguised as missed chances."

4. Four of Cups

Meditation, dissociation, self-absorption, apathy, contemplation, tired.
Meditation, dissociation, self-absorption, apathy, contemplation, tired.


Meditation, dissociation, self-absorption, apathy, contemplation, tired.

The Four of Cups signals a time of disconnecting, self-absorption and deep rest. Often the Four of Cups can indicate apathy and depression, a time where you don't want to say yes to offers or join in on any social occasions, doing so would exhaust you. You want to turn inwards, shut the world out temporarily and focus on your internal condition.
The Four of Cups can indicate a time of re-evaluation, where you need to stop for a moment to feel your emotions and tune into yourself, you're tired and you don't want to put energy into external things and that's ok. This is a great time to take a break from your social media, your social circles and you workloads. This is a time to give to yourself, create an environment for yourself that encourages rest and reflection.

When we feel the depression or apathy of the Four of Cups, it's important not to fight it, or make yourself feel bad for feeling that way. Allow yourself to feel whatever emotions come up, take time out, depression can often be a signal to let yourself deeply rest.
Answers and energy will eventually come your way, but for now, give yourself time and space to feel.
The Four of cups can be seen as the "the next morning after a big night". You have embraced and experienced the socializing of the Three of Cups, but now you are tried, hungover and you want to retreat inwards and rest.

- Disconnection and withdrawing inwards.
- Apathy.
- Taking time out for yourself.
- Saying no to offers.
- Retreating inwards.
- Re-evaluation and contemplation.
- Depression and deep rest.

Love and Relationships

The Four of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread reflects a state of contemplation and introspection within your romantic life. In this context, it can have several interpretations:

Emotional Withdrawal: This card often signifies a period where you or your partner may be withdrawing emotionally from the relationship. It doesn't necessarily imply dissatisfaction but rather a need for some personal space and reflection.

Searching for Meaning: The figure in the card appears deep in thought, suggesting a search for greater emotional fulfillment or meaning within the relationship. You or your partner may be questioning if there's something missing or seeking a more profound connection.

Opportunity Assessment: It can also indicate a time when you or your partner are presented with new romantic opportunities or options. You might be contemplating whether your current relationship aligns with your long-term desires.

Meditation and Self-Discovery: The Four of Cups encourages self-reflection and meditation as a means to understand your emotional needs better. It's a reminder to look inward for answers regarding your romantic desires and expectations.

Mindfulness in Relationships: This card suggests the importance of being present in your relationship and appreciating what you have rather than constantly searching for something more. It's a call to practice gratitude and mindfulness.

In summary, the Four of Cups in a love and relationships spread signifies a phase of introspection and evaluation within your romantic life. It encourages you to assess your emotions, desires, and current relationship with a mindful and reflective perspective to determine the best course of action.

Health and Spirituality

The Four of Cups upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of introspection and contemplation regarding your well-being on both the physical and spiritual levels:

Spiritual Discontent: In the realm of spirituality, this card indicates a sense of spiritual discontent or restlessness. You may be seeking a deeper connection with your inner self or a higher power, feeling unfulfilled with your current spiritual practices or beliefs.

Emotional Well-being: Your emotional health plays a significant role in your overall well-being. The Four of Cups prompts you to consider how your emotional state impacts your spiritual journey and vice versa. Emotional balance is essential for spiritual growth.

Inner Search: This card signifies a time of introspection and self-reflection. You may be contemplating your spiritual path, questioning your beliefs, or exploring new spiritual practices to find greater meaning and purpose.

Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: It underscores the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. Your physical health can influence your spiritual journey, and vice versa. Balancing these aspects is vital for holistic well-being.

Meditation and Self-Exploration: The Four of Cups encourages meditation, mindfulness, and other self-exploration techniques to gain clarity on your spiritual and emotional needs. It's a call to look within for answers and guidance.

In summary, the Four of Cups in a health and spirituality spread signifies a period of inner contemplation and emotional introspection on your spiritual journey. It encourages you to seek emotional and spiritual balance to enhance your overall well-being and find deeper meaning in your life.

Money and Career

The Four of Cups upright in a tarot spread about career and money suggests a period of introspection and contemplation in your professional and financial life:

Job Dissatisfaction: In terms of your career, this card often indicates a sense of job dissatisfaction or boredom. You may feel that your current role lacks fulfillment or challenges, prompting you to yearn for something more meaningful.

Opportunity Assessment: The Four of Cups advises you to carefully consider any new career opportunities or financial offers that come your way. You might be so focused on what you lack in your current situation that you may not recognize the potential for positive change.

Reflecting on Financial Goals: It encourages you to reflect on your financial goals and whether your current career aligns with them. Are you making progress toward your financial aspirations, or do you feel stuck?

Seeking Inspiration: This card signifies a need for inspiration and fresh perspectives. You might benefit from exploring new avenues in your career or financial planning, as complacency can hinder growth.

Mindfulness in Money Matters: In terms of finances, it prompts you to practice mindfulness in your money management. Are you making intentional and wise financial decisions, or are you overlooking opportunities due to preconceived notions?

Overall, the Four of Cups in a career and money spread suggests a period of reflection and the need to reassess your professional and financial circumstances. It encourages you to look for new opportunities and seek greater fulfillment in your career and financial endeavors.

Reversed General

Meditation, dissociation, self-absorption, apathy, contemplation, tired.

The Four of Cups reversed signals a time where you are beginning to make your way out of a slump of withdrawal, depression and disassociation. You have been retreating inwards for a period of time but now you are growing curious and restless and you see the opportunities that life has for you. The Four of Cups reversed signals that this period of rest and contemplation has served it's purpose, you are beginning to draw energy and momentum to start living again.

You gained knowledge and understanding from your withdrawal inwards, so take the time to really solidify what you learned, what you understand and the changes you want to create in your life before you move forward. We need to reflect and self-actualize what we learned in our periods of withdrawal so we can avoid exhaustion and repetitive patterns.

When the Four of Cups reversed appears it can suggest you're pulling yourself out of a depression phase and into momentum. You no longer want to focus on your disappointments, tiredness and stagnation, you realize there is no point in focusing on the negatives, it's time to move into a more positive direction.
This is a time to replace you self-absorption with self-awareness, a truly empowering feat.
- Re-joining the world.
- Gaining momentum for life.
- Pulling yourself out of a rut.
- Coming out of depression.
- Letting go of old patterns.
- Self-actualizing what you learned.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Four of Cups reversed in a love and relationships tarot spread suggests a change in your emotional outlook and a willingness to embrace new opportunities and perspectives in your romantic life:

Openness to Love: In its reversed position, this card indicates that you are becoming more open to love and romantic connections. If you've been emotionally closed off or disinterested in relationships, you're now more receptive to the idea of romance.

Rekindled Interest: If you're in a relationship, it can signify a rekindling of interest and passion with your partner. You may be rediscovering what initially drew you together and finding renewed excitement in your relationship.

New Beginnings: The reversal suggests the potential for new relationships or the revitalization of existing ones. You're ready to explore fresh possibilities and embrace emotional connections.

Gratitude and Appreciation: You may be developing a deeper appreciation for the love and relationships in your life. This card encourages you to focus on the positive aspects of your romantic connections.

Communication and Connection: You're more willing to communicate your feelings and desires openly with your partner or potential partners. This can lead to improved understanding and deeper emotional bonds.

Overall, the Four of Cups reversed in a love and relationships spread signifies a positive shift in your emotional stance. You're now ready to embrace love, appreciate your romantic connections, and actively pursue or nurture meaningful relationships. It encourages you to be open to new experiences and emotional growth within your love life.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Four of Cups reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality represents a turning point in your journey towards holistic well-being:

Emotional Healing: In its reversed position, this card suggests that you are making progress in addressing emotional and spiritual issues that may have been affecting your health. You're becoming more open to healing and self-discovery.

Spiritual Awakening: The reversal often signifies a burgeoning spiritual awakening. You may be more attuned to your inner self, exploring new spiritual practices, or experiencing a deeper connection with your spiritual beliefs.

Mind-Body-Spirit Integration: This card encourages the integration of your spiritual and emotional well-being with your physical health. You may recognize the importance of emotional balance and its impact on your overall health.

Accepting Guidance: You're more open to seeking guidance or support from spiritual mentors or practitioners who can assist you on your healing journey. This could involve meditation, energy work, or other spiritual practices.

Gratitude and Contentment: You're developing a sense of gratitude and contentment in your spiritual and emotional life, which can positively influence your overall health and well-being.

Overall, the Four of Cups reversed signifies a period of positive transformation and personal growth in both your spiritual and health-related endeavors. You're becoming more open to healing, self-discovery, and the interconnectedness of your mind, body, and spirit, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Four of Cups generally leans towards a "no," suggesting a reluctance or dissatisfaction with the situation at hand.