"In the dance of chaos, find the rhythm of your strength."

5. Five of Wands

Competition, battle of egos, opposition, sports, defense.
Compromise, end of conflict, cooperation, solved disagreements.


Competition, battle of egos, opposition, sports, defense.

The Five of Wands is the card of conflict, but this conflict is less traumatizing, it's more about the competitive battle of the egos. It's the tension and conflict we face when we compete with others, when we base something we do, have or say based on how it sums up against others. This competition can sometimes feel important, but it should be treated as harmless fun. It's just fooling if we believe is leads to superiority, and even if we do win, winning these competitive battles rarely fulfil us for long. It also is never too long before a new winner will take your trophy.

Sometimes when the Five of Wands appears you may be midst a fight or heated discussion, but often you're not working together on a common goal, this isn't a collaborative venture, the motives are personal and ego based and sometimes peoples views are being ignored or unheard. It's important to defend yourself and stand up for yourself, but is that really what is at the core of this dispute? If you're experiencing conflict in your life, ask yourself what is the point of this conflict? Is there a common goal or are we trying to win?

The Five of Wands can suggest healthy competition. Remember competition isn't a bad thing, it's an important value to bring into our lives. Healthy competition is where you derive joy from succeeding, but also derive job from seeing others succeed. When we have a healthy mindset that isn't soaked in ego in enables us to grow through competition. It can be a healthy way to push and motivate us as well as set standards for greatness. Let those you feel in the most competition with inspire you.  
- Feeling challenged.
- Competition.
- Fighting.
- Battle of the egos.
- Aggression.

Love and Relationships

he Five of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of conflict, competition, or challenges within your romantic life:

Conflict and Tension: This card often represents conflicts and disagreements in your relationship. It might suggest that you and your partner are currently facing issues that require resolution.

Competitive Energy: The Five of Wands can indicate a sense of competition or rivalry within the relationship. It's essential to ensure that healthy competition doesn't escalate into hostility.

Communication Challenges: In some cases, this card may highlight communication difficulties in your relationship. Misunderstandings or miscommunications could lead to conflicts.

Differing Goals: The upright Five of Wands may suggest that you and your partner have differing goals or priorities at this time. It's crucial to have open discussions and find common ground.

Conflict as Growth: Despite its challenges, this card also represents an opportunity for growth and learning. By addressing conflicts directly and finding constructive solutions, you and your partner can emerge from this period with a stronger and more resilient relationship.

Overall, the Five of Wands upright in a love and relationship spread urges you to address conflicts openly, find common ground, and navigate challenges together. Through effective communication and a willingness to work through issues, you can strengthen your bond and move forward positively.

Health and Spirituality

The Five of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of inner conflict, competition, or challenges in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth:

Inner Turmoil: This card often signifies inner turmoil or restlessness related to your health or spiritual practices. You may be experiencing conflicting thoughts or emotions.

Spiritual Competition: In the context of spirituality, the Five of Wands may indicate a sense of competition or comparison with others in your spiritual community. It's essential to remember that your spiritual journey is unique.

Health Challenges: On the health front, this card can represent physical or mental challenges that require attention. It's crucial to address any health issues rather than ignoring them.

Lack of Spiritual Focus: You may be struggling to maintain a consistent spiritual practice or feeling distracted from your spiritual path. This card encourages you to refocus and find harmony within.

Conflict as Growth: While this card suggests conflict and challenges, it also presents an opportunity for growth. Inner conflicts can lead to self-discovery and personal development if addressed with mindfulness and self-compassion.

Overall, the Five of Wands urges you to acknowledge and address any inner conflicts or challenges in both your health and spiritual journey. By doing so, you can regain inner harmony, overcome obstacles, and continue your path toward well-being and spiritual enlightenment.

Money and Career

The Five of Wands upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of competition, conflict, and challenges in your professional and financial life:

Professional Rivalry: This card often points to rivalry or competition in your workplace or career. You may be facing colleagues or competitors who challenge your position or goals.

Conflict and Obstacles: The Five of Wands suggests the presence of obstacles and conflicts that hinder your progress in your career or financial endeavors. It's essential to confront these challenges head-on.

Workplace Disagreements: In the context of career, this card may signify disagreements or tensions within your workplace. It's crucial to find constructive ways to address and resolve these issues.

Financial Competition: On the financial front, this card can indicate financial competition or disputes over resources. You may need to navigate financial conflicts or negotiations.

Opportunity for Growth: Despite the challenges, the Five of Wands also presents an opportunity for growth and development. It encourages you to find creative solutions to overcome obstacles and stand out in a competitive environment.

Overall, the Five of Wands advises you to approach your career and financial challenges with determination and a willingness to compete while maintaining professionalism. By addressing conflicts openly and finding innovative solutions, you can navigate these challenges and achieve your career and financial goals.

Reversed General

Compromise, end of conflict, cooperation, solved disagreements.

When the Five of Wands reversed appears in a reading it often suggest the resolution of conflicts, tension or competition. It signals that this battle is coming to an end and both parties will enter the conclusion state. This can mean the end of a  competition where one party admits defeat, or it could mean that a disagreement is finally coming to a solution and one or both parties are putting their egos aside. Whatever it may be the Five of Wands is suggesting that this competition or conflict will soon reach an outcome.
Sometimes the Five of Wands reversed can suggest avoiding conflict, which may solve your problem temporarily but the issue can still arise if boundaries are not set. So be mindful and understand that just because you have avoided conflict doesn't necessarily mean the issue isn't solved. So take the time to access the situation. Avoidance can sometimes make problems or tensions bigger, it can also let other people think that their behavior is okay.

If you have been dealing with conflict and tension in your relationships the Five of Wands reversed suggest that solutions are on the horizon and that parties will soon come to a compromise. You may be exhausted as fights can take up so much time and emotional energy, so prepare to rest and recuperate. You can finally relax, you've working through this issue and it's time to let it go and move forward.

- Reaching conclusions.
- Cooperation.
- Solved disagreements.
- End of a competition.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Five of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships indicates a period of reduced conflict, clearer communication, and a potential resolution of disputes within your romantic life:

Conflict Resolution: When this card appears reversed, it signifies a positive shift away from the conflicts, arguments, or misunderstandings that may have been plaguing your relationship. You and your partner are likely to find common ground and work towards resolving issues.

Improved Communication: The reversal often suggests that communication between you and your partner has improved. You may be more willing to listen, understand, and empathize with each other, leading to smoother interactions.

Reduced Competition: In the context of relationships, this card can indicate a less competitive atmosphere. You and your partner are more focused on building a harmonious connection rather than trying to outdo each other.

Collaboration: The Five of Wands reversed encourages collaboration and cooperation. You and your partner may work together as a team to overcome challenges and achieve shared goals.

Peaceful Interaction: Overall, this card suggests a more peaceful and cooperative environment in your romantic life. It's a time to build on this positive energy, foster understanding, and strengthen your relationship through open and respectful communication.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Five of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of reduced inner conflict and a potential easing of spiritual challenges:

Inner Harmony: When this card appears reversed, it suggests that you are experiencing greater inner harmony and reduced inner turmoil. You may have resolved spiritual conflicts or found a more peaceful approach to your spiritual journey.

Spiritual Alignment: The reversal often indicates that you are aligning more closely with your spiritual path and values. You may have overcome doubts or distractions that were hindering your progress.

Reduced Stress: You are likely to be experiencing reduced stress related to your spiritual practices. You may have found a more balanced and peaceful approach to your spiritual development.

Eased Resistance: With the Five of Wands reversed, you may have eased resistance to spiritual growth and self-discovery. It's a time when you can make progress with greater ease and less internal struggle.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" spread, the Five of Wands suggests obstacles and conflict, making a straightforward answer difficult. Its presence indicates a need to address challenges before progress can be made. Overall, it leans towards a "no" or "not yet" response due to the presence of conflicting energies.