"The sun will rise again tomorrow, casting light on new possibilities, even in the shadow of loss."

5. Five of Cups

Sadness, pessimism, depression, feeling sorry for yourself, failure.
Moving forward, healing, forgiveness, emotional recovery.


Sadness, pessimism, depression, feeling sorry for yourself, failure.

The Five of Cups usually represents the feeding the negative emotions, one of the biggest representations of depression. There are a number of emotions that you might negatively feed into, whether it's failure, disappointment, abandonment, heartbreak of just general self-pity. When we go through stages of sadness and depression we may be in a state of self-punishment, shame or self-loathing.
The Five of Cups is about focusing on the negatives, getting caught up in our negative emotions, feeding into dramatic or pessimistic ideas and thoughts about ourselves, others or the world. Sometimes the card can portray a man with five cups, where two of the cups are brimming with opportunity but the man is fixated on his losses.
The Five of Cups can suggest a time where a situation hasn't turned out as expected, but instead of learning from the situation and moving forward, you are wallowing in self-pity, turning yourself inwards and focusing on the negatives. You may be stuck in old memories, focusing on negative qualities of yourself, or playing the victim. It's okay to feel and acknowledge your negative emotions, but it's important to know when it's time to make changes, learn from your mistakes and move forward. Reflect on what brought you to where you are, take note of the valuable lessons you've learned along the way.

Sometimes we can fall into patterns of self-hatred and punishment, shame and loathing, but these are just aspects keeping us in a negative state which perpetually feeds out depression. This is a great time to practice forgiveness. Forgiveness for yourself and forgiveness for others. Forgiveness is the act of consciously releasing feelings of hate, shame, resentment and anger towards someone or something that has hurt you, including yourself. Be gentle with yourself, you are human, it is in our nature to do as humans do. Forgiveness is an act of addressing your inner pain, acknowledging it, developing empathy for yourself and others, finding meaning in your suffering and letting go. This is a great time for emotional release work and emotional clearing.

- Depression.
- Feeding into negative emotions.
- Situation hasn't turned out as expected.
- Self-pity.
- Focusing on negative qualities.
- Shame.
- Self-loathing.

Love and Relationships

The Five of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies a period of emotional disappointment, loss, or regret within your romantic life:

Emotional Grief: This card suggests that you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, disappointment, or regret in your romantic relationships. It could be related to past breakups, unfulfilled expectations, or unresolved conflicts.

Focus on Loss: The figure in the card is often depicted mourning spilled cups while overlooking remaining full ones. It symbolizes a tendency to fixate on what's been lost in love rather than appreciating what remains or what opportunities lie ahead.

Acknowledging Pain: The Five of Cups encourages you to acknowledge your emotional pain and process it. It's essential to allow yourself to grieve and heal from past wounds before moving forward in your romantic life.

Seeking Closure: It may be a sign that you need closure or resolution with a past relationship or situation before you can fully open your heart to new love prospects.

Reevaluation: This card prompts you to reevaluate your expectations and perspectives in your current or future relationships. Learning from past experiences can lead to greater emotional wisdom and healthier connections.

Overall, the Five of Cups in a love and relationships spread acknowledges the presence of emotional disappointment and encourages you to address and heal from past hurts. It's a reminder that while it's natural to mourn losses, there is also potential for new love and emotional fulfillment if you're willing to let go of past pain and open yourself to new opportunities.

Health and Spirituality

The Five of Cups upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of emotional and spiritual challenge, but it also offers opportunities for growth:

Emotional Turmoil: This card suggests that you might be experiencing emotional turmoil or grief related to your health or spiritual journey. You could be dwelling on past disappointments or setbacks.

Facing Loss: It's a reminder to acknowledge and process any losses or setbacks in your health or spiritual practices. Sometimes, confronting these emotions is the first step toward healing.

Seeking Support: This card encourages you to seek emotional support and guidance during challenging times. Whether through therapy, support groups, or trusted friends, leaning on others can be beneficial.

Learning from Adversity: Spiritually, the Five of Cups can signify a valuable lesson in resilience and growth. Your spiritual journey may involve setbacks and losses, but these experiences can ultimately lead to greater wisdom and strength.

Embracing Change: This card prompts you to embrace change and release what no longer serves your well-being, whether it's unhealthy habits, negative thought patterns, or unfulfilling spiritual practices.

In summary, the Five of Cups in a health and spirituality spread acknowledges the presence of difficulties and emotional challenges. It invites you to face them, seek support when needed, and see these hardships as opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. Through resilience and acceptance, you can ultimately find greater emotional and spiritual fulfillment.

Money and Career

The Five of Cups upright in a tarot spread about career and money signifies a period of disappointment and loss in your financial and professional life:

Emotional Turmoil: The figure in the card reflects deep sadness and regret. It indicates that these financial setbacks have taken an emotional toll on you, affecting your overall well-being.

Focus on Loss: The card's imagery often shows spilled cups, symbolizing a tendency to fixate on what's been lost rather than appreciating the opportunities that still exist. This may lead to dwelling on past mistakes or missed opportunities.

Reevaluation: This card prompts you to reevaluate your financial strategies, investments, or career choices. It's an opportunity to learn from past financial mistakes and make more informed decisions moving forward.

Overall, the Five of Cups in a career and money spread acknowledges financial setbacks and emotional challenges. It encourages you to address your financial losses, learn from them, and consider new strategies to improve your financial prospects. While the disappointment may be significant, there are still opportunities for growth and recovery in your financial and professional life

Reversed General

Moving forward, healing, forgiveness, emotional recovery.

When the Five of Cups reversed appears in a reading it suggest the beginning of emotional recovery. You have gone through a trauma, you have seen the darkness, experienced heartbreak and now you're putting that pain in the past and beginning to walk away.

The Five of Cups reversed is about recovery, healing and forgiveness. When we break an arm, we don't just expect it to get better overnight, we understand that a trauma like that needs time, effort and healing. When we have an emotional wound we need to also give it time and healing. Focusing on the pain and delving into self pity is no the answer, we must take a step forward into the healing process. When the Five of Cups appears you are beginning to acknowledge and accept your past, learn from the mistakes made and appreciate what you can. You are ready to pick up the two cups that are full and walk away from the three cups that are empty.

The Three of Cups reversed suggests moving on from the past, or from certain people, from certain behaviors or situations, you are appreciating what lessons those situations taught you and you're taking the steps to move forward. It's never easy to heal, to process and to take those first steps, so give yourself credit and appreciation for your strength and wisdom.

- Healing.
- Moving forward from a situation.
- Taking steps to move out of depression phase.
- Emotional recovery.
- Strength and willpower.
- Forgiveness.
- Understanding.
- Walking away.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Five of Cups reversed in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies a turning point in your emotional experience and the potential for healing and renewal within your romantic life:

Emotional Healing: In its reversed position, this card suggests that you are moving towards emotional healing and letting go of past relationship disappointments and heartaches. You are ready to forgive, heal, and release negative emotions.

Reconciliation: It can indicate the possibility of reconciliations or a fresh start in existing relationships. Past misunderstandings or conflicts may be resolved, allowing for greater harmony and connection.

New Beginnings: The reversal symbolizes a readiness to open your heart to new romantic possibilities. You're becoming more receptive to love and emotional connections, embracing the potential for new relationships or positive changes within existing ones.

Learning from the Past: You are learning valuable lessons from past relationships and using that wisdom to make more informed and emotionally healthy choices in your romantic life.

Optimism and Gratitude: Overall, the Five of Cups reversed encourages optimism, gratitude for the love and connections in your life, and a positive outlook on your romantic future. It's a card of emotional renewal and the potential for brighter and more fulfilling relationships ahead.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Five of Cups reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a significant shift in your emotional and spiritual well-being:

Emotional Healing: In its reversed position, this card suggests that you are on a path of emotional healing and recovery. You may be letting go of past grievances, disappointments, or emotional wounds that have affected your mental and spiritual health.

Forgiveness and Acceptance: This card indicates a willingness to forgive yourself or others for past mistakes or transgressions, promoting inner peace and a sense of closure.

Spiritual Renewal: Spiritually, the reversal can symbolize a newfound sense of optimism and faith. You may be reconnecting with your spiritual practices, seeking guidance, or experiencing a deeper connection with your beliefs.

Positive Transformation: It signifies a transformation in your spiritual and emotional outlook. You are leaving behind negative thought patterns and embracing a more positive and hopeful perspective on your journey.

Embracing Gratitude: Overall, the Five of Cups reversed encourages you to cultivate gratitude for the lessons learned from past experiences and to focus on the potential for growth and spiritual enrichment. It's a card of renewal, inner peace, and a brighter spiritual path ahead.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Five of Cups often suggests a "no" answer. This card symbolizes disappointment, loss, and focusing on what has gone wrong rather than what remains. It advises acknowledging and processing feelings of sadness or regret before moving forward. Therefore, the presence of the Five of Cups in a spread may indicate that the answer to your question is likely negative or that there are obstacles to overcome before achieving a positive outcome.