"Like arrows in flight, may your actions be swift and your intentions clear, harnessing the dynamic energy of the Eight of Wands."

8. Eight of Wands

Movement, speed, excitement, spontaneous decisions, busy, air travel
Slow, stagnation, loosing momentum, lack of energy, impatience


Movement, speed, excitement, spontaneous decisions, busy, air travel

The Eight of Wands represents movement and excited energy. This suggests a time of action, whether its travel or a romance or pushing into effect a new idea or plan. You are making your way with speed, spontaneity, movement and excitement. The energy behind this card is like when you are travelling through to a new country you've never been before, and it's exciting, demanding and you're so preoccupied with everything going, you are busy but it's the best kind of busy. You are making decisions you normally wouldn't, you are finding solutions on your feet, and you're allowing yourself to get swept up in the moment.
The Eight of Wands suggest to be in the flow state, which means allowing your divine energy to flow through you. It's easier to get into the flow state when you are making new decisions, having new experiences and meeting new people, opening yourself up to more opportunity and expansion. This can be a great time to manifest because the energy behind you has so much momentum.
- Flow state.
- Movement.
- Travel.
- Fast paced movement.
- Spontaneity.
- Excitement.
- Allowing yourself to get swept up in the moment.

Love and Relationships

The Eight of Wands upright in a tarot spread about love and relationships signifies a period of swift and exciting developments in matters of the heart:

Rapid Changes: In the realm of love, this card suggests that significant changes are happening quickly. You may experience a surge of romantic energy and new developments in your relationships.

Passion and Excitement: The Eight of Wands signifies a passionate and exhilarating phase in your love life. Sparks may be flying, and your connections with others are intensifying.

Communication: This card also represents clear and direct communication in relationships. It's a time when open and honest conversations can lead to greater understanding and connection with your partner or potential love interests.

Long-Distance Relationships: On a practical level, the Eight of Wands can indicate the potential for long-distance relationships or the opportunity to meet someone from afar. It may also symbolize travel with a romantic partner.

Taking Action: This card encourages you to seize the moment and take action in matters of the heart. If you have romantic aspirations or desires, now is the time to pursue them.

Overall, the Eight of Wands upright suggests a period of romantic excitement and the potential for positive changes in your love life. Embrace the energy, communicate openly, and be proactive in pursuing the love and connections that matter to you. It's a time of rapid progress and romantic opportunities.

Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Wands upright in a tarot spread about health and spirituality signifies a period of rapid progress, heightened energy, and a strong spiritual connection in matters related to your well-being and spiritual journey:

Rapid Progress: In the realm of health and spirituality, this card represents swift and positive advancements. You may be experiencing significant improvements in your overall well-being and spiritual practices.

Elevated Energy: The Eight of Wands upright suggests a surge of energy and enthusiasm for your spiritual journey. You have the motivation and drive to explore new practices, expand your knowledge, or deepen your meditation and mindfulness.

Spiritual Connection: This card also signifies a strong connection to your spiritual path. You may feel a heightened sense of alignment with your spiritual beliefs and a deeper understanding of your purpose.

Travel and Exploration: On a practical level, it can indicate travel or the pursuit of spiritual experiences in distant places. You might embark on retreats or pilgrimages to further enhance your spiritual growth.

Clear Communication: The Eight of Wands encourages clear and effective communication, both with yourself through introspection and with others who share your spiritual journey. It's a time for sharing insights and learning from others.

Overall, the Eight of Wands upright suggests that you are in a phase of rapid advancement and spiritual awakening. Embrace this energy, stay open to new experiences, and continue nurturing your well-being and spiritual connection, as it's a time of significant growth and progress in these aspects of your life.

Money and Career

The Eight of Wands upright in a tarot spread about money and career signifies a period of swift and dynamic progress in your professional and financial endeavors:

Swift Progress: In the realm of money and career, this card indicates that things are moving forward rapidly and smoothly. You may experience a surge of energy and momentum in your work-related projects and financial goals.

Opportunities Abound: The Eight of Wands suggests that opportunities are coming your way at a fast pace. This could involve job offers, business ventures, or investment opportunities. Be prepared to seize them.

Effective Communication: This card also represents clear and effective communication in your professional life. Your ideas and messages are likely to be received positively, leading to productive collaborations and successful negotiations.

Travel for Work: On a practical level, the Eight of Wands can indicate work-related travel or expansion into new markets. Your career may take you to exciting and lucrative places.

Take Action: This card encourages you to be proactive and make the most of the opportunities that come your way. It's a time to set ambitious goals, work hard, and stay focused on your financial and career aspirations.

Overall, the Eight of Wands upright suggests a period of rapid growth, achievement, and abundant opportunities in your money and career pursuits. Embrace the energy, stay organized, and be ready to take action, as success is within your reach.

Reversed General

Slow, stagnation, loosing momentum, lack of energy, impatience

The Eight of Wands reversed can indicate slow progress, a lack of momentum in your life. It feels like everything is creeping forward slowly and life is lacking movement and action. That zest in a busy life is not occurring, you in routine with the mundane. Sometimes it can feels like life stagnates and you've been in the same position for so long, although changes have been happening, they haven't been having much of a dramatic effect. You may be feeling slow or lacking energy at this time, when we don't feel like things are momentum we begin to feel stagnated within ourselves.
Sometimes when the Eight of Wands appears in reversal it can indicate that we are so desperate for some sort of movement or sudden change in our life that we become impatient and impulsive and can be prone to rushing into decisions that may not align with us. So be mindful. Don't get impatient or angry at your situation, this can be a great time for self reflection.
Sometimes the Eight of Wands reversed can indicate delays in holidays and air travel, or anything fact paced with lot's of momentum. You are being met with stagnation and these plans are slowing down.
Take this time to ground yourself, figure out where you're going and why and utilize your resources, emotions and finances so that when the opportunity does present itself, you're more ready than ever.
- Plans slowing down.
- Lack of progress.
- Stagnation.
- Loosing momentum.
- Lack of energy.
- Impatience.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Eight of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about love and relationships indicates a period of delays, stagnant energy, or miscommunication in matters of the heart:

Delays and Obstacles: In the realm of love, this card suggests that things may not be progressing as quickly or smoothly as you'd like. You could be facing delays or obstacles in your romantic life.

Stagnant Energy: The reversal of the Eight of Wands signifies a lack of forward momentum in your relationships. It may feel like things have come to a standstill or that there's a sense of inertia in your love life.

Communication Breakdown: This card can also point to miscommunication or misunderstandings with your partner or potential love interests. It's essential to address any issues in communication and make an effort to clarify your intentions and feelings.

Overall, the Eight of Wands reversed advises patience and a willingness to address any communication challenges or stagnant energy in your love life. While delays can be frustrating, taking the time to reflect and resolve issues can ultimately lead to smoother and more fulfilling relationships.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Wands reversed in a tarot spread about health and spirituality suggests a period of slowed progress, potential blockages, and a need for patience and introspection in matters concerning your well-being and spiritual journey:

Slowed Progress: In the realm of health and spirituality, this card indicates that you might be experiencing delays or obstacles in your journey toward well-being and spiritual growth. Progress may not be as rapid as you'd like.

Blockages: The reversal of the Eight of Wands suggests the presence of blockages, either physical or mental, that are hindering your spiritual and health-related goals. It's a sign to identify and address these obstacles.

Need for Patience: This card advises you to exercise patience and take a step back to reflect on your health and spiritual practices. Rushing or expecting immediate results may not be realistic.

Reevaluate Your Approach: Consider whether adjustments to your health routines or spiritual practices are necessary. Sometimes, a change in approach or perspective can help overcome challenges.

Overall, the Eight of Wands reversed encourages you to be patient and methodical in your pursuit of well-being and spiritual enlightenment. Address any blockages with care, and remember that a more thoughtful and considered approach will ultimately lead to progress and growth.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Eight of Wands generally suggests a "yes." This card is associated with rapid movement, swift changes, and positive momentum, indicating that things are likely to move forward quickly towards a favorable outcome. It's a card that encourages action and progression, making it a strong indicator of success for your question​.