"Free your mind, and the path out of the labyrinth of despair will appear."

8. Eight of Swords

Self-limiting beliefs, self-imposed restriction, blinding yourself, delusion.
Releasing self-limiting beliefs, taking control, empowerment, responsibility


Self-limiting beliefs, self-imposed restriction, blinding yourself, delusion.

The Eight of Swords represents self-limiting beliefs and self-imposed restrictions, where we are limiting ourselves with our thoughts and beliefs, without realization that the change and awareness needs to happen within us to change our current circumstance. It suggest placing our power outside of ourselves, and looking to external forces to save us, give us value or happiness. The Eight of Swords shows a blindfolded woman who is surrounded by swords that are restricting her. The woman just needs to remove the blindfold to see that she can step out of this position if she chooses to.

When the Eight of Swords appears in a reading it's suggesting that you are not using your mind to empower you, instead you are using the mind to restrict you, the mind is working against you. Your mind is like a computer that works for you, it solves problems and serves functions and perspectives. Now is the time to ask, in what ways have I programed my mind to work against me?

Sometimes the Eight of Swords can represent victim mentality, you are waiting for someone to come rescue you. You're relinquishing you power and looking outside of yourself for answers and value. For example, perhaps you're waiting for a job or partner to come along and save you from facing yourself. Whatever it may be, you're putting your happiness, fulfilment and value into something outside of yourself, which is dangerous and not serving you. This is a time to ask yourself, in what ways am i surrendering my power?

The Eight of Swords suggests that you hold all the power to get yourself out of your current circumstance, if you wish, you just need to take the blindfold off. The power is within you and it has been this entire time. When the Eight of Swords appears it's important to look for ways in which you have surrendered your power to something other than yourself. Taking back your power is the best think you can do right now, this is a process of reclamation.

- Self-imposed restriction.
- Self-limiting beliefs.
- Blindfolding ourselves.
- Deluding ourselves.
- Victim mentality.
- Looking for answers and outcomes outsides ourselves.

Love and Relationships

When the Eight of Swords appears upright in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships, it signifies a complex and challenging phase in your romantic life. Here are the key interpretations:

Feeling Trapped: The Eight of Swords often reflects a sense of being trapped or restricted in your relationship. You may feel limited by circumstances, your partner's behavior, or your own fears and insecurities.

Communication Barriers: This card suggests that there may be communication problems within your relationship. Misunderstandings, unspoken feelings, or lack of honest dialogue could be causing tension and frustration.

Self-Imposed Restrictions: Sometimes, the feeling of being trapped is self-imposed. You might be holding onto past hurts, limiting beliefs, or unrealistic expectations, preventing you from experiencing love freely.

Overthinking: The Eight of Swords warns against overthinking and overanalyzing your relationship. Negative thought patterns and self-doubt can create unnecessary stress and anxiety.

Seeking Liberation: This card encourages you to seek liberation from the constraints that hold you back in love. It's essential to confront your fears and confront any limiting beliefs that are hindering your relationship's growth.

Support Needed: Don't be afraid to seek support or advice from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist. They can offer valuable insights and help you navigate the challenges in your relationship.

Change and Release: The Eight of Swords suggests that change is necessary for your love life to evolve positively. It may be time to release old patterns, forgive past mistakes, and open yourself to new possibilities.

Empowerment: Despite the challenges, this card reminds you that you have the power to free yourself from limitations. Take steps to regain your confidence and independence within the relationship.

In summary, the Eight of Swords in a love and relationships tarot spread indicates a period of feeling restricted or trapped in matters of the heart. However, it also serves as a reminder that you have the ability to break free from these limitations, but it may require introspection, communication, and a willingness to let go of past baggage. Seek support, confront your fears, and work towards a more liberated and fulfilling love life.

Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Swords appearing upright in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality carries significant symbolism and messages:

Feeling Trapped: In the realm of health and spirituality, this card often represents a feeling of being mentally or spiritually trapped. You might feel stuck in negative thought patterns, self-doubt, or limiting beliefs that hinder your personal growth and well-being.

Self-Imposed Restrictions: Just as the figure in the card appears to be tied up, you may be imposing restrictions on yourself, preventing your spiritual and personal development. It's essential to recognize these limitations and work on freeing yourself from them.

In summary, the Eight of Swords in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a period of feeling mentally or spiritually restricted. However, it also offers hope and guidance, suggesting that with the right mindset and support, you can break free from these limitations and embark on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and improved well-being. It's a reminder that your thoughts and beliefs play a significant role in your health and spiritual evolution.

Money and Career

The Eight of Swords, when upright in a tarot spread focused on money and career, carries several key interpretations and messages:

Feeling Restricted: This card often signifies a sense of being trapped or restricted in your career or financial situation. You might be experiencing limitations, either self-imposed or due to external circumstances, that are holding you back.

Self-Limiting Beliefs: The figure in the card appears blindfolded and bound, which can symbolize self-limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. You may be underestimating your abilities or doubting your capacity to advance in your career or improve your financial situation.

Barriers to Progress: The Eight of Swords suggests that there may be obstacles or challenges in your career path or financial goals. These barriers might seem insurmountable, but they can often be addressed with a change in perspective.

Seeking Solutions: This card encourages you to seek solutions and alternative perspectives. It's a reminder that you have the ability to free yourself from constraints by exploring new ideas, seeking advice, or taking a different approach to your career and financial endeavors.

In summary, the Eight of Swords in a money and career tarot spread suggests a period of feeling trapped or limited in your professional or financial life. However, it also offers hope and guidance, emphasizing that with the right mindset, alternative perspectives, and a willingness to address self-limiting beliefs, you can break free from these constraints and work toward a more prosperous and fulfilling career and financial future. It's a reminder that your thoughts and beliefs play a significant role in your financial success and career advancement.

Reversed General

Releasing self-limiting beliefs, taking control, empowerment, responsibility

The Eight of Swords reversed represents the releasing of self-limiting beliefs, stepping into empowerment and taking responsibility for oneself. This is a a process of stepping into your own power. It's about letting go of the thoughts and beliefs that are not serving us and moving into a process of re-programing our minds and beliefs to be the person we want to be.

The Eight of Swords reversed suggests that you are finding solutions to your issues through taking a step back and gaining a fresh outlook. You are changing your perspective and from that you now how the ability to start clearing out ideas and beliefs that are moving you in a direction that no longer serves you. This can be a process of creation, as you are now making active choices about the narrative you want to paint for yourself and the person you want to actively choose to be.

The Eight of Swords reversed suggests that you are moving out from a victim situation or mindset and you're working towards taking a more active approach in your life. This may be releasing a relationship or situation that is no longer serving you, or this could be releasing and personality trait or archetype that's no longer serving you. You have made it through a difficult time, you are taking responsibility and accountability for your situation. It's only when we take accountability that we can make changes to ourselves and our circumstances.

- Self-limiting beliefs.
- Stepping into empowerment.
- Taking responsibility for oneself.
- Stepping into your power.
- Releasing victim mentality.
- Taking off the blindfold.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The reversed Eight of Swords in a tarot spread focused on love and relationships carries a message of liberation and positive change in your romantic life. Here's what it may indicate:

Improved Communication: There is likely a notable improvement in communication within your relationship. You and your partner are now able to express your thoughts, feelings, and desires more openly and honestly, which fosters better understanding and connection.

Rebuilding Trust: If trust issues were prevalent in your relationship, the reversed Eight of Swords signifies a willingness to rebuild trust. You or your partner may have taken steps to address past betrayals or insecurities, promoting a more secure and harmonious connection.

Emotional Healing: This card represents emotional healing and the release of past emotional wounds. You and your partner may have confronted past traumas or emotional baggage, leading to greater emotional well-being and intimacy.

Increased Independence: In the context of relationships, this card could indicate a healthier level of independence and self-assuredness for both partners. You're less reliant on each other for validation and have found more self-confidence.

Renewed Perspective: The reversal of this card reflects a renewed perspective on your relationship. You may have gained insights into what truly matters in your partnership, letting go of unrealistic expectations or fears that were hindering its growth.

Freedom to Grow: This card suggests that you and your partner are now free to grow and evolve individually while still nurturing your relationship. This can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling partnership.

Positive Changes Ahead: Overall, the reversed Eight of Swords signifies positive changes in your love life. It encourages you to embrace the newfound freedom and clarity in your relationship, allowing love and connection to flourish without the limitations that once held you back.

In conclusion, the reversed Eight of Swords in a love and relationships tarot spread signifies a positive transformation in your romantic life. It represents a release from past constraints, improved communication, emotional healing, and the potential for a more liberated and fulfilling partnership. Embrace this newfound freedom and openness, and your relationship can thrive and evolve in positive ways.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Swords reversed in a tarot spread focused on health and spirituality signifies a significant shift in your perspective and an escape from self-imposed mental and emotional constraints. Here's what it may indicate:

Mental Freedom: When this card appears in reverse, it suggests that you're breaking free from the mental and emotional restrictions that may have been affecting your overall well-being. You're no longer feeling trapped by negative thoughts or limiting beliefs.

Emotional Liberation: You're experiencing emotional liberation and a sense of relief from past emotional burdens. You've taken steps to release emotional baggage that was holding you back, allowing for healing and inner peace.

Clarity and Awareness: The reversed Eight of Swords indicates increased mental clarity and self-awareness. You've gained insights into your thought patterns and their impact on your spiritual and emotional health.

Positive Transformation: This card signifies a positive transformation in your spiritual journey. You're moving towards a more enlightened and spiritually fulfilling path, free from the doubts and fears that previously hindered your progress.

Acceptance and Forgiveness: You've become more accepting of yourself and others, practicing forgiveness and compassion. This newfound mindset contributes to your spiritual growth and emotional well-being.

Inner Strength: The reversal of this card reflects the development of inner strength and resilience. You're better equipped to face life's challenges, especially in the context of your spiritual journey and overall health.

Exploration: You may be more open to exploring different spiritual practices or healing modalities that resonate with you. This card encourages you to continue your journey of self-discovery and spiritual expansion.

Embracing Self-Care: You're actively prioritizing self-care and well-being in your life. This includes physical, emotional, and spiritual self-care practices that contribute to your overall health and spiritual growth.

In summary, the reversed Eight of Swords in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a significant release from mental and emotional constraints. You're experiencing greater mental clarity, emotional freedom, and spiritual growth. This card encourages you to continue on your path of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and self-care, knowing that you have the inner strength to overcome any obstacles in your pursuit of holistic well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Eight of Swords generally suggests a "no." This card often indicates feelings of restriction, powerlessness, and being trapped, which may imply that the current circumstances are not conducive to a positive outcome or that you may not yet see all the options available to you​.