"Sometimes, walking away is the bravest thing you can do."

8. Eight of Cups

Disappointment, walking away, abandoning, leaving a situation.
Staying in a bad situation, fear of leaving, emotional immaturity.


Disappointment, walking away, abandoning, leaving a situation.

The Eight of Cups is about disappointment and abandonment. A situation, whether it's a relationship, a job or a position is not fulfilling you in the ways it once did. You invested time and energy into this situation and had greater expectations of what would come from it. Often the Eight of Cups represents a situation that gave us happiness in the past but now is a source of pain and disappointment. It feels like the situation at hand is dying and you're feeling the repercussions of that immensely.

You're walking away from something that used to emotionally fulfil you, and when emotions are tired to something it makes it all the more painful and disappointing to turn your back on. However, you have repeatedly been let down to the point where it's time to move on to avoid anymore hurt, and disappointment. To stay in this situation would be to waste your energy. The weight of disappointment can be a heavy burden to carry, so be gentle with yourself at this time. Although it's painful to turn you back, look ahead and know that there are better things waiting for you. It takes strength to walk away from something you invested so much of yourself into, but don't see it as wasted time or energy, you learned so much for it, so appreciate it for what it was and let it go.
- Walking away from a disappointing situation.
- Abandonment.
- Walking away from a job or relationship.
- Walking away from a situation in general.
- Carrying the weight of disappointment.
- No longer wanting to invest your time or energy.
- Moving on.

Love and Relationships

The Eight of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread often signifies a period of emotional growth, self-discovery, and the need for change within a romantic partnership. Here are key interpretations:

Seeking Something Deeper: The Eight of Cups suggests a desire for a deeper emotional connection or a need to explore your own emotions more profoundly. You may be feeling unsatisfied or unfulfilled in your current relationship, prompting you to search for something more meaningful.

Leaving the Past Behind: This card often indicates a willingness to leave behind a stagnant or unfulfilling relationship. It doesn't necessarily mean an immediate breakup, but rather a desire to move away from what no longer serves your emotional well-being.

Embracing Independence: The Eight of Cups encourages self-reliance and personal growth. You may need some time alone or away from the relationship to reconnect with your own needs, dreams, and aspirations.

Closure: Sometimes, this card can represent the need for closure in a past relationship or emotional wounds from previous partnerships that are affecting your current love life.

A Positive Step: Ultimately, while it can indicate the end of a particular phase in a relationship, the Eight of Cups is often seen as a positive step toward a more authentic and emotionally fulfilling future.

In summary, the Eight of Cups upright in a love and relationships tarot spread suggests a period of reflection and the possibility of making changes within your romantic life. It may be a time to prioritize your own emotional well-being and seek a more fulfilling and authentic connection.

Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Cups in a health and spirituality tarot spread signifies a powerful period of self-discovery and transformation on both physical and spiritual levels. It suggests that you are in the process of walking away from situations, habits, or belief systems that no longer serve your well-being.

In terms of health, this card indicates a desire for emotional and spiritual healing. You may be recognizing the importance of addressing underlying emotional issues that have an impact on your physical health. It encourages you to explore alternative healing modalities, such as mindfulness, meditation, or energy work, to achieve a greater sense of balance and harmony.

On a spiritual level, the Eight of Cups represents a quest for deeper meaning and purpose in life. You are embarking on a journey of self-discovery, seeking a more profound connection with the spiritual realm. This card encourages you to explore your inner world through meditation, introspection, or spiritual practices to find the answers you seek.

Overall, the Eight of Cups suggests that you are moving toward a more spiritually and emotionally fulfilling path in terms of health and well-being. It encourages you to trust your intuition and follow your heart as you navigate this transformative journey.

Money and Career

The Eight of Cups upright in a money and career tarot spread signifies a significant turning point in your financial and professional life. It suggests a deep longing for something more meaningful and fulfilling:

Seeking Fulfillment: This card indicates that you are no longer content with merely pursuing financial gain or a stable job. Instead, you are driven by a desire to find work or financial endeavors that align with your passions and values.

Embracing Change: The Eight of Cups suggests that you are willing to leave behind a comfortable but unfulfilling career or financial situation in search of something better. You're prepared to step out of your comfort zone and explore new opportunities.

Journey of Self-Discovery: This card represents a journey of self-discovery in your career and financial life. You may be exploring different paths, education, or personal development to uncover your true calling and purpose.

Emotional Investment: In financial matters, it encourages you to invest not only in monetary assets but also in emotional fulfillment and satisfaction derived from your work.

Transition Period: The Eight of Cups can signify a transitional phase where you are in the process of leaving one job or financial endeavor to pursue another. It may involve some temporary uncertainty, but it's a necessary step towards greater happiness.

In summary, the Eight of Cups in a money and career spread advises you to prioritize your emotional and spiritual fulfillment in your financial and professional pursuits. It suggests that your journey may involve making significant changes or taking calculated risks to find the career and financial situation that truly resonates with your heart and soul.

Reversed General

Staying in a bad situation, fear of leaving, emotional immaturity.

The Eight of Cups reversed is about staying in a situation that is no longer serving you. Perhaps you have a fear of leaving a particular situation, whether it be a relationship, a job or living arrangement. You are choosing to stay in this situation despite the fact that it's at your own detriment. Perhaps you're afraid of the unknown, or perhaps you are holding on to old happy memories. You are holding on to a situation and clouding you own judgment with justifications that may not be set in reality. The Eight of Wands reversed asked you to take a step back, leave the situation even if just for a brief period of time, spend some time away, book a small holiday, leave your situation and give yourself that space. This is so you can see the situation from a different perspective, without perspective you're in danger of clouding your own judgment, falling into old habits and staying in mindsets that are not helping you see the bigger picture.

The Eight of Cups reversed can suggest that you're holding on to memories and emotions that are in the past and letting that cloud your current circumstances. The Eight of Cups reversed signifies emotional investment. When we attach our emotions to a situation or a person it has a much stronger hold on us. We can let emotions take over our logic because we don't want to come to terms with the amount of time and energy that's been poured into a situation and also our hopes and dreams about the situation. It's essential to try and see the situation for what it is, and that it's okay to let go of situations that once bought us so much happiness. We don't need to live in the past and in a state of "what could of been" what matters is the now. So take the time to look at your current state and tune into your intuition for more understanding.

Check in with yourself and ask can this situation actually improve? What are the ways that this situation is affecting me? Am I investing my time and energy into something that is giving me emotional fulfilment and happiness?
- Stagnation.
- Staying in a situation that is no longer serving you.
- Refusal to move on.
- Self deception.
- Illusions.
- Clouding your judgment.
- Fear of leaving.
- Fear of the unknown.

Reversed Love and Relationships

The Eight of Cups reversed in a love and relationships tarot spread suggests that you are hesitating to walk away from a romantic situation or relationship that may no longer be serving your emotional well-being. It signifies a complex emotional state within the context of love:

Reluctance to Let Go: In this reversed position, the card indicates that you may be reluctant to leave a relationship, even if there are issues or dissatisfaction. You might be holding onto the hope that things will improve or fearing the uncertainty of being alone.

Attachment and Dependency: It can symbolize an emotional attachment or dependency on a partner, which may not necessarily be healthy. You could be staying in a relationship out of a fear of loneliness or insecurity.

Avoiding Emotional Work: The reversed Eight of Cups may also suggest avoidance of necessary emotional work or healing within the relationship. You may be resisting the need to address underlying issues.

Reviewing Your Choices: On a positive note, it could signify a period of reflection where you're reconsidering your options within the relationship. You might be exploring ways to improve it instead of immediately walking away.

Overall, the reversed Eight of Cups in a love and relationships spread highlights a complex emotional landscape. It encourages you to examine your feelings, dependencies, and your commitment to working through relationship challenges. It's a reminder to weigh your emotional well-being and make thoughtful decisions in matters of the heart.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

The Eight of Cups reversed in a health and spirituality tarot spread suggests that you may be resisting or struggling to let go of certain emotional or spiritual baggage that is affecting your overall well-being.

In terms of health, this card reversed could indicate that you are holding onto emotional issues or past traumas that are negatively impacting your physical health. It may be time to address these unresolved feelings and seek healing through therapy or other emotional release techniques.

On a spiritual level, the reversed Eight of Cups may suggest a reluctance to embark on a journey of self-discovery or to explore deeper spiritual realms. You might be hesitant to let go of old beliefs or resist change in your spiritual practices. This could be hindering your spiritual growth and connection.

Overall, the reversed Eight of Cups in a health and spirituality spread encourages you to examine any resistance or emotional baggage that you may be carrying, as it could be impeding your progress toward improved health and spiritual enlightenment. It's a reminder to be open to change and release what no longer serves your higher well-being.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Eight of Cups often suggests a "no." This card represents the need to leave behind something emotionally draining or unfulfilling in search of deeper meaning or spiritual fulfillment. Therefore, the answer to your question may be negative, indicating that it's time to let go of a situation or relationship that no longer serves you.