"Embrace the endings, for each is a herald of new beginnings."


Transformation, new beginnings, change, endings.
Resisting change, avoidance, repeating negative patterns.


Transformation, new beginnings, change, endings.

Life is a game of change. Death represents transitions, endings, and new beginning, both good or bad. Regardless, change is necessary and essential to your development and spiritual journey. Change is a constant in this universe and it's important to adapt throughout life's ever rolling web of changes and circumstances. Many people see the death card as the most feared card because they believe it means actual death. For this reason, it's one of the most misunderstood cards in the entire deck. Receiving the Death card can be very positive or negative, as it can mean sudden, unexpected events or positive spiritual transformations.

- Transformation.
- Change.
- New beginnings.
- Endings.
- Spiritual transformations.
- Clear away the old.
- Sudden or unexpected events.

Love and Relationships

If you're in a relationship, Death can indicate changes happening or coming into your relationship. Perhaps there has been or well be an unexpected event which changes the dynamic of the relationship. This man not necessarily be a bad thing, perhaps aspects of your relationship are due for a change. Tune into your relationship and ask yourself what aspects of this relationship are truly sustainable? This can be an uncomfortable time as change can feel strange and unfamiliar, but the transformations that death can bring can also be positive, this could mean the coming of a new beginning such as a marriage.

If you are single, the Death card in a tarot spread suggest you are going to change the way you date or look for love and relationships. Perhaps you will change your mindset or attitude (or even change the dating app you're using). This is going to change the type of people you are meeting or falling for. Regardless, there is a new era forming in the way you look for love and it's moving you into a new direction.

Health and Spirituality

If you see the Death card in a spiritual or health and wellbeing spread don't jump to conclusions, rarely does death mean actual death.

What is more likely, is you will be experiencing an ego death, or spiritual transformation. Perhaps you are shedding an old self who is no longer serving you. Perhaps there are certain behaviors or belief systems that are ready to die, in order to begin your new path. This is a time of clearing away the old and bringing in the new. Even though it may be painful to let go of certain aspects, trust that this is part of your journey and that with changes comes new opportunities.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. In relation to health readings, the Death card can suggest changes coming in relation to your health. These changes can create tension, or fear but trust the transformational process.  Embrace opportunities for changes coming your way. Keep positive and look out for new methods of dealing with your situation, for example you could embrace new therapy's such as hypnotherapy, holistic remedies or new uncharted ways of healing or transforming yourself.

Money and Career

Death can suggest changes coming to your current career. Changes in career can be unsettling as lots of people get their security from their jobs. However, this change may be just as much positive as it may be negative. Changes create more opportunities. When one door closes, a window opens. Keep adaptable during this time, remain focused and composed and embrace what transitions comes your ways. Trust that this is for your highest good,

In a money spread, Death can mean changes coming to your financial situation, again, this could be both positive or negative. It could mean a great financial opportunity or it could mean that a financial stream may take a down turn. Make sure that your financial assets are resilient and safe from excess risk. Keep a positive abundant mindset and adapt to financial circumstances or opportunities coming your way.

Reversed General

Resisting change, avoidance, repeating negative patterns.

You are resisting change rather than embracing it. This is something we are all guilty of. There are patterns within your life are not serving your, perhaps they are even having negative effects on you. It's time to let go of what is no longer serving you. The things that we know and trust feel good because they're familiar, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're good for us.
- Resisting change.
- Repeating the same negative patterns.
- Staying in relationships that are not serving us.
- Remaining in unfulfilling job or position.
- Avoidance.
- Too much comfortability with what's familiar.

Reversed Love and Relationships

Death reversed is a strong indicator that you are resisting change is coming to or within your relationship. It's normal to get comfortable in a relationship, we grow dependent on those that are closest to us. However, when Death reversed comes into a relationship spread this is a strong suggestions that changes are waiting on the sidelines. There are behaviors, attitudes and actions that are not serving this relationship and it's growing to a point where they are hindering parties within it. Take time to access your relationship and ask yourself 'what changes need to be made for me to sustain this?'

If you are single, Death reversed indicates that the way you are approaching love and relationships is in need for a big transition. Your behaviors or attitude towards love is not serving you or moving your development into a positive direction. Perhaps you are dating unstable people, or perhaps you are attracted to people who don't bring out the best version of you. Love inspires us to be better for ourselves. You may be avoiding or deluding yourself with your approach but it's time to let go off this and move onto something new.

Reversed Health and Spirituality

Remember that resisting change can mean you hinder your future self from it's potential. When you receive death reversed in a spiritual reading you are holding yourself back by continuing belief systems, attitudes or mentalities that are no longer serving you. It's time to do a spiritual assessment and clear out what is no longer serving you. Also, keep in mind that resistance can make things stronger. There's a common saying that 'what we resist, persists'. Take time to accept, acknowledge and let go of what you know needs to change.

Death can be an indication that you are resisting coming face to face with a health issues. Perhaps you are in avoidance because you fear facing it. Bring new energy into the situation, start looking for alternative ways to approach the situation and embrace necessary changes.

Tarot Yes or No?

In a "yes or no" tarot spread, the Death card generally suggests a "no." This card is often associated with endings, letting go, and significant transitions, indicating that what is being asked about may need to come to a close or undergo a transformation before progress can be made​.