Help! I'm Feeling Stuck in Life Tarot Spread

Lovie Gracie
April 20, 2024

Life is ever evolving.

Every living creature is constantly adapting and growing. The earth itself is constantly changing, hoping and thriving to form into a more progressed and profound version of itself. From the seasons and animals, to the trees, plants and the sky.

Without change, without flow, without adaptation, there would be no purpose, there would be no excitement, and no difference.

As humans, we also thrive on these same things in order to be. To be in your complete flow of evolution, of change, of growth, is to be in the element of freedom, to be in the state of pure joy and bliss. When you are flowing, just as the earth, flowers, birds and trees are, you are unstoppable, unbeatable even.

To live this way is how to progress, perform and to feel your best… but what do we do when our flow comes to a halt? What do we do when confusion crowds the mind, and blockages stand in our way of moving forward?

Have you been feeling stuck in your life?

Have things been confusing and misleading?

Do you feel that you aren't making progress?

Whether it be career, relationship, job, family, decision making or overall life changes, it can sometimes feel as though the next step seems so far away, impossible to grab hold of or maybe just down right confusing to decide on.

Studies show 69% of people feel trapped in their lifestyles and only 3 out of 10 people are happy with their lives.

These feelings of being stuck, stagnant, or feeling blocked, can also lead to further emotions of stress and anger and on a more serious note, can lead to depression and other mental illnesses, which can then cause ripple effects throughout life.

I myself have suffered many times with these feelings of being stuck and blocked. Whether it be energetically in my body, physically in my surroundings or the common occurrence I'm sure a lot of you have felt- not knowing what to do next. I even have moments of feeling stuck and confused with navigating relationships and/or friendships that don’t feel progressively healthy or positively influential anymore.

I would experience what felt like imposter syndrome tied in with these moments of feeling stuck. All because I had an idea of what I wanted for myself, but I had no idea how to get it.

Who was I to think I deserved the most miraculous life? Who was I to think I could have my dream partner? What would I do when I got my dream job, and how on earth would I even make it happen?

So, how did I deal with these thoughts? How did I overcome these feelings of being stuck and feeling like I wasn't progressing?

Bury myself. Numb myself. Settle.

My first go-to when feeling stuck in any way, was ALWAYS work. Work my ass off. Work my ass off and save. Work my ass off and save and save and save. In doing this, I felt that one day I would save enough money to be closer to achieving what I wanted, which overall was always success. If success wasn't my first priority at that moment, I could escape with the money instead by travelling and by spending my money on things I didn't need which gave me momentary bliss.

Money was my savior and security. Money made me feel unstuck. It brought me my idea of safety. Growing up with not much of it, and finding a job that sucked the soul out of me but paid me well felt perfect for a long time. What I didn't realize until these last couple of years, was that my job and the income I made was feeding into my emotional patterns and cycles of being stuck, causing me to be codependent on money.

I thought having money was enough to succeed and to achieve the future I wanted…

Until it wasn't.

I had the money. I travelled. I had nice things and experienced life in different ways through financial gain.

And yet, I still felt overwhelmingly STUCK!

Up until a year ago, I always had the same idea. If I had money I'd be secure and safe.

But now, I have a new goal, and this is where this blog is going to take a bit of a twist.

The moment I started to allow myself to simply sit with the uncomfortable idea of not knowing what my next step should be, is when I began to really find my flow.

I fell slowly in love with the idea of being okay with being stuck. I fell in love with the idea of not having it all figured out.

Of course this isn't something you want to feel forever… and you won't.

There is balance in unknowingness. There is harmony in unsteadiness. You just have to open yourself up to finding it and allow yourself to see it.

I invite you to allow yourself to be open to the idea of not knowing what comes next.

To not have a plan.

It isn't a bad thing to feel stumped for an amount of time. To take a break from decision making.

As humans we are conditioned to believe that we have to know our next move in order to survive and thrive. We must have a plan in order to see the future. Which of course makes sense. Having a set schedule is important. Having a plan is important. But when you are so dependent on the idea of your set plan working, that's when things - I believe - can get messy.

So back to my first paragraph of finding flow like the earth itself. Flow without restraint, flow without pressure, flow with ease and gratitude.

We need to incorporate our femininity, which is our free flowing open minded state to balance out the masculinity of planning.

If you are here because you want someone to tell you how to make sense of your future, I softly encourage you to stop looking for a second, and just be. Look within and find yourself first.

Finding your next step, your goals, your dreams, all lie within finding yourself.

I can only hope that when you do your tarot card reading with the tarot card spread below, you are trusting the universe and the divinity itself to bring you some answers or hidden information you might have been missing or ignoring.

I hope this tarot card spread encourages you to see that you are the answer you're looking for and that your next step might be a lot more simple than you think.

Allow The Moon to open up your idea of the next steps you should take.

Allow The King Of Cups to find strength and balance in unsteadiness.

Tarot card readings and spreads are here to guide and open your eyes up to new opportunities and new meanings of these feelings.

The Minor Arcana Cards and Major Arcana Cards are here to help you see what you may not, to open your mind up to new sights and visions.

Slow down, allow yourself to be open to the idea that being stuck isn't always such a bad thing. It's okay to be still, to not be working constantly towards something.

Enjoy the nothingness, the confusion, the fear. It's a part of our lives and our overall adventure on this planet.


Feeling Stuck Tarot Spread

Pick as many options below that relate to you out of these common occurrences that can cause feelings of being stuck, stagnant or blocked-

Relationships, friendships, family, money, work/career, spirituality, mental health

And ask these 3 questions to the Tarot for each

Where you’re at now with ….

Suggested next steps and actions for ….

Outcome if any changes are made to …..


What is making you feel stuck with your decision making precisely?

Is difficulty making decisions a pattern for you? Why do you think this is or isnt?

When you feel stuck, what does it feel like in your body?

What are some regular occurring thought patterns that happen when you feel stuck?

Is there something minor you can change in your life to help with these feelings of being stuck?

What would your life look like if you allowed yourself to let go of the idea of what you think your life should look like, and you just simply allowed yourself to be?

Don’t forget to love yourself, and put yourself first always when making decisions about you and your life. You deserve to feel free. You deserve to flow with ease, like the earth itself.

When seeking Tarot Card Explanations and guidance, our comprehensive Tarot Index is unparalleled. It provides invaluable context to enhance your readings, covering a wide range of topics:

Gain insights into your love life and relationships through our detailed Tarot interpretations. For example, if you need further explanation on the Ace of Swords, or the Seven of Pentacles

Whether you're seeking insights into your dreams or navigating life's challenges, the Tarot is a powerful tool for personal growth and empowerment. From dream interpretations to personalized spreads, our Tarot Universe offers a versatile and intuitive experience.

Embrace the wisdom of the cards and let them guide you on a transformative journey. Unlock the secrets of the Tarot and unlock your full potential.

Read my other blog posts here For Decipher Your Dreams - The Ultimate Dream Interpretation Tarot Spread

Or for my blog post on Understanding Your Shadow Tarot Spread

If you're feeling stuck please see my Feeling Stuck Ultimate Tarot Spread here

Want to receive a free tarot reading well we got you covered. The Tarot Universe if full of pages and in-depth explanations to explore!

From my heart, to yours, lots of love

Love Lovie x

(Teacher, Healer, Writer, Eternal student)

Find more free tarot spreads here, and more of my blog posts here

To read more about me, or to get into contact, you can find me on any of these platforms.


Instagram- @thewayofnamaste

