Decipher Your Dreams - The Ultimate Dream Interpretation Tarot Spread

Lovie Grace
March 25, 2024
Do you find yourself upon your waking moments trying to decipher and analyze your dreams? 
Are your dreams trying to tell you something?
Does it feel like there is a deeper meaning to your dreams? 

If you answered yes to any of these questions then I invite you to open your mind, heart and spirit by using the tarot spread provided below. 

Open up to the possibility of having a deeper understanding of your own. Explore the wonder. Explore the unconscious.

You are a divine creature. A delicate life force placed upon this earth to thrive, grow, adapt, evolve and through all of this; deeply understand yourself. 

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. We spend a third of our lives in a state of unconsciousness. A state of rest. A state of recovery and healing. A state of learning. Our dreams are a part of our entirety as beings. 

Do you think mother Gaia, creator of all, gave us this large chunk of time to simply be still and drift into nothingness? OF COURSE, there is beauty in nothingness. Pure stillness is a practical and powerful part of the body's systematic needs to survive… but a third of our lives? Imagine all that could be harvested if we become more attuned and intuitive with our dreams- our unconscious state of rest. 

We are created, to create. I think, our higher mind leaves little hidden gifts and treasures for us to bestow upon within our dreams. 
It's up to us if we wish to float higher. 
It's up to us if we wish to dig deeper. 

Our higher power, our intuitive powers, our creative juices are all there to be played with within our dreams. They WANT to be incorporated, understood and implemented. Our unconscious state holds messages, mystery and absolute MAGIC that our conscious mind in our awoken state sometimes cannot fathom, or comprehend.

I invite you to open your mind up to the possibility of dreams telling you the story of the third of your life that you may be denying yourself of.
I invite you to uncover the language of your unconscious mind.
I invite you to allow tarots to help you channel the universe within you.

Dreams can be vivid, overwhelming, forgetful or just plain confusing. Sometimes we can remember them completely, sometimes they speak to us deeply, sometimes they can seem so surreal and out of this world that we ignore them abruptly, baffled but amused by the mind’s stories, and then sometimes, they simply vanish. 

But what if we were to dig a little deeper…

What if I could tell you helpful ways to decipher your dreams or ways to enhance the memory of your dreams, or maybe even how to incorporate them into your life to expand your knowledge and sense of self, and through this, your sense of life.

Our dreams can be shown to us for a variety of reasons and overall, our dreams are mental projections of the mind. 

*One thing to note and remember- The conscious mind is what we're actively thinking about, the subconscious mind is what we've learned and stored in our brain, and the unconscious is what we're not aware of at all. Our dreams can form from any of these 3 minds, and tarot can help define, analyse and identify deeper meanings, messages or traumas that aren’t recognized in the conscious state*

There are many different ways dreams can be expressed in the mind, many different ways to experience your dreams and many different ways dreams may occur to you. 

Here are some examples different dream states that can occur;

1. Re-occurring dreams - This is usually derived from a deeper trauma that is often trying to come forth into one's conscious mind from the unconscious, to which the same dream happens over and over, until you can recognize what it is that needs to be healed. (Therapists can be incredibly helpful for this).
2. Lucid dreams - This dream state is where you are aware that you are dreaming whilst dreaming, which is also an experience that can seem elusive and trippy if it’s a first experience. 
3. Replay dreams- These dreams replay what has happened in the day or in the past.
4. Past life dreams- In this kind of dream you may develop strong emotions or relationships with someone from a past life, or even embodiments of yourself from past lives. You may encounter journeys, connections, stories or lessons, too.
5. Subconscious recall dreams- This type of dream will bring our conflicts and issues into our dream state until resolved. When conflict is happening in life, suppressing the emotion or situation until it disappears is what will cause these dreams.
6. Prophetic dreams- These dreams may play out in front of your very eyes the exact way you dreamt, or perhaps little fragments of the dream can become true. These dreams are ones that turn into reality, as if you are predicting the future, a prophecy.

Each of these dream states are incredible invitations to expand your knowledge and explore your mind.

Now before I continue, I also must state;

If you are someone who does not dream, this does not mean you are not spiritual. This does not mean you aren't as connected as others who do. This is an even bigger invitation to explore perhaps, why you may not be dreaming.

Everyone's mind is different, everyone explores their unconscious differently.

I personally go through phases of intense dreaming, and then sometimes, not at all.

Now, as you probably know, there are many dream dictionaries and ideologies of what dreams can mean in a general sense. Google itself has so many different explanations and reasonings, but through all of this, it can still feel a bit uncertain with the lack of personalization. Dreams usually have themes, characters, ideas, symbols, even words, that can be important to one's sole dream interpretation. 

This is where Tarot’s magic begins.

Through Tarot, you will find answers, explanations, interpretations and different perspective meanings, which will allow a deeper understanding of oneself and a further idea of what you may need to dissect, to feel, or even to heal.

Keep in mind… 

Our dreams can be affected, enhanced, influenced and erased due to many different things. 

Foods we eat - sugars, dairy, certain herbs and spices

Exercise routine - too much or not enough

Sleep routine - too much, broken, or not enough

Phases of the moon - full moon, new moon, and even other phases in between

Now we’ve covered the basis, I'll get to the the part you’ve been waiting for…


As you begin. Bring your beloved deck into your hands. 

Start shuffling, close down your eyes (if comfortable) and with the dream on your mind, allow some deep breaths to encapture your body.

(If the dream seems to have vanished, that's okay, you can still do this spread. You’d be surprised that with the intention of remembering and answering these questions, something may come forth)

Continue to shuffle, with your breath and mind at ease, then when you feel ready, 

Begin your spread:

Decipher Your Dreams Tarot Spread

Card 1: Why has this dream come forth?

Card 2: Is there something more that was delivered to me in this dream that I may have missed, from my spirit guide, higher self or ancestors?

Card 3: Is there a lesson or warning in this dream?

Card 4: How can I move forward with this dream and apply it to my life to grow?

If you would like to connect more to your dreams, your higher power, ancestors, or your internal voice and messages, here are some things you can do to advance into a deeper uninterrupted rest. I have also added tips if you want to experience a more vivid state of rest, too.


1. Self care practices before bed

Disconnection from your phone at least 2 hours before bed ~ Our phones contain electromagnetic fields, which we are exposed to by over usage; creating blocks that can interfere with our inner guidance, messages, connection to source and overall, our dreams. 

STORY TIME– This is a story I love to tell, and one that I share often, especially when trying to influence friends/ others to take detoxes from their phones. 
I once lived at an ashram, and my first room I was assigned to was a dorm with 2 other women. In this building, there was absolutely no cell service or connection for cellular inside, or outside the building. It was almost like a black hole. Every single night, I, what felt like journeyed through, the most vivid, hallucinogenic and absolutely weird and wacky dreams I have EVER experienced. Through this, I was able to bring forth things I had suppressed from ex partners, unknown traumas from my parents, and even past triggers within conversations with people throughout the day/ week, that my conscious state hadn't picked up on during the day. 

For example, one night I had a dream that I still remember in depth..

I was dreaming that my entire childhood home was flooding, and my ex partner was on the roof, with his new partner and all of our friends. Every time someone would try to save me, they would fail. He was the only one who could save me. 

If you haven't already realized the deeper meaning; I was so incredibly dependent on him, and when I lost him, I felt I lost everything. He was my savior and I was drowning without him… to which my home, my friends and everyone was watching as I felt I was losing them all, with none of them having the power to save me, leaving me to feel like I was drowning and alone.

An entire month of these dreams, and I have not experienced anything like that, since.

Moral of the story, disconnect as much as you can. Maybe even sleep with your phone outside of your room.

2. Body scrub, self massage, warm bath with essential oil (lavender is great for sleep)

3. Drinking tea/ taking herbs before bed

Chamomile tea - incredible for deep sleep, along with many beneficial health elements. 

Mugwort- Well known for its encouragement of vivid dreams and other health benefits.

Blue lotus - I have not experienced myself, but friends have raved about its magical force to connect to oneself, dreams and divinity itself.

4. Prayers before bed

Dearest higher power, allow my dream state to bring forth messages for ….

Mighty higher source and inner soul, please allow for my dreams to bring me the answer I need

I allow all that needs to come forth in my mind to do so in my dream state, I am ready and open to receiving all guidance possible


Journal upon waking, writing and recalling all you can, and/or answering these 3 questions…

Three Card Tarot Dream Interpretation Spread

  1. The most significant part of the dream
  2. The most significant emotion felt in the dream
  3. Overall theme of the dream

When looking for Tarot Card Explanations and guidance, out Tarot Index is unparalleled with useful context for your readings. Including interpretations for romance and relationships, career and money and also spirituality.

Unveil the mysteries of the Tarot, whether seeking insights into your dreams or navigating life's journey. From dream interpretations to personalized spreads, explore the versatility of our intuitive tool. Embrace the wisdom of the cards and embark on a journey of empowerment and enlightenment within The Tarot Universe.

Thank you for reading and opening your mind and heart to me, and overall, to yourself.

I can only hope that my words invite you to want to enhance your own understanding of your soul through all of its magic and mysterious magnificence.

From my heart, to yours, lots of love

Love Lovie x

(Teacher, Healer, Writer, Student)